How will they rule ??!

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How many federal dollars are going towards housing, feeding and providing medical care for 19% of the federal prison population?
19% of 180,421 federal prisoners = 34,279.

The amount of money we spend to house and feed these animals is unacceptable. I suggest our local loons, who want these criminals here, voluntarily surrender part of their paychecks to finance this ongoing effort.
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19% of 180,421 federal prisoners = 34,279.

The amount of money we spend to house and feed these animals is unacceptable. I suggest our local loons, who want these criminals here, voluntarily surrender part of their paychecks to finance this ongoing effort.
It cost $36,299 per inmate per year to house them each year.
That’s $1,225,000,000
I saw a few minutes of Hannity last night. He didn't seem very happy about what Trump is doing.
This is foreign to you, but people on the right routinely disagree with GOP leaders. For example, Cantor and Boehner are out of office due to wasting the power they were given. Conversely the party of mindless whores still has a nearly 80 yo rambling grifter as its main voice due to her fundraising prowess.
Trump told some reporter to look up prison stats on illegals. Said they are the majority of federal prisoners. "Look it up, trust me" now everyone has looked it up. Illegals are 19%. That's one heck of a majority.
Now do gun violence statistics and see how they are even lower compared to total owners..yet gun control advocacy keeps getting pushed...
Now do gun violence statistics and see how they are even lower compared to total owners..yet gun control advocacy keeps getting pushed...
Doesn't really matter. We just opened up a whole new can of worms about what a national emergency is.

Good thing for our constitution this wont hold up.
Great job Plat...and Trump didn't tell Acosta the majority of prisoners were illegal aliens either...just said look up the %.

1 in 5...WOW....WOW
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Doesn't really matter. We just opened up a whole new can of worms about what a national emergency is.

Good thing for our constitution this wont hold up.

You dpn't think having illegal aliens flooding our border is a national emergency? Jesus Christ, we all can agree that 9/11 was a national emergency, 2500 people were killed. There will be 20 times that amount killed by drugs smuggled and illegal aliens that have or will come across the southern border this year.

Why in god's name don't you support getting control of the situation on the border?
You dpn't think having illegal aliens flooding our border is a national emergency? Jesus Christ, we all can agree that 9/11 was a national emergency, 2500 people were killed. There will be 20 times that amount killed by drugs smuggled and illegal aliens that have or will come across the southern border this year.

Why in god's name don't you support getting control of the situation on the border?
Wasn't an emergency as little as a year ago according to the man himself. Why couldnt solutions be found when Republicans held both houses of congress?

Remember how the national debt was the greatest threat this country has ever faced when Obama was president, then Republicans continued to increase the debt when they took power? You're getting played man, and you know it. Dont let these idiots string you along.

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I pray you all stay safe during this national emergency. All my sincerest thoughts and prayers. I know most of us wont make it, but stay safe friends.
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Wasn't an emergency as little as a year ago according to the man himself. Why couldnt solutions be found when Republicans held both houses of congress?

Remember how the national debt was the greatest threat this country has ever faced when Obama was president, then Republicans continued to increase the debt when they took power? You're getting played man, and you know it. Dont let these idiots string you along.

This could be tough for you to understand, but saying illegal crossings are at a 45 year low doesn't mean that illegals crossing the border isn't an emergency.
"I could do the wall over a longer period of time, I didn't need to do this, but I'd rather do it much faster"
"The only reason we're up here talking about this is because of the election."

I thought he was talking about this because it's an emergency.
How stupid is Trump. Hrs not even trying to make his new plan work. He literally just said in his speech that it isnt an emergency he just wants it done fast. This will never make it out of the courts alive.
Trump whisperers, like Giuliani, Sanders, and FOX News, will be out quickly to try to straighten out this train wreck of a press conference and tell the world that the words that came from POTUS Heel Spurs mouth actually had a different meaning than what he said. The Big Orange Buffoon keeps his revisionists busy.
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You dpn't think having illegal aliens flooding our border is a national emergency? Jesus Christ, we all can agree that 9/11 was a national emergency, 2500 people were killed. There will be 20 times that amount killed by drugs smuggled and illegal aliens that have or will come across the southern border this year.

Why in god's name don't you support getting control of the situation on the border?
Isn't 58 the number of National Emergencies that's been declared since the ability to do so was enacted in 1976? if so, then why is this the one that's going to trigger some abuse of the law that allows the president to do so.

I still want to hear from one of our resident Dimowits or from any Dimowit for that matter, how it's not an emergency and what we gain from having an open border policy because apparently all of them are saints coming across.
Wasn't an emergency as little as a year ago according to the man himself. Why couldnt solutions be found when Republicans held both houses of congress?

Remember how the national debt was the greatest threat this country has ever faced when Obama was president, then Republicans continued to increase the debt when they took power? You're getting played man, and you know it. Dont let these idiots string you along.

It's been an emergency for 40 years East Ky. Trump probably still thought politicians cared more for country than party at that time.

So you're fine with whats going on at the border? The millions of illegal aliens that have, and will continue to flood the nation don't alarm you. 70000 people a year dying from opioids, a majority of which cross the southern border.

A solution couldn't be found because the Dems blocked it, you need 60 votes in the senate. A deal could've been had, but it isn't there when one side WILL NOT negotiate, and you're perfectly fine with the hypocrisy of Dems stalling, even though they allocated money for border walls in 2013, far more than Trump was wanting.
Trump whisperers, like Giuliani, Sanders, and FOX News, will be out quickly to try to straighten out this train wreck of a press conference and tell the world that the words that came from POTUS Heel Spurs mouth actually had a different meaning than what he said. The Big Orange Buffoon keeps his revisionists busy.
^Could you imagine being this much of an idiot^
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It's been an emergency for 40 years East Ky. Trump probably still thought politicians cared more for country than party at that time.

So you're fine with whats going on at the border? The millions of illegal aliens that have, and will continue to flood the nation don't alarm you. 70000 people a year dying from opioids, a majority of which cross the southern border.

A solution couldn't be found because the Dems blocked it, you need 60 votes in the senate. A deal could've been had, but it isn't there when one side WILL NOT negotiate, and you're perfectly fine with the hypocrisy of Dems stalling, even though they allocated money for border walls in 2013, far more than Trump was wanting.
The right has a problem understanding the scope of issues and their solutions. While problems with illegal immigration are real, it is the issue of the month that Republicans will use to keep a gullible base foaming at the mouth.

Under Obama it was the debt (added to by Republicans once in power), healthcare (no plans to replace once in power), the expansion of executive power (VERY ironic today), you name it. Hell, last week it was abortions in NY. These were all made out to be existential crises by the right wing propaganda cycle.

They will play you until you stop allowing it.