How will they rule ??!

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Souza is a felon so he would be one of those rapists & bad people Trump likes to talk about. Trump says we don't need their kind so those students are just preparing to toss him back over the big beautiful wall. He's such a POS CPAC banned him and they literally will let any complete idiot speak. The only smart thing he has ever said is about christians distorting Jesus' teachings to rationalize the terrible shit they always do.

This is so funny. Trump is so desperate for some good PR he begged japan to nominate him for a nobel prize. That "beautiful" 5 page nomination he always brags about was written by his own staff. and for a sit down that didn't even do anything. When NK actually gets rid of 1 piece of their nuke program then he can go beg some more.

Obama's Nobel Peace prize good. Trump asking for one bad. Obama was at war his entire 8 years expanding the theater from the the original 2ish, I say 2ish because it's so bad nobody knows how many wars were actually in anymore, and destroying the anti war left. If that's the standard for a peace prize, Trump should be able to write a letter without ridicule for not starting new wars.
How's Austin these days? I've heard that ATX and Nashville are quite similar, but I've never spent time in Texas. Was gentrification ever an issue in Austin?
Yes, indeed. Over the past 20 years, white Gen-Xers and Millennials have forced African-Americans out of old East Austin into the outer burbs and even outside Travis County in some cases. Funny how your average SJW remains completely silent about the phenomenon, yet votes in more socialist swine.

Why do you dumbasses post these made up meme's? national emergencies are not used for aid. they are used for sanctions, renew control of arms and tarrifs, mobilize troops, and for pandemics. they are not the same thing as disaster declarations, get your shit together.
When will you dumb asses learn, wikipedia can be updated and changed by anyone.

Pay attention much on here? You, Jameslie, and the other left nuts on here have just about used every anti Trump meme out there for your "fact (Fake) agenda.
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This is so funny. Trump is so desperate for some good PR he begged japan to nominate him for a nobel prize. That "beautiful" 5 page nomination he always brags about was written by his own staff. and for a sit down that didn't even do anything. When NK actually gets rid of 1 piece of their nuke program then he can go beg some more.
NBC news so, FAKE. When will you learn not to be wrong.
Souza is a felon so he would be one of those rapists & bad people Trump likes to talk about. Trump says we don't need their kind so those students are just preparing to toss him back over the big beautiful wall. He's such a POS CPAC banned him and they literally will let any complete idiot speak. The only smart thing he has ever said is about christians distorting Jesus' teachings to rationalize the terrible shit they always do.
False, like many others over the years, he was imprisoned falsely by a corrupt Obama admin and you know this.
Hanson nails it:

Autopsy of a Dead Coup

"The illegal effort to destroy the 2016 Trump campaign by Hillary Clinton campaign’s use of funds to create, disseminate among court media, and then salt among high Obama administration officials, a fabricated, opposition smear dossier failed.

So has the second special prosecutor phase of the coup to abort the Trump presidency failed. There are many elements to what in time likely will become recognized as THE greatest scandal in American political history, marking the first occasion in which U.S. government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president."

Think about that. The Constitution & elections mean nothing to Libs & The Deep State, only their own well-being. And to think half the country idollizies these SOB's. Sick country, folks.
Calling man-made climate change "fake news" is some hillbilly shit. You clearly have access to the internet. Look it up and turn off the damn TV. This whole "new green deal" seems like a pain in the ass, but it's drastic because the looming, dire consequences of permanent climate change will destroy any sense of relative economic stability in our nation and elsewhere.

Just found out Walter Duranty, the NYT writer in the 30s and 40s who lied about the genocide in Ukraine under Stalin (receiving a Pulitzer Prize), was a great associate of Satanist Aleister Crowley and actually married his mistress.

Probably no connection between all of those organizations/ideologies at all, though. Big coincidence. @CastleRubric
CNN saying Jussie's story should have warranted skepticism from the very beginning.

Well....why weren't you then?

I honestly don't know if these people are mentally retarded or do this shit intentionally.

Start with this [my emphasis bolded]:

On Friday I took Jamie to see "Network" on Broadway. We loved it. One of the monologues by Bryan Cranston's character Howard Beale rang in my ears all weekend.

"Here is the truth: the real truth, the thing we must be most afraid of," he said, "is the destructive power of absolute beliefs -- that we can know anything conclusively, absolutely -- whether we are compelled to it by anger, fear, righteousness, injustice, indignation. As soon as you have ossified that belief, as soon as you start believing in the absolute, you stop believing in human beings, as mad and tragic as they are... in all their complexity, their otherness, their intractable reality... The only commitment any of us can have is to other people..."

