How will they rule ??!

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I have to be honest, the stock market correction and raising of interest rates scares me a little bit. We might be heading for a recession...


My thought is, and I could be way off, but I don't think that the Fed would have raised rates if the economy couldn't handle it. In my opinion, the fact that they raised them shows their confidence in a healthy economy.
The same could have been said about the 2016 Republican field. Numerous candidates and someone no one even considered let alone gave any chance came out of it and won the election. The midterm was a referendum on Trump, unless you think the Democrats won on the strength of their message and candidates, which I'm sure you'd be loath to admit. No evidence to suggest 2020 will be any different considering he'll be on the ballot directly.
No usually the house flips every presidency...hardly the blue wave we were told about...considering the GOP gained in the Senate. Lol.

The 2016 Republican field was also helped by the media who gave trump countless hours of free publicity bc they wanted him to win bc they thought it would be the easiest opponent for hilldawg. I mean chris hayes aired an empty podium for hours at a time.

Other than not standing for anything except face value feelings, the dems are fractured as some of the party are now Marxist. Other than that, everyone with a brain can see past the "feelings" and see they are only about winning, control, and power...nothing else.

It was such a "referendum" you had beto orourke who's in a state where the texas Republicans hate ted cruz, he raised a bajillion dollars, and couldnt win bc he had to go full on extremist. What an idiot.
I have to be honest, the stock market correction and raising of interest rates scares me a little bit. We might be heading for a recession...

I've seen this movie many times during the past 3 decades. Yes and yes. Raising interest rates creates opportunity, drives down equity and debt prices, and invites recession. Over the years, the Fed attempted "soft-landings" with various degrees of success or failure, depending upon the one's outlook.

Bottom line: Such swings will happen. Take a long-term view. Start preparing now.
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I've seen this movie many times during the past 3 decades. Yes and yes. Raising interest rates creates opportunity, drives down equity and debt prices, and invites recession. Over the years, the Fed attempted "soft-landings" with various degrees of success or failure, depending upon the one's outlook.

Bottom line: Such swings will happen. Take a long-term view. Start preparing now.
Need the Fed to stop trying to micromanage the economy.
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Embarrassed how? This is simply my opinion. I don't like or trust his indignant ass no matter how many of you want to suck his dick.
Lol. I tried. You just go ahead and keep doing you man. If you want to be known as the thread's conservative idiot, have at it.
Issue is people confuse the economy with the stock market. Economy is factors like GDP, job growth, unemployment numbers, wage increases, physical and Human Resources and how they impact economic growth, housing market... Right now jobs are paying well, jobs are available and plentiful, unemployment is low, and outlook is promising, homes are selling quickly. The government can do things to help like lower interest rates which encourage home sales and purchases, lower taxes which means more disposable income, and trade deals which result in more goods and services being consumed and helps the economy overall.

The govt can also hurt or slow things down by raising interest rates, tariffs and taxes, over regulation... Right now people are not worried about jobs or wages which is s good thing, and unemployment and pay are doing very well. What people are seeing is the stock market tumble 200-400 points a day which is unsettling, and people are not losing money but losing gains. Market went from 19000 went Trump won to over 26000, and since the midterms it has dropped to 23000. Not fun for any of us but mainly we are seeing huge increases partially wiped out not losses. Tells me the country does not trust the Dems and their goal of spending the next two years trying to be disruptive rather than work. Best way to think about it is to follow Buffets words of wisdom - “when others are fearful be greedy and when others are greedy be fearful.”
I have to be honest, the stock market correction and raising of interest rates scares me a little bit. We might be heading for a recession...

Zero chance of a recession, IMO. The market is diving cause the fed chair is an idiot (plus the dems talking about all kinds of dumb investigations) but the economy is very strong and nothing should change that.
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This is false too. Rs won 62 seats in '10. That's 22-27 more than the historical average. Ds won 40 which is the high end of the historical average. 62 > 40.

Again the historical average is a loss of 35-40 seats.

Recent 1st Term Presidential Midterms.

Reagan: House -26 Senate 0

HW Bush: House -8 Senate -1

Clinton: House -54 Senate -9

Bush: House +8 Senate +1

Obama: House -63 Senate -6

Trump: House -40 Senate +3

If you consider Trump only losing the average and gaining multiple seats in the Senate a blue wave election then you are desperate.

