How will they rule ??!

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You climate change deniers are straw man supremes. What if I completely redact the whole reliance on the sexy 97% statistic, and instead say that, hell, 70% of "climate experts" say that the change is fueled by human activity?

You'd still be grasping.

Do all of your friends and family members think man-made climate change is fake, too? I can't imagine that's the case. You're in the minority here, bro, and it's not even close.

Good on you though for not being afraid of public schools.

Was it 97% or 70% that manipulated the data?
Nothing harder than trying to maintain eye contact with a woman who's cleavage is out like that. It's literally mental torcher for men to endure.

Troll, Dead, I don't know. Maybe she has airport clothes.

Why the **** is she traveling? Gotta make the most of the long weekend?


April, 2018



Time for term limits on everyone. Especially in the courts. Nobody should have a government job for life.

People keep hollering about a balance of power and that the President has too much. My ass...He's got 8 years max, the amount of harm he can do is limited considering how slow things move in Washington.

As far as I'm concerned the balance of power has shifted heavily in favor of all the lifers on the Hill and in the courts via them outlasting any administration.

I know Senators and Congressmen technically go through elections, but too many of them never face any stiff competition and as incumbents, they wield all the power of the party's resources.

Trump should take up term limits for his second go around, an issue that people on all sides can rally around and the one real way you "drain the swamp"
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Time for term limits on everyone. Especially in the courts. Nobody should have a government job for life.

People keep hollering about a balance of power and that the President has too much. My ass...He's got 8 years max, the amount of harm he can do is limited considering how slow things move in Washington.

As far as I'm concerned the balance of power has shifted heavily in favor of all the lifers on the Hill and in the courts via them outlasting any administration.

I know Senators and Congressmen technically go through elections, but too many of them never face any stiff competition and as incumbents, they wield all the power of the party's resources.

Trump should take up term limits for his second go around, an issue that people on all sides can rally around and the one real way you "drain the swamp"

Obviously congress is never going to vote for term limits. My question is...why can't this be one of those deals where the people vote on it? Somebody needs to make that happen.
Jussie Smollett has had his role cut from Empire.

Fantastic. Thanks, Jussie. This could not have possibly gone any better. Two weeks of bashing conservatives and Trump only for it to completely blow up in the face of Democrat politicians, celebrities, and media members. And now you’re out of a job.

Justice. Or shall I say, Jussietice! Wocka Wocka!
That's not justice. If it was indeed a hoax that he fabricated then the penalty should be much higher than him merely losing his job in order for true justice to take place.
Obviously congress is never going to vote for term limits. My question is...why can't this be one of those deals where the people vote on it? Somebody needs to make that happen.

Petitions and town halls I suppose.

Don't vote for a candidate who's not going to have it on their platform, and if they don't act on it once in office then don't re-elect them.

It's the perfect issue for a guy like Trumpy because he's loud and attracts a lot of attention.

A lot of people were thinking about tougher borders and a wall long before he started shouting it from the mountain top.

I think a lot of people would like term limits but we keep re-electing swamp things who bury the idea. It's why successful porn star bopping, model marrying, rich guys like Trump are what this country actually need more of. He doesn't need the job, the power, money, or influence all of which he has in spades as just a plain ole mogul, and his Mar-a-Lago lifestyle is much more appealing than dicking around in the swamp.

As much as I like the idea of anyone having the ability to become president or high ranking government leaders, we see what happens when poor ole boys from Arkansas and Chicago rise to power. They don't want to let it go and they bring all their buddies with them.

Those types of people kiss up, fall in line, and after office linger around and use their former status to stay in the mix. Whereas Trump came in throwing punches and making enemies. Silicon Valley, the media, Hollywood, foreign bodies, nor corporate America are going to keep him propped up after he leaves.
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Time for term limits on everyone. Especially in the courts. Nobody should have a government job for life.

People keep hollering about a balance of power and that the President has too much. My ass...He's got 8 years max, the amount of harm he can do is limited considering how slow things move in Washington.

