How will they rule ??!

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Never understood people that want their own country, economy, military... to fail so much and get excited about said failure. What do you have to gain from Americans not succeeding?
This is how liberal democrats are. I'll never forget I guess it was early 2002 when the U.S. starting fighting in Iraq & Afghanistan. When some liberal bitch writer, she might have wrote for Salon magazine. Wrote how she was hoping for the wars to go bad for the U.S., In other words she was hoping for a lot of American troops to die. She said because it would make George W. Bush look bad. Just another example of how Godless & rotten that the democrat party has become.
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Yeah I don't agree with this thinking at all. He still is an amazing President and has basically been what every conservative has dreamed of in a President. I agree the bill is trash but its probably the best deal those loons in DC will give him. If Trump shut down the government every time Pelosi/Schumer didn't give him what he wanted the government may as well be shut down for the next few years and that's not happening.

Unless you want socialist loons and infanticide supporters running the country, you better stick by him.
I came the conclusion even before Trump was elected that the country will eventually implode because of how crooked the MSM and Washington are. Trump is just a speed bump in prolonging the inevitable. Washington is beyond repair so they will just spend and waste money and destroy our democracy until everything collapses and then we or future generations will have to try and start over. For now, the entire world depends on the US staying afloat so likely in our lifetimes we will not see the final result of this mess.

Lol. says the guy who makes $30K a year.

I bet you make more off child porn from your NAMBLA brothers.

You're so liberal that I bet you'd molest every one of your students except the ones with the MAGA hats. You'd probably beat them to death and then blame "Nazis"
I'd bet that none of the commie/socialist dipshits on here make much more than 30K, if that. And they all have college degrees in worthless majors with huge student loans. Total losers. To dumb to choose an education with marketable skills and too pussified and lazy to do blue collar work.

That's why they love the handouts promised by their intellectual leader, AOC. I mean, can you imagine any of these entitled douchebags as a plumber, or really anything that doesn't involve grinding coffee beans?
Forget the wall, just mine the shit out of it. Mimic the Viet Cong and bury punji sticks just under the sand. In high density areas have motion activated mustard gas. This would a lot cheaper and be a REAL deterrent
“Whenever we say nationalism, the first thing people think about, at least in America, is Hitler,” Owens said.
The problem is that … he wanted to globalize. He wanted everybody to be German, everybody to be speaking German … To me, that’s not nationalism. In thinking about how we could go bad down the line, I don’t really have an issue with nationalism. I really don’t.”
So Trump's new plan is to take 8 billion from our "depleted" military. If they got all that cash laying around then it's time to start cutting their budget bigly.
I don't understand how strong borders aren't fundamental. It seems if you want the rainbows, unicorns, and pots of gold that government provides, you have to define the commoners who are receiving the goods.
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Black conservative woman is "da bomb," you say?

Let me guess...she "gets it."

Your thoughts on Diamond and Silk?


Are you the kind of dude who uses the term "brother" when you see that one black guy you went to high school with? "Take care, BROTHER!" SMH. You are, aren't you?

Well hell, at least you don't openly hate all black people like some of the posters in this thread. Same ones with black UK players as their profile photos. Crazy world.
Welp, you are ranging high idiot status now. You post here all of the time using the bro reference in hope that some one will accept your dumb ass.
You won't do anything, bro. That's a fact. Now loosen up a bit and try to enjoy whatever life you have left. I already know what you're going to reply with, so save your keystrokes.
Try him or anyone else where guns are well protected moron. Have you not noticed how some states go against federal law already? Smoke dope do you? Sanctuary City do you? Well, try to reclaim guns in a state that says no. Come get mine when that happens bro, PLEASE.
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Disappointed in the signing of this bill as well however trump cannot do this alone. The republicans in Congress continue to be a bunch of pansies and let the anti-American democrats call the shots. Make no mistake, democrats would let the government shut down for the rest of trumps presidency because they don’t care about anyone but their own agenda. Scary part is we have enough stupid people in this country that keep putting them in office. Quite unfathomable actually.
This is absolutely correct.

Trump spent too much time inside the beltway over the past few months, and they got him.

I do not want Presidents declaring national emergencies to do whatever the hell they want.

Perfectly fine if it's non-liberal.

Need national emergencies to overturn liberal policies.

Hoping there is a president who declares it a national emergency to cause harm to all liberals
If this successfully makes it thru all the legal battles it will face, Democrats are going to have fun with this next time they get elected President. Hello New Green Deal, hello universal health care, etc.
They would have to introduce some virus into the American public to get the emergency and I hope you get infected first.
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I'm not sold a national emergency has to be declared.

Look at the military and homeland/national security apparatus and direct them to secure the border.

Every defense-related department chips in.

Army, Navy, National Guard, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force, CIA, FBI, Homeland, DOD, NSA, DIA, etc...gets a hundred miles or so.

Move all those headquarters down there and build some military bases which will have to be secured and impregnable, run some war games with the Army corps of engineers in which they practice building walls...
Said this before and it can work.