How will they rule ??!

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The bill looks terrible from top to bottom. Both GoP and Dems filled it up with stupid pork. Almost as bad as the omnibus bill.

I gotta agree with Ann Coulter and Ingraham. I think signing this bill is a really bad decision, the bill is complete crap and I think declaring the emergency for the wall is a bad way to do it. I gotta say the Dems owned Trump on this one.

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This is why I hate this bill and can't just say it's whatever and give Trump a pass when he signs this.

This basically makes it impossible to deport people now. America is going to become the child trafficking safe haven. It's basically do you have any connection to an illegal minor or do you know someone that knows an illegal minor? If so no one can touch you. This bill is essentially going to defend ICE, end all detaining or deporting of illegals, all for 55 miles of chain link fence. The more I see this bill, the more I think if Trump signs this, it will wash away all the good he has done. This is a massive negative.

Yep. Awful. Should've shut it down before signing that, wall or no.

And national emergency is not a way to govern. Neither is an eo
Only way I'm going to be satisfied with this national emergency shit is if Trump goes full heel and declares a climate change national emergency.

It's been so cold out this winter, we need to heat the globe up, so just start burning piles of coal all over Washington DC and the rest of the whacky loony toon lefty cesspools.
How is this hysteria? This bill essentially says detaining and deporting illegals will not be funded. If neither thing will be funded, how will they get done?

Who is going to fund the plane to fly the illegals out of this country? If zero funding can go to these activities, that will probably mean ICE can't perform these activities on the clock.

Again this section of the bill basically defunds ICE without just flat out saying it and makes the country a sanctuary country.

AKA we just became an amnesty country.
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I have to push back on some of this. This isn't Trump taking the less of two evils. Let's be honest here, he got worked over on this. This spending bill is just an amnesty bill in disguise. This bill makes it pretty much impossible to deport illegals now.

It's also not just semantics when it comes to fence or wall. There are a ton of restrictions in this bill that basically limits to the only structure that can be built is essentially a chain link fence.

The Dems called his bluff with the shutdown, they knew he would crack first. They didn't give 2 **** about the shutdown, they were taking freaking vacations. And since he caved instead of giving in a little and compromising, they made the deal even worse than the original. Less money for the wall, a ton more restrictions and let's toss in basically amnesty as well and basically turn the entire country into a sanctuary country.

This crap is on Trump. Again I've been very pleasantly surprised with how well Trump has done. He has won me over and will get my vote next election. But let's not act like the idiots who never called out their god Obama and never called him out on any of the crap he did. This is on Trump, he deserves to get called out on it, especially by his biggest supporters.

Trump tried to play hard ball and got absolutely crushed for it. He held out for a month or so, demanded a wall and better border security and in the end was made out to be the bad guy.

Again, wall and border security is popular until folks start missing pay checks.

Trump had to crack first so people could get paid and he could live to fight another day.

Dems aren't going to secure the border like it needs to be and they can hide behind people on the government payroll to weather any negotiation.

Trump would have been a 1 term wonder and that "Blue Wave" would have really rolled over Washington the next cycle had the hold out lasted longer or if it starts up again.

That's the reason he's not going through it again. I mean we're talking about a guy who loves negotiating and getting into the mud with people, why all of a sudden the change of heart? Because the machine and probably even some of his own campaign/polling people got sat him down and said "Man, that art of the deal style brawling didn't work. We will get hammered not only by dems but by decent chunk of our base and potential voters in the middle if we go through that again."

Mitch and other pub leadership are going to have to separate wall/border funding from any massive spending bill.

It has to become a singular stand alone bill in order to prevent dems from weaponizing all sorts of different things and mucking it up with all sorts of land mines.

It's a simple 1 page bill that says "The wall will be built, the border will be secured. Drugs and crimes via the southern border will be cracked down on like never before by any and all means, no expense will be spared to protect America."

Bring that to the floor and ask "Who wants to go on record as in and who wants to go on record as out?"
Please cite the text of the bill that you read that leads you to believe that.

There's an audio clip of Mo Brooks describing the bill within the above link. This along with other articles I have read gave me my conclusion. FWIW the way the bill was passed no one knows what's truly all in the bill but enough has been leaked to know that it's a Democrat written bill with Republicans signing off on it.
It is hilarious that anyone would spin the party headed by a supposed billionaire who lived in a literal golden tower and actually owns country clubs is the party of the working people.

It sure as hell isn't the Democrat party. That train left building about 15 years ago.

There's an audio clip of Mo Brooks describing the bill within the above link. This along with other articles I have read gave me my conclusion. FWIW the way the bill was passed no one knows what's truly all in the bill but enough has been leaked to know that it's a Democrat written bill with Republicans signing off on it.

as an alabaman who watched moe brooks lie throughout his campaign, i would maybe formulate my own opinion. but hey, thats just me.

this bill probably isnt great, but its no where near the hysteria inducing levels you and others are making it out to be.. its almost like the kentucky basketball trolls.. just pretending to be a fan until one thing they can freak out about, then they come here and shit post about the sky is falling and were headed to the NIT.

this is a spending bill.. its not shaping our deportation abilities nor is it setting no build zones along the border. relax..or just admit you were and always have been a never trumper.

the man can only do so much with next to zero support. if you wanna bitch, call up mitch and make it known.
It is hilarious that anyone would spin the party headed by a supposed billionaire who lived in a literal golden tower and actually owns country clubs is the party of the working people.

yeah.. because the party that has congressmen smiling in the face of angel mothers is definitely the party of the people. gtfoh
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as an alabaman who watched moe brooks lie throughout his campaign, i would maybe formulate my own opinion. but hey, thats just me.

this bill probably isnt great, but its no where near the hysteria inducing levels you and others are making it out to be.. its almost like the kentucky basketball trolls.. just pretending to be a fan until one thing they can freak out about, then they come here and shit post about the sky is falling and were headed to the NIT.

this is a spending bill.. its not shaping our deportation abilities nor is it setting no build zones along the border. relax..or just admit you were and always have been a never trumper.

the man can only do so much with next to zero support. if you wanna bitch, call up mitch and make it known.

