How will they rule ??!

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It really is remarkable this open and obvious treason is accepted.

I'm not exaggerating or being hyperbolic when I say everyone involved should be put in front of a firing squad. That is literally what should happen to these people.

Instead we have the deep state running interference in the administration until they can install their next desirable big government globalist puppet.

Trump needs to install someone in the DOJ who isn't a compromised deep state hack.

Never will happen, I know.
Jeez, any local leftoids ever wonder why?

Karl Marx's London memorial vandalised for second time.

It really is remarkable this open and obvious treason is accepted.

I'm not exaggerating or being hyperbolic when I say everyone involved should be put in front of a firing squad. That is literally what should happen to these people.

Unfortunately the mainstream media spouts enough bullshit to cause a Lion King wildabeast riot if that happened.
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So come 2020 election time the Democratic Party will be able to boast:

-Nonstop Russia hysteria
-A special investigation that has been successful in ruining a decorated General and the lives of some other old farts
-opposing tax cuts
-Obstruction at every turn
-Making a mockery of the Supreme Court nomination process
-Reversing the idea of innocent until proven guilty
-Embracing socialism
-Demonizing white men at every chance
-Resisting the idea of being a nation that can and should secure its borders and protect its people
-Ilhan Omar, AOC, Chuck, Nancy, and Maxine being the faces of the party
-making it easier to get an abortion even later
-Demonizing Covington Catholic
-Basically excommunicating Howard Shultz a liberal dude, who ran a liberal company headquartered in liberal Seattle
-Running Amazon out of NY
-Believing Jussie Smollett

I mean Trumpy has his flaws and the pubs have left a lot to be desired, but damn...

I'm not in the business of trying to convert anyone, this is America after all, clearly, anything and everything goes. However, I am curious if the real normal and decent Dems and even Libs out there are satisfied with all that?

Can you really accept that as a productive and winning platform/agenda?