As far as I'm concerned the balance of power has shifted heavily in favor of all the lifers on the Hill and in the courts via them outlasting any administration.

I know Senators and Congressmen technically go through elections, but too many of them never face any stiff competition and as incumbents, they wield all the power of the party's resources.

Trump should take up term limits for his second go around, an issue that people on all sides can rally around and the one real way you "drain the swamp"
12 years maximum
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Petitions and town halls I suppose.

Don't vote for a candidate who's not going to have it on their platform, and if they don't act on it once in office then don't re-elect them.

It's the perfect issue for a guy like Trumpy because he's loud and attracts a lot of attention.

A lot of people were thinking about tougher borders and a wall long before he started shouting it from the mountain top.

I think a lot of people would like term limits but we keep re-electing swamp things who bury the idea. It's why successful porn star bopping, model marrying, rich guys like Trump are what this country actually need more of. He doesn't need the job, the power, money, or influence all of which he has in spades as just a plain ole mogul, and his Mar-a-Lago lifestyle is much more appealing than dicking around in the swamp.

As much as I like the idea of anyone having the ability to become president or high ranking government leaders, we see what happens when poor ole boys from Arkansas and Chicago rise to power. They don't want to let it go and they bring all their buddies with them.

Those types of people kiss up, fall in line, and after office linger around and use their former status to stay in the mix. Whereas Trump came in throwing punches and making enemies. Silicon Valley, the media, Hollywood, foreign bodies, nor corporate America are going to keep him propped up after he leaves.
If Trump started shouting about Term Limits, the left would do like they've been doing and go further in the opposite direction. Life terms for elected officials...well, at least until republicans take back control.
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I still cannot believe Trump has not fired Rosenstein by now. WTF Something much Deeper is going on for him to still be there along with many other scumbags.
You know when you live in a prosperous society..when pol are worried about what john wayne a dude who's been dead for decades said
Uh, the people get to vote on that every 2/6 years.

Yes, but...

It's a herculean task to beat an incumbent. There has to be scandal or a national concerted effort to eject a sitting Congressman.

Not to the same scale, but my BIL was a two term state rep in the late 1990's. He thought he had a cordial relationship with the three term Dem state senator for their area. The state senator told my BIL that he was retiring.

You've got a chance when it's an open seat and my BIL went for it.

The state senator reneged on retiring and my BIL was hosed. The Dems gained my BIL's open rep seat and retained the senate seat.

If my BIL had not pursued a higher office, he would have been the incumbent and very hard to beat.
Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

It's a trap! It's a damn Mike Pence trap!

BERLIN — The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay, U.S. officials tell NBC News, a bid aimed in part at denouncing Iran over its human rights record.

Narrowly focused on criminalization, rather than broader LGBT issues like same-sex marriage, the campaign was conceived partly in response to the recent reported execution by hanging of a young gay man in Iran, the Trump administration’s top geopolitical foe.
Yes, but...

It's a herculean task to beat an incumbent. There has to be scandal or a national concerted effort to eject a sitting Congressman.

Not to the same scale, but my BIL was a two term state rep in the late 1990's. He thought he had a cordial relationship with the three term Dem state senator for their area. The state senator told my BIL that he was retiring.

You've got a chance when it's an open seat and my BIL went for it.

The state senator reneged on retiring and my BIL was hosed. The Dems gained my BIL's open rep seat and retained the senate seat.

If my BIL had not pursued a higher office, he would have been the incumbent and very hard to beat.

All good points. People like to talk about term limits, but at the end of the day they are much more concerned about potentially losing a seat in an election - as such, incumbents have a major baked in advantage.
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I'd like to amend the Constitution to ban all federal government employees from ever taking a job as a lobbyist, or in any way accepting payment to try and influence government policy. As well as having to give open access to every source of income and dollar of outflow that happens while they're employed by the American taxpayer.

They can serve as long as they want under those conditions.

Edit: I'd also like to ban them from accepting a single dollar from any media outlets or publishing companies if the content has anything to do with their time in office. They can appear for free if they'd like.