How will they rule ??!

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Trump told some reporter to look up prison stats on illegals. Said they are the majority of federal prisoners. "Look it up, trust me" now everyone has looked it up. Illegals are 19%. That's one heck of a majority.

Yeah, I have a hard time believing most will walk hundreds of miles with a 30 foot ladder on their back. That sounds totally reasonable.

Here is my only issue - from some footage I have seen, people who show up at the border are being let in through gates that clearly can open and close. Why open them? If I go to an airport and try to fly to the US and don't have a valid passport (and Visa in many cases) I can't even get on the plane. Why are people at the Southern border treated with a different set of rules? If we are going to spend money shoring up the physical security of the border (which I think we should,) we should also update policy to not let people in. Otherwise we are spinning our wheels IMO.
I'm a Republican and I voted for Trump. Declaring an emergency and building this wall is BS. If he wanted it that bad he should have let the government shut down again and dealt with the political blowback from that. The Dems would have caved eventually. They almost caved the first time. This is a constitutional farce. The courts should immediately block this.
Still would like to see one of our resident DUMBASS libs show us any proof AT ALL of man made global warming.
We could present the science that has been presented for years but you'll just dismiss it because you don't want to believe it, so I have better ways to waste my time.
AOC is very happy that the state of New York will now not receive $24 billion in taxes since Amazon bailed.
Don't know what tax breaks NY was going to give them, but federally, they actually got something like a $127 million refund this year according to the NY Times article I read this morning.
I agree Amazon is evil but I also agree that New York politicians are evil. As a Kentuckian I have no dog in this fight.
I'm not exactly happy that my home state of VA is allowing Amazon to come in while likely barely paying a cent in taxes to help offset the negatives that come with their addition to the area. I have several friends that work around there and many are trying their hardest to get out because it's likely going to drive the cost of property thru the roof. Which is great if you are selling it and can find someone to buy it, not so much if you don't own property or want to keep it and are seeing your property tax bill skyrocket.

They should have to pay their fair amount of taxes like I do and like what other businesses do, not be able to get a refund or pay nothing just because of who they are. Amazon having gotten a $120 something million refund this year is a travesty of tax law.
FFS, what an example of reading something and making it fit what you want it to say. Nowhere in your Trump quote from a year ago did he say it was not an emergency. Do you remember the campaign...pretty much every stop he said it was an emergency and one of his highest priorities was to reverse it. So , after a year of his presidency, he touts some numbers that say his strategy is working to a degree, and you say that he said it wasnt an emergency any more.

1.2 billion annually to house federal illegal alien prisoners. 1 in every 5 federal prisoners an illegal. Fentanyl and other very harmful drugs flowing over the southern border, fueling the undeniable and tragic opiod crisis in this country which devastates families and costs , i would assume, billions annually. Coyotes and other horrible smugglers taking advantage of desparate people from Mexico and Latin America by charging them exorbitant sums on the promise that they will get them across the Rio Grande--primarily because that chance exists because huge parts of that border are so porous. These same people, especially women, getting raped and otherwise taken advantage of along the way. Child and other human trafficking into the US from those same countries and for that same reason....porous border.

Don't you and other libs want to start attacking and stopping any of these things? Forget politics for a you not think all of these things together, all related to border security, , add up to an emergency?

This is not about racism, or preventing Jose and Maria and their 2 actual children from coming here legally to live and work.This is about stopping very seriously bad things. and people.

Well thought out, and excellently articulated retort to Eastky's usual nonsense.

Now lets see what happens. Will Eastky:
1. Forget politics and give a well thought out retort in response?
2. Simply regurgitate democrat talking points?
3. Ignore post and not respond?
4. Continue being the keyboard warrior who would never say the things he does to an Angel Mom or a family affected by the opioid crisis?

My money is on 3 and 4.
And while I don’t oppose a wall, the GOP are fools if they don’t at least try to stop trump from building a wall without congressional approval.

It’s opening up Pandora’s box and Trump either doesn’t know it or doesn’t care. Paving the road for President Bernie or President Pocahontas to shut down the coal mines and give everyone free healthcare, in the name of a national emergency.
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And while I don’t oppose a wall, the GOP are fools if they don’t at least try to stop trump from building a wall without congressional approval.

It’s opening up Pandora’s box and Trump either doesn’t know it or doesn’t care. Paving the road for President Bernie or President Pocahontas to shut down the coal mines and give everyone free healthcare, in the name of a national emergency.

It is an emergency though, it has been for years. The sad thing is everyone knows it too.

The Dems should be bitching at their elected officials for doing nothing and not working out DACA for wall funding.
I'm not exactly happy that my home state of VA is allowing Amazon to come in while likely barely paying a cent in taxes to help offset the negatives that come with their addition to the area. I have several friends that work around there and many are trying their hardest to get out because it's likely going to drive the cost of property thru the roof. Which is great if you are selling it and can find someone to buy it, not so much if you don't own property or want to keep it and are seeing your property tax bill skyrocket.

They should have to pay their fair amount of taxes like I do and like what other businesses do, not be able to get a refund or pay nothing just because of who they are. Amazon having gotten a $120 something million refund this year is a travesty of tax law.

This post is so unbelievably ignorant I don't even know where to start.

The whole "my refund shrank so my taxes went up" really put the ignorance of the American taxpayer on display.

The above just compounds on that. You know why Amazon showed negative $129 million of current US taxes? Either because they had negative taxable income in the US, or generated enough in Federal refundable tax credit - i.e. they are spending money in areas the US Government has deemed worthy of credits, such as research and development, etc. - to drive their liability for the year negative.


But Amazon earned $11 billion!!!!


Without looking at the financials, they could have made $11 billion of capital expenditures on equipment during the year. They'd depreciate that over 5 or so years for book, and write it off as an expense in this year. That's an $8.8 billion dollar difference in book and tax income because Amazon infused $11 billion into the equipment maker economy.

That's a made up example, but I'm sure Amazon had a huge depreciation M1 as will most companies adding equipment. But guess what? You pay for that. If they have a favorable adjustment this year, they're paying it back next year.

A good amount of your typical book to tax adjustments are timing differences that net to zero over the long run.

Sorry for my rant, but jesus christ people are so goddam ignorant when it comes to taxes.

If Amazon has $1 of US taxable income, they're paying 21 cents of tax in cash or credits.