How will they rule ??!

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Since the late 60's, world disasters have been "predicted" from snake oil salesman who have mostly gone on to reaping big rewards for selling gloom and doom. It seems that every decade we have only 10 to 12 years before the earth falls apart or it will be too late etc....So far no organization or Ice Age to Global Warming to Climate Change town crier has been even remotely correct. The only thing is now most of them are super rich. See a pattern? Ocrazio has already upped her stock by $10 million in a short time touting out the New Green Deal. Hey libtards, her definition of "Green" is not what you think. But hey, you losers jump on the next crises that comes along because, your lives suck big time and you need something to rally around and give other peoples money to. If you actually worked for yours you would not be so willing to give it up.
"I also knew you would provide *nothing* to refute what 97% of scientists worldwide have agreed upon."

It has already been refuted by those who exposed the hoax through emails showing the numbers were doctored. Also, the point being made has been over and over again that there is no concrete proof man is the factor in any climate change. Fact is, the climate has changed for millions of years from one extreme to the other and, in the last few hundred years has only changed a little over one degree.

Another fact that eludes you lemmings is that it has also been proven that mans survival percentages on this earth have a much higher percentage in warmer climates than it has been in colder so, even if it rises another degree and a half in the next few hundred years, man will still be better off then we are now.
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I knew you'd come knocking.

I also knew you would provide *nothing* to refute what 97% of scientists worldwide have agreed upon.

97% of "scientists" DO NOT agree. And, even if they did it does nothing to prove mmgw. Science, true science, does not rely on consensus. Very disconcerting that you are tasked with educating young people when you have no clue what is going on with the world around you. You suck as a teacher because you obviously sucked as a student.

Do you dumbass bro? Yeah. Quite a bit.
Say what you want about AOC but the Right is OBSESSED with her. They literally cannot stop talking/tweeting about her. Sachs Baron Cohen couldn’t get better reactions out of them.

I’m against giving her attention publicly but she is promoted by the left which drives the narrative and the right reacts. AOC is dumber than Palin and we saw what the left did with her.

AOC is a nobody being promoted by the left (Netflix doc coming) and the right never learn to not play along with the left.
97% of "scientists" DO NOT agree. And, even if they did it does nothing to prove mmgw. Science, true science, does not rely on consensus. Very disconcerting that you are tasked with educating young people when you have no clue what is going on with the world around you. You suck as a teacher because you obviously sucked as a student.

Do you dumbass bro? Yeah. Quite a bit.
I had no idea he was a teacher. It is scary what students are being taught today
Whether scientists agree or not misses the point, that is what are you going to do about it?

The left wants people to live in cities because mass transit magically makes the per capita carbon footprint calculation favorable. Even though cities literally pave over nature and require thousands of square miles of industrialized farmland to support themselves. They also have no problem bringing consumption from the future with insane government debt, redistributing resources from the rich to the poor to increase consumption, or moving people in mass from the third world to the first to increase their consumption. If you believe it's going to cause the world to end in a decade, you wouldn't overlook these contradictions.

It's reasonable to think constantly burning fuel, discarding plastics and chemicals into the world, and scooping every tuna out of the pacific with a giant net will have consequences.
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Yeah because, they all carry 30' or longer ladders across South America and then jump to the ground once up. You couldn't be more ridiculous.
We'll just need a national emergency to eradicate all ladders. Don't be ridiculous. Your boy Trump promised it in the campaign, he can't do it, so he is publicly shitting himself. His stupid promise is the only reason we're having this conversation to begin with.
We'll just need a national emergency to eradicate all ladders. Don't be ridiculous. Your boy Trump promised it in the campaign, he can't do it, so he is publicly shitting himself. His stupid promise is the only reason we're having this conversation to begin with.
This post just shows how stupid you really are and how much of a reading comprehension problem you have. He is trying to make good on his promises which others of recent years have not. Damn the consequences, he wants to try and do the right thing which your side and you with your corrupt ideas want to stop.
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Bro. Are you seriously this dense? Before the Industrial Revolution the carbon cycle had changes that were the result of volcano eruptions and shit. The burning of fossil fuels caused carbon levels to shoot through the roof, and they're still climbing. Did you read the climate report last year? Or hell, did you even do what I did and just peep the highlights?

Man is causing extreme climate change because of our dependence on burning fossil fuels for energy. To what degree? Look at the damn graphs of atmospheric carbon levels before and after the Industrial Revolution.

Calling man-made climate change "fake news" is some hillbilly shit. You clearly have access to the internet. Look it up and turn off the damn TV. This whole "new green deal" seems like a pain in the ass, but it's drastic because the looming, dire consequences of permanent climate change will destroy any sense of relative economic stability in our nation and elsewhere.
Cool story bro, but just give me the scientific proof that man has caused it and I’ll give you kudos. I’d say you are too dense though. I’m looking forward to your report.
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If Kaepernick had a case for collusion - doesn't Tim tebow?

Tebow was not offered even as a backup despite taking a crap team to the playoffs and winning a game. Teams signed way worse QBs. And tebow was maybe the most marketable player in the NFL at the time.
Tebow was a bad QB that refused to change position even when teams were willing to sign him to play something other than QB.


Also, sub 50% completion percentage in the playoffs. Led the league in fumbles in 2011.
Wildcat Boston acting as if he actually knows anything. LOL. Works as a gym teacher for a division 3 college. Going to teach tax lawyers on here on the new tax law. That takes an overly inflated sense of self to do that.