Nah just got enough balls to call a spade a spade. I don't blindly follow anyone. You say the bill isn't so bad. How so?

Imagine if Oprah's fat ass was president and some news organization said she was obese...

I gained 4 pounds over New years when I was in Orlando for the Citrus Bowl. Lost most of it into the toilet when I got back. At that age and at his height, you can gain and lose 4 lbs in a matter of days. If he had put on 20-25 lbs, i't would be different, but 4 lbs on a 6'-3" tall guy is a weekly fluctuation. The fact the MSM and CNN is even making news of this is ludicrous and just another example of why noone should take them seriously.
I gained 4 pounds over New years when I was in Orlando for the Citrus Bowl. Lost most of it into the toilet when I got back. At that age and at his height, you can gain and lose 4 lbs in a matter of days. If he had put on 20-25 lbs, i't would be different, but 4 lbs on a 6'-3" tall guy is a weekly fluctuation. The fact the MSM and CNN is even making news of this is ludicrous and just another example of why noone should take them seriously.

It was all just so they could say he's medically obese. That's legit the only reason it was newsworthy.

Yes the msm is that petty
Nah just got enough balls to call a spade a spade. I don't blindly follow anyone. You say the bill isn't so bad. How so?

you got balls enough to parrot a politicians opinion as your own. wow... some big league balls.

i didnt say that its "not so bad". i said that its no where near the freak out level you are pushing. its a spending bill for christs sake.
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you got balls enough to parrot a politicians opinion as your own. wow... some big league balls.

i didnt say that its "not so bad". i said that its no where near the freak out level you are pushing. its a spending bill for christs sake.

Was it opinion? So you're saying Brooks, Ingraham, Hannity, Bretibart, Big League Politics, etc. were forming an opinion and none of that shit is in there. Hmmm, okay that sounds reasonable.
That isn't what that says Duke, it says someone in the US that will sponsor an unaccompanied child won't be deported. I don't like it either, but you're making it something it isn't.

Someone who is sponsoring a child, or may potentially sponsor a child, or shares a household with someone who is sponsoring a child, or shares a household with someone that may potentially sponsor a child.

That covers a huge amount of illegals. Especially living in an area with plenty of illegals (I live in a major agricultural spot in Cali), many illegals share a house with 2-3 families. And again it's not just deportation, this doesn't fund them to just detain them as well.

Do I think Dems will try to use this to prevent ICE from detaining wanted murders? No probably not. But I am someone that has a stance that I have no problem and want ICE to detain and deport any illegals they find. I do think Dems will use this bill to prevent ICE from detaining illegals found by smaller crimes like DUI and other non major crimes.

This to me is like what the Dems are trying to do with guns. They know they can't come straight out with saying ban all guns, so they try to write bills that essentially ban guns without saying it. Like trying to put massive taxes, limitations and long waiting lists on ammo. Try and make it almost impossible to buy ammo will essentially be close to banning guns or making them useless for many. I think this is basically what they're trying to do with ICE.
Trump about to speak.

Not speaking very well...imo. Same ol campaign talking points he's been rattling off forever.

I still don't know what exactly this bill does or doesn't do.

Trump has lost twice so far on securing our border. I don't understand why he caved, but I do understand that neither side wants secure borders, so he's not getting anything from them. Trump should have shut the govt down and went on vacation, imo.

Another thing I don't understand is how our borders are not a military issue. It absolutely is, so why doesn't Trump ever mention this? That kind of leads me to believe Trump is just mainly pushing these walls so he can create a bunch of jobs for people and build some shit. Which is fine, but it's not genuine. We genuinely have illegal aliens pouring over or border and that is a threat to our national security. We need professional help down there. We need a real plan.

That's not gonna happen. We lost this war decades ago.

This is where Trump can really do some good stuff for the US. Deliberate increase trade and cooperation with anti-globalist regimes. Italy, Great Britain, Poland, Hungary, Brazil should all be given good deals (not handouts, just really equitable deals). Prop up some large, anti-globalist economies and suddenly it's not us vs. the world
there it is...."all these wonderful things, all these border things will be build by wonderful US Steel which was almost dead".

And that's fine. Good job, lord knows we need US steel, but this ain't really about no national security invasion....WHICH IS LITERALLY WHAT THIS IS AND NOBODY WILL CALL IT SUCH. We have been invaded.
It is hilarious that anyone would spin the party headed by a supposed billionaire who lived in a literal golden tower and actually owns country clubs is the party of the working people.

Except he didn't say that. He said Trump at least understands what his voters want.

I've never heard of JD Vance but he makes some good points. Many Trump backers even in this thread have pointed out that if there is one thing the Dem party is good at, it's sticking up for their voters, for better or worse. Trump understands that - it's why he has such rabid support from his base and why people will spend hours and hours waiting to hear him speak at a rally.

Now, in reality, we all know that Trump is about as likely to spend a day hobnobbing with the good folks of Prestonsburg as I am to drink an appletini - he's rich, has always lived rich, and will continue to be the very definition of an elite. But you have to give him credit for recognizing that a large block of the country has been or at least felt neglected over the last couple of decades, and he acted on it. Kudos to him IMO.