How will they rule ??!

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This is where Trump can really do some good stuff for the US. Deliberate increase trade and cooperation with anti-globalist regimes. Italy, Great Britain, Poland, Hungary, Brazil should all be given good deals (not handouts, just really equitable deals). Prop up some large, anti-globalist economies and suddenly it's not us vs. the world

Can all those other countries actually sign on to deals with the US? And can the US actually get product directly to those countries, efficiently.

I could be wrong, but I think right now a ton of US exports make their way into the EU through the UK. If the EU tries to freeze out the UK, those US exports may just need to get into the EU somehow which props up the globalists.

I readily acknowledge I'm by no means an expert on international trade.

Edit: Obviously I'm well aware Brazil is not in the EU.
Can all those other countries actually sign on to deals with the US? And can the US actually get product directly to those countries, efficiently.

I could be wrong, but I think right now a ton of US exports make their way into the EU through the UK. If the EU tries to freeze out the UK, those US exports may just need to get into the EU somehow which props up the globalists.

I readily acknowledge I'm by no means an expert on international trade.
Very possible, but Poland and Hungary (the whole Visegrad group, really) and Italy are making serious waves about leaving the EU. May be fantasy, but lucrative favorable trade deals might also make them willing to leave quicker; another net positive
Except he didn't say that. He said Trump at least understands what his voters want.

I've never heard of JD Vance but he makes some good points. Many Trump backers even in this thread have pointed out that if there is one thing the Dem party is good at, it's sticking up for their voters, for better or worse. Trump understands that - it's why he has such rabid support from his base and why people will spend hours and hours waiting to hear him speak at a rally.

Now, in reality, we all know that Trump is about as likely to spend a day hobnobbing with the good folks of Prestonsburg as I am to drink an appletini - he's rich, has always lived rich, and will continue to be the very definition of an elite. But you have to give him credit for recognizing that a large block of the country has been or at least felt neglected over the last couple of decades, and he acted on it. Kudos to him IMO.
As an aside, JD Vance is actually an excellent writer from Breathitt county. Hillbilly Elegy was his first book and it is incredible.
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"I could do the wall over a longer period of time, I didn't need to do this, but I'd rather do it much faster"
"The only reason we're up here talking about this is because of the election."

I thought he was talking about this because it's an emergency.
How stupid is Trump. Hrs not even trying to make his new plan work. He literally just said in his speech that it isnt an emergency he just wants it done fast. This will never make it out of the courts alive.
Trump's presser is comedy gold.
"Ann Coulter I don't know her. Haven't spoken to her in a year"
Someone save him and drag him away from the podium
Except he didn't say that. He said Trump at least understands what his voters want.

I've never heard of JD Vance but he makes some good points. Many Trump backers even in this thread have pointed out that if there is one thing the Dem party is good at, it's sticking up for their voters, for better or worse. Trump understands that - it's why he has such rabid support from his base and why people will spend hours and hours waiting to hear him speak at a rally.

Now, in reality, we all know that Trump is about as likely to spend a day hobnobbing with the good folks of Prestonsburg as I am to drink an appletini - he's rich, has always lived rich, and will continue to be the very definition of an elite. But you have to give him credit for recognizing that a large block of the country has been or at least felt neglected over the last couple of decades, and he acted on it. Kudos to him IMO.

Vance also touched on how a large section of the Republican party still disparages the working class voter that voted for Trump and views them as beneath them.

FWIW Vance was born and raised in southern Ohio. His family is originally from Eastern Kentucky.
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Trump asked what he is going to do about the debt. "I can't do anything because of the military"

I hope all you Trumpsters are watching this epic failure press conference
Vance also touched on how a large section of the Republican party still disparages the working class voter that voted for Trump and views them as beneath them.

FWIW Vance was born and raised in southern Ohio. His family is originally from Eastern Kentucky.

Yeah, he raised a good point about the D.C crowd. Those guys have jumped the shark, especially the lifers. Mitch may still have an accent, but he and Diane Feinstein go out for steak in Washington and laugh at the little guy.
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there it is...."all these wonderful things, all these border things will be build by wonderful US Steel which was almost dead".

And that's fine. Good job, lord knows we need US steel, but this ain't really about no national security invasion....WHICH IS LITERALLY WHAT THIS IS AND NOBODY WILL CALL IT SUCH. We have been invaded.

That's what I've been saying for years. It is an invasion. Citizens should be able to post up on the border and shoot anyone or anything that comes across.