Like going to a nuclear fission thread and spouting shit off while doing "acupuncture" for a living. Guy absolutely is beyond clueless
I knew you'd come knocking.

I also knew you would provide *nothing* to refute what 97% of scientists worldwide have agreed upon.

So tell me, wise exactly is the extreme increase of atmospheric carbon since the Industrial Revolution NOT caused

I know that you and I vehemently disagree about this topic. We won't get anywhere with a back and forth. With that said, I must ask...

What's your order at Starnes? I get one pork sandwich hot, one beef sandwich hot. I'll even go for the bologna hot sometimes if I'm feeling nostalgic. Plain chips get converted into "BBQ chips" when I drizzle them with the sauce. Sun Drop if I'm eating in, water at the house if I'm taking out. Then I drink Buds until I pass out.

I grew up in Paducah but it bores me to tears whenever I visit. With that said, Starnes is completely unique and always worth the trip. The prices at Dairyette are still stuck in the 70's too, which is amazing. Still ordering the double burger with a side of tots and the nasty cheese sauce. I used to eat like a savage back in my KY days. Shout out to Taco John's too.

Are there any vegetarian-friendly (local) restaurants in the area? I'll need a break from the meat next time, and I'd like to support small businesses.

Personally, I prefer Harneds. I haven’t eaten at Starnes in 25 years, I really don’t know why I haven’t.
Tebow was a bad QB that refused to change position even when teams were willing to sign him to play something other than QB.


Also, sub 50% completion percentage in the playoffs. Led the league in fumbles in 2011.

He took over as Denver's qb and drug the awful team to the playoffs and won a game.

Kaep sucked after harbaugh left.

At the time they each left the league, they were about the same
Tebow was a bad QB that refused to change position even when teams were willing to sign him to play something other than QB.


Also, sub 50% completion percentage in the playoffs. Led the league in fumbles in 2011.

Newsflash, Kaepernick had turned into a bad QB. He was about to be cut, which is why he started kneeling. A washed up QB turned it into a 20million dollar payday and whatever Nike gave him. Not bad

you idiot liberals and being hung up on corporations paying taxes, once again. They don't pay taxes, if they do owe taxes at the end of their fiscal yr, it is merely an overhead expense that gets passed on to the customer.

How much product was Amazon responsible for moving last year, in the U.S.? I know my wife bought a shitload of off their site. That is a lot of sales taxes being generated to the govt. How many employees does Amazon have? Those wages being paid from Amazon to their 10s of thousands of workers have taxes coming out, correct? How many small businesses benefit because Amazon distributes their goods? Are those small businesses paying taxes? Amazon is directly or indirectly responsible for billions in tax revenue.
you idiot liberals and being hung up on corporations paying taxes, once again. They don't pay taxes, if they do owe taxes at the end of their fiscal yr, it is merely an overhead expense that gets passed on to the customer.

How much product was Amazon responsible for moving last year, in the U.S.? I know my wife bought a shitload of off their site. That is a lot of sales taxes being generated to the govt. How many employees does Amazon have? Those wages being paid from Amazon to their 10s of thousands of workers have taxes coming out, correct? How many small businesses benefit because Amazon distributes their goods? Are those small businesses paying taxes? Amazon is directly or indirectly responsible for billions in tax revenue.

You will never get an intelligent response.
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you idiot liberals and being hung up on corporations paying taxes, once again. They don't pay taxes, if they do owe taxes at the end of their fiscal yr, it is merely an overhead expense that gets passed on to the customer.

How much product was Amazon responsible for moving last year, in the U.S.? I know my wife bought a shitload of off their site. That is a lot of sales taxes being generated to the govt. How many employees does Amazon have? Those wages being paid from Amazon to their 10s of thousands of workers have taxes coming out, correct? How many small businesses benefit because Amazon distributes their goods? Are those small businesses paying taxes? Amazon is directly or indirectly responsible for billions in tax revenue.

You ****ing liberals are so obsessed with 1. gaining power, then 2. stealing money from the populace, as much of it as you can to maintain that power. you guys are obsessed with taxes. taking from those who work so you can promise to those who don't for votes to keep power and keep stealing. taxes, taxes. you guys need to be lined up and executed.
The Angel Parents, and all the families of the victims of drug overdoses due to all of the drugs crossing into our country thank you for your sincerest thoughts and prayers and wonder where they were prior to their loved ones falling victim to the problem.
What about Fentanyl which is a synthetic opioid prescribed by a physician? It was approved by the FDA in 1968, is 50-100 times stronger than morphine and is listed as a Schedule II controlled substance. It's not going anywhere as the most widely prescribed opioid in medicine and was used to execute a prisoner in 2018. It's also what killed musicians Prince and Tom Petty.
What about Fentanyl which is a synthetic opioid prescribed by a physician? It was approved by the FDA in 1968, is 50-100 times stronger than morphine and is listed as a Schedule II controlled substance. It's not going anywhere as the most widely prescribed opioid in medicine and was used to execute a prisoner in 2018. It's also what killed musicians Prince and Tom Petty.

It is also tightly controlled in the US, which is why it’s being snuck across the border by the ton. It’s also why Trump fought so hard for China to tightly regulate its production of it during trade negotiations.

When prescribed and taken properly, opioids are a miracle of medicine. Doctors play a huge role in the opioid crisis. Many prescribed opioids with reckless abandon, there is no more loyal patient than an addict.
When the states realized there was a problem, or were pushed into heavily regulating prescription narcotics is when the rise of heroine and fentanyl on the streets took off.