How will they rule ??!

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Wasn't an emergency as little as a year ago according to the man himself. Why couldnt solutions be found when Republicans held both houses of congress?

Remember how the national debt was the greatest threat this country has ever faced when Obama was president, then Republicans continued to increase the debt when they took power? You're getting played man, and you know it. Dont let these idiots string you along.

FFS, what an example of reading something and making it fit what you want it to say. Nowhere in your Trump quote from a year ago did he say it was not an emergency. Do you remember the campaign...pretty much every stop he said it was an emergency and one of his highest priorities was to reverse it. So , after a year of his presidency, he touts some numbers that say his strategy is working to a degree, and you say that he said it wasnt an emergency any more.

1.2 billion annually to house federal illegal alien prisoners. 1 in every 5 federal prisoners an illegal. Fentanyl and other very harmful drugs flowing over the southern border, fueling the undeniable and tragic opiod crisis in this country which devastates families and costs , i would assume, billions annually. Coyotes and other horrible smugglers taking advantage of desparate people from Mexico and Latin America by charging them exorbitant sums on the promise that they will get them across the Rio Grande--primarily because that chance exists because huge parts of that border are so porous. These same people, especially women, getting raped and otherwise taken advantage of along the way. Child and other human trafficking into the US from those same countries and for that same reason....porous border.

Don't you and other libs want to start attacking and stopping any of these things? Forget politics for a you not think all of these things together, all related to border security, , add up to an emergency?

This is not about racism, or preventing Jose and Maria and their 2 actual children from coming here legally to live and work.This is about stopping very seriously bad things. and people.
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It's absolutely an emergency. But one that can and should be solved by legislation or other means. Checks and balances exist for a reason. Alternative is to send the troops because maintaining our borders is a function of the commander in chief

Just like Obama's EOs, this sets a dangerous precedent for next time a Dem wins. Like some of us warned then, it won't always be your team that wins.
I pray you all stay safe during this national emergency. All my sincerest thoughts and prayers. I know most of us wont make it, but stay safe friends.
The Angel Parents, and all the families of the victims of drug overdoses due to all of the drugs crossing into our country thank you for your sincerest thoughts and prayers and wonder where they were prior to their loved ones falling victim to the problem.
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Trump whisperers, like Giuliani, Sanders, and FOX News, will be out quickly to try to straighten out this train wreck of a press conference and tell the world that the words that came from POTUS Heel Spurs mouth actually had a different meaning than what he said. The Big Orange Buffoon keeps his revisionists busy.
Kinda like all the Dimowits trying to spin that disaster of a Green New Deal?
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I hope you're able to stay safe in this trying time. A true national emergency which I fear most of us will not survive.
Luckily I'm just fine. I have a friend/colleague that OD'd last year. He's not fine. He's dead at 33. Yes, he was responsible for what happened, but the less drugs that come across the border, the less are available for people to OD on.

I wish you had to say smug shit like that to families that have had lost loved ones to illegal aliens or drugs coming across the border. I really do.

Think about that for a second. We are in hot sauce and Beyoncé territory.
I'm truly amazed that black
Such a smart political move doing this. 1 of 2 things are going to happen from this. The Dems back down and vote against it because of all the negative publicity behind it. If they happens I assume there will be a massive fraction created in the party.

Or all the idiots sign it and that just gives Trump all the ammo needed. If you have your name on that and you go to debate Trump next year, goodnight.
Get you either way. Make fun of you for not being a real Democrat or for being too Democrat. Mitch ain't no dummy, his 51 will vote no and the other 49 will be on the hook for their response either way.
It's absolutely an emergency. But one that can and should be solved by legislation or other means. Checks and balances exist for a reason. Alternative is to send the troops because maintaining our borders is a function of the commander in chief

Just like Obama's EOs, this sets a dangerous precedent for next time a Dem wins. Like some of us warned then, it won't always be your team that wins.
I think we've just spent the past couple of months trying to do it legislatively. (well really for decades to no avail) but one parties raging hatred for the orange man has them refusing to even listen. Trump has bent over backwards to accommodate the left and compromise but the left is putting their hatred for the President over protection of the American people. He could have made this declaration on day one of his presidency, but he tried and tried to allow both sides to work out an agreement. We've finally reached the tipping point due to the pettiness of the left.
I think we've just spent the past couple of months trying to do it legislatively. (well really for decades to no avail) but one parties raging hatred for the orange man has them refusing to even listen. Trump has bent over backwards to accommodate the left and compromise but the left is putting their hatred for the President over protection of the American people. He could have made this declaration on day one of his presidency, but he tried and tried to allow both sides to work out an agreement. We've finally reached the tipping point due to the pettiness of the left.

All true. But still not a valid reason for the action imo
It's been an emergency for 40 years East Ky. Trump probably still thought politicians cared more for country than party at that time.

So you're fine with whats going on at the border? The millions of illegal aliens that have, and will continue to flood the nation don't alarm you. 70000 people a year dying from opioids, a majority of which cross the southern border.

A solution couldn't be found because the Dems blocked it, you need 60 votes in the senate. A deal could've been had, but it isn't there when one side WILL NOT negotiate, and you're perfectly fine with the hypocrisy of Dems stalling, even though they allocated money for border walls in 2013, far more than Trump was wanting.
These points have been laid out for that lying twat a dozen times. He chooses to pop in crowing with one liners and never answers. Perfect NPC whore.
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So AOC's boyfriend is the guy in the back? Who in the world would have guessed a socialist moron would date a stereotype like that?

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"This has definitely been an emergency for two years, I just forgot to declare it so until today. Honest."
-Trump, probably
The right has a problem understanding the scope of issues and their solutions. While problems with illegal immigration are real, it is the issue of the month that Republicans will use to keep a gullible base foaming at the mouth.

Under Obama it was the debt (added to by Republicans once in power), healthcare (no plans to replace once in power), the expansion of executive power (VERY ironic today), you name it. Hell, last week it was abortions in NY. These were all made out to be existential crises by the right wing propaganda cycle.

They will play you until you stop allowing it.

You think we're only upset about illegal immigration because Trump tells us to be? My god, you are brainwashed hoss, it's been an issue for years. Issue of the month? Is that how you justify the behavior of the Democrats? Just bury your head in the sand and reoeat something enough it becomes true? Is that why you pretended to be a Republican on here?

Last week the Dems stated they were in favor of infanticide, and you think its just a passing fad that we were upset about it? You think 70000 people dying a year, millions of illegal aliens, drugs pouring over the border are just the flavor of the week? You're insane

It isn't rightwing propaganda, it's the democratic party has gone completely off the rails, and you think we're being played?
Of course you left out the part about them being criminals, which is why they are in prison. Your mind is eaten up with identity politics. Can't even call someone a criminal if they belong to one of your protected victim groups.
Hell many of them are animals, just as many of the rest of the prisoners, regardless of their ethnicity, are animals. They're in a Federal Penitentiary, these aren't model citizens (or illegal immigrants) we're talking about here.
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Luckily I'm just fine. I have a friend/colleague that OD'd last year. He's not fine. He's dead at 33. Yes, he was responsible for what happened, but the less drugs that come across the border, the less are available for people to OD on.

I wish you had to say smug shit like that to families that have had lost loved ones to illegal aliens or drugs coming across the border. I really do.
I'm sorry about your friend, but a wall ain't stopping anyone with a ladder.