How much did it increase under O'bama? Dumbass.
It is hilarious that anyone would spin the party headed by a supposed billionaire who lived in a literal golden tower and actually owns country clubs is the party of the working people.

Why? Look at his policies that have helped and continue to help the working class. The lip service the Dems paid to working class, while not actually doing anything is why Trump was elected.
Very possible, but Poland and Hungary (the whole Visegrad group, really) and Italy are making serious waves about leaving the EU. May be fantasy, but lucrative favorable trade deals might also make them willing to leave quicker; another net positive

Definitely agree with that. Anecdotal, but I was in Italy in 2017 and our wine tour guide in Tuscany was a bigger fan of Trump than I was. She brought it up. She (and I guess whoever she runs with) HATES the EU and the flooding of Italy with migrants. Could be an outlier, but I doubt it. Especially in the Florence region.

I just don't know what sort of agreement they could legally make prior to leaving the EU, and I certainly doubt they'd be willing to rely on promises from Trump for trade deals post Italexit, Polexit, Hungarexit, etc. since they know the next time a Democrat is President of the US, the Democrat will do everything they can to prop up the globalist EU. And hell, a Democrat might be back in office before any of those countries could even organize an exit referendum.
Even fox news is saying his presser was a disaster and everything he just said is going to be used against him in the courts. He just purposely tanked his own emergency.
Even fox news is saying his presser was a disaster and everything he just said is going to be used against him in the courts. He just purposely tanked his own emergency.

I guess you don't watch fake news CNN and MSNBC. Good for you. Hannity should be a great show tonight. I know you're probably as excited as I am.
Trump told some reporter to look up prison stats on illegals. Said they are the majority of federal prisoners. "Look it up, trust me" now everyone has looked it up. Illegals are 19%. That's one heck of a majority.
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Someone who is sponsoring a child, or may potentially sponsor a child, or shares a household with someone who is sponsoring a child, or shares a household with someone that may potentially sponsor a child.

That covers a huge amount of illegals. Especially living in an area with plenty of illegals (I live in a major agricultural spot in Cali), many illegals share a house with 2-3 families. And again it's not just deportation, this doesn't fund them to just detain them as well.

Do I think Dems will try to use this to prevent ICE from detaining wanted murders? No probably not. But I am someone that has a stance that I have no problem and want ICE to detain and deport any illegals they find. I do think Dems will use this bill to prevent ICE from detaining illegals found by smaller crimes like DUI and other non major crimes.

This to me is like what the Dems are trying to do with guns. They know they can't come straight out with saying ban all guns, so they try to write bills that essentially ban guns without saying it. Like trying to put massive taxes, limitations and long waiting lists on ammo. Try and make it almost impossible to buy ammo will essentially be close to banning guns or making them useless for many. I think this is basically what they're trying to do with ICE.

I'm not saying I like it, but you were acting as if were a free for all for human trafficking. Its not as if an illegal alien is going to walk up and volunteer to sponsor a kid, and the DHS will just hand them off.
Did I just hear the POTUS say that Ann Coulter is off the reservation? That is correct but I bet her crazy ass aint gonna like that none. She gonna disown him again probably.
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He's a fraud and a hack. He never really spent time in eky. Moved as an infant/toddler. But he sure milks those couple of early years for all he can.
He still got the typical experience of growing up here. And if he isn't going to write about life in east ky (or people like him), the story probably just won't be written.
Trump told some reporter to look up prison stats on illegals. Said they are the majority of federal prisoners. "Look it up, trust me" now everyone has looked it up. Illegals are 19%. That's one heck of a majority.

Yep, trump does do this on purpose.
Two words. Natural gas. Because utilities are not burning coal.

Thats exactly why Coal has declined. Thats why if Gas prices ever raise, coal or nuclear will come back.
It's also why the steel and aluminum industries were hit so hard under Obama. They use massive amounts of electricity.
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He still got the typical experience of growing up here. And if he isn't going to write about life in east ky (or people like him), the story probably just won't be written.

He can write about whatever he wants. I don't have a problem with that.

I have a problem with the fact he holds himself out as an expert by implying has life experience here when he left as an infant
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I think we are all missing the big picture here. Don't let this bill and national emergency distract you from the fact that in 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team.
Trump told some reporter to look up prison stats on illegals. Said they are the majority of federal prisoners. "Look it up, trust me" now everyone has looked it up. Illegals are 19%. That's one heck of a majority.

You really struggle with this...why is that?