Democrats picking up 40 seats in the House is in line with historical averages.

But Republicans picking up seats in the Senate runs completely *against* historical precedent.

Net = Trump's party outperformed historical trends even though his approval numbers are supposedly in the dumps and he's supposedly one the most hated presidents ever.
Please cite where it says the average is 35-40, because the Dems winning 38 is the 4th largest ever. No way in hell the average is that high if 38 is the 4th largest ever. Fake news!
Random meaningless stats aren't specifics. Just because the Ds tend to suck at winning in the first term midterms and they did a little better this rime doesn't mean anything. Call it a wave if you want. When all is said and done it was average when put into context and compared to past elections.

Up to 31% from 21% is a 10% increase. And again when put into context in '14 the number that turned out in that age group made up 11% of the electorate. In '18 it was slightly better at 13% of the electorate.
That's not how statistics work. 47.6% more came out to vote compared to the previous midterm. It's like when you buy one apple and then you buy another apple, well you just increased the number of apples you previously had by 100%.
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Have a chance? You're talking like he's the underdog. Exactly which Democrat is going to beat him? Unless some wonder boy comes along, as of now, there's not one.

Not to mention, the Democrat primaries are going to be a virtue signaling, tax raising, handout promising, illegal immigrantion advocating, identity politics shit show. Everyone pandering to dozens of 'victim' groups, with more than likely a white male winning out, potentially alienating half of the base.

Like Trump or not, the Republicans are firmly behind him. He's sitting at 90+% approval rating among his party, and hovering around 40-45% among Independents.

You can't say the same for any Democrat. The base is all over the place with who they support. No one can possibly appeal to and please every single individual tribe. I'm assuming the divide only grows after 30 of them run in the primaries.

According to the latest straw poll, the three frontrunners are Beto at just 15.6%, followed by Joe Biden at 14.9% and Bernie Sanders at 13.1%.

Three white males doesn't sit well with the 'progressives' of the party. Beto is already being attacked for not being far left enough, some even writing hit pieces, straight up calling him a Republican. If Beto isn't far left enough, imagine what they'll say about Biden? And good luck trying to win a general on the back of Bernie.
Trump's approval rating is a measly 37% with independents, according to Gallup. 86% for Republicans, 7% for Democrats. He's not going to win if he can barely get 1/3 of the independents to vote for him.

And the Republican base was all over the place for who they supported, and a whole lot of them didn't like Trump, but they have loyally backed their guy even despite having not liked him all the way up until he won the R bid.

To say the D base is all over the place for who they support will mean low support for whoever wins the bid is misguided. Most of the democratic base will support who their candidate is just like most of them supported Hillary when she ran even though the base was widely divided on her and Bernie. Hell, Hillary got a greater percentage of votes from liberals than Donald got from conservatives, and that was even after all the Bernie backers were furious that Hillary allegedly stole the election!
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I disagree. Red states became redder. People said Trump would turn off more voters with his midterm rhetoric, but several Trump backed candidates did much better than the polling suggested. All the states that Trump held rallies in, the numbers were better on polling day.

As much as this year’s midterms offered an obvious opportunity to rebuke Trump, little of what the Democrats and members of the mainstream media expected and predicted would happen actually did.

Voters had a chance to repudiate Trump and they really didn't. Much of the commentary had been about who we are as a country and what America is all about. Well, a lot of America still seems to be about supporting Trump. The Democrats thought Trump’s negatives would be enough to ease them to a big victory. The 2018 results show it is clear they need a different plan to win in 2020.

If you look at the House votes and project that on to a presidential election in '20, Trump could lose the imaginary popular vote by several million and still win the electoral college.

A crucial test for any Democrat nominee in 2020 is -- what are your chances of carrying Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin? If they’re good, you’re a good choice. If they’re not, you’re a terrible choice.

Pay attention to the way Democrats in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin won. They mostly stayed away from far left, progressive candidates, and carefully hand picked them especially for those districts.

Messaging also played a big role. In Michigan, the winning slogan was, ‘Fix the damn roads!' That was the bumper sticker, 'Make America Great Again' level. Democrats can win in the Midwest, they proved that in these midterms, and there is a way they can do that and a way they cannot.