And then end with this:

There's one view, promoted by professional anti-media messengers like Donald Trump Jr., who portray the media as one big blob. He tweeted that "media/Hollywood desperately wanted" Smollett's claims "to be true to push their hate of conservatives."

Then there's another view — which I know to be true — that the "media" is made up of thousands of outlets and hundreds of thousands of people, with great journalists and lazy aggregators, with no single mission or belief system. Are there mistakes and built-in biases? Definitely. But most journalists are trying their best to report what's true. This competitive, chaotic world of media contradicts Don Jr.'s imagined world.

My question: What's the best way to help people who see a singular "media" enemy to see the wide world of "media" that actually exists?

Um, ok you goddam moron. Maybe that absolute belief you know to be true is wrong?
Pathetically funny.
they will blame conservatives for ripping Jussie to shreds , and they will continue the hoaxes because that is what sociopaths do.. let’s just rehash on hoaxes .....

LeBron James
Clock boy
Kevin sumlin racist death threat letters at Texas am
Seahawks Bennett in Vegas
Duke lacrosse team
Missouri poop swastika
Sen. Rounds, I don't know whether you're more naive or stupid:

"Like our Founding Fathers, many of whom later went on to be elected president, we can be principled in our beliefs while also finding consensus with those who have different views. We can do so with civility and respect."

Senator, you falsely assume your opponents are principled. They've proven themselves to be anything but. Absolute power is their only goal. Thinking such as yours will lead to the end of this country.

Classic RINO. SD needs to do much better.
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Yes, indeed. Over the past 20 years, white Gen-Xers and Millennials have forced African-Americans out of old East Austin into the outer burbs and even outside Travis County in some cases. Funny how your average SJW remains completely silent about the phenomenon, yet votes in more socialist swine.
I read this a few weeks ago, amazing watching the SJW fascists attack each other when they push everyone else out.

Why do you dumbasses post these made up meme's? national emergencies are not used for aid. they are used for sanctions, renew control of arms and tarrifs, mobilize troops, and for pandemics. they are not the same thing as disaster declarations, get your shit together.

Ok, then Please go through each and every National Emergency put in place by Obama and explain the nature of the Emergency, and justification for how it was necessary to protect the safety and welfare of the citizens of our country moreso than the Emergency Trump declared.

I'm Waiting...
So if what allegedly happened is true. What was the assumed liberal perpetrator doing with a loaded gun? Isn't that counter to all they believe?
I wear trump gear all the time. 90%is positive I love it feedback but I’ll be chilling out and the next thing I kno I got someone wanting to fight me . I don’t wear it to piss people off but I refuse to be bullied into submission based on lies ... we have to support the right to free speech and demand civility

This is so funny. Trump is so desperate for some good PR he begged japan to nominate him for a nobel prize. That "beautiful" 5 page nomination he always brags about was written by his own staff. and for a sit down that didn't even do anything. When NK actually gets rid of 1 piece of their nuke program then he can go beg some more.

Do you think he's the first to lobby for a NP?

That's how awards work, you lobby for them or people on your behalf do.

Heisman Trophies, Academy Awards, Scholarships, Research Grants...and on and on...hell you even lobby to become president...

If I'm the first president to have a legit discussion/relationship with North Korea, you're damn right I'm lobbying for a Noble...he's also trying to get out of a damn near 20-year war and reduce our involvement where we don't need to be involved. Liberals and folks from around the globe have been crowing to do those things for decades...

If you have a case for something, you present it...
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The premise behind the lynching thing was ridiculous. Every state had a law against it, but since the federal government did not we had to go ahead and make up a new law to pass.

She planned on parlaying that on the campaign trail.

When will you dumb asses learn, wikipedia can be updated and changed by anyone.

Pay attention much on here? You, Jameslie, and the other left nuts on here have just about used every anti Trump meme out there for your "fact (Fake) agenda.

I used to change Wiki. Did it for Forde and Pitino. I think they must get an alert when it's changed now because it used to stay up for a day or two and now if you change one it's put back within the hour.

So if what allegedly happened is true. What was the assumed liberal perpetrator doing with a loaded gun? Isn't that counter to all they believe?

Hypocrisy is their Truth.