But, in a general election, the way to do it will alienate most of the base, especially on the coasts. Whomever the nominee is will be walking a tight rope while juggling dozens of balls.
And a hell of a lot more blue districts became bluer, over 300 actually, less than 100 became more red. It was a big blue wave, 4th largest midterm gain by any minority party in history. And the 8.6% popular vote advantage also one of the biggest on record for a midterm.

And the Democrats won several statewide and national races in PA, MI, and WI easily.

And this alienating the base stuff is nonsense. Trump should have alienated the Republican base because of the lack of support he had until he won the R bid, yet 81% of self-identified conservatives voted for him. Hillary should have alienated the Democrat base because of all the Bernie support and because she allegedly stole the election from Bernie, yet 84% of self-identified liberals voted for her. At the end of the day, unless you take all the worst traits of every President ever and combine it into one person, people who are liberal are going to widely for vote whoever has (D) beside their name and people who are conservative are going to widely vote for whoever has (R) beside their name regardless of who is running. Elections are won on getting people out to vote who will vote for your candidate and getting the independents to vote for your candidate.

YOU have not schooled jack shit; however, thanks for the shallow wikipedia-like answer.

You are dismissed.
Welcome to being blocked. Hope you enjoy living in a world of ignorance and fake news then! What's the next pizza restaurant you are going to go shoot up because of some Alex Jones conspiracy theory??
That's not how statistics work. 47.6% more came out to vote compared to the previous midterm. It's like when you buy one apple and then you buy another apple, well you just increased the number of apples you previously had by 100%.
That's not how the whole works. If you have 100 young people and 21 vote that is 21%. If 31 vote the next time that is only 31% and a10% increase in the whole.
Trump's approval rating is a measly 37% with independents, according to Gallup. 86% for Republicans, 7% for Democrats. He's not going to win if he can barely get 1/3 of the independents to vote for him.

And the Republican base was all over the place for who they supported, and a whole lot of them didn't like Trump, but they have loyally backed their guy even despite having not liked him all the way up until he won the R bid.

To say the D base is all over the place for who they support will mean low support for whoever wins the bid is misguided. Most of the democratic base will support who their candidate is just like most of them supported Hillary when she ran even though the base was widely divided on her and Bernie. Hell, Hillary got a greater percentage of votes from liberals than Donald got from conservatives, and that was even after all the Bernie backers were furious that Hillary allegedly stole the election!
How did that work out for Hillary. She lost so, polling did not tell the real story which is the norm these days. You can spin numbers any way you wish but, reality continues to reer its ugly head for you guys.
The warnings have been out there for a while now. If they are not prepared, that is their own fault. Either way, it will not last long.
Personal responsibility. Hear that, Government? We want you to take responsibility and do your EFFIN job.

Theres been several shutdowns over the years, were there a bunch of incidents at airports during those? Don't see why it would be any different this time.
As a rule, I don't think shutting the government down is good for the country. Pissing off ATC's is just one of the sequela
You don't understand the whole do you, which is why you keep falling in to it.
I do understand you can't fall into a whole, but I do understand that one can fall into a hole, which you keep digging further with your incapability of understanding basic math. No wonder Kentucky ranks 34th in secondary public education!


No way!!

This dude had the nerve to call some MS Paint-rendered, spiked-slat "barrier"...wait for it..."BEAUTIFUL!"


And then the post of him trying to look like a tough guy....signing papers? Like that's what he considers "work." Good grief.

And the video where he tries to call this a "democrat shutdown!" Bwahahaha! He's loving the videos these days. I'm loving the videos too. Especially the one where he says he'll "take the mantle" for the government shutdown...that he's "proud to shut down the government for border security."

Remember that? That was like a week ago. This is who you guys idolize and defend, day in and day out. That man's dumber than a rock!! Hahahaha you guys kill me. This thread is the gift that keeps giving, no doubt.
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I do understand you can't fall into a whole, but I do understand that one can fall into a hole, which you keep digging further with your incapability of understanding basic math. No wonder Kentucky ranks 34th in secondary public education!
It was a play on words, and you really have not followed the logic here. I understand your math and the reason for it. 47% looks better than 10% or 31% percent in your agenda posting but, the fact of the matter is that only 31% of the 18-24 year range voters voted. Reality is your friend in the long run.
Welcome to being blocked. Hope you enjoy living in a world of ignorance and fake news then! What's the next pizza restaurant you are going to go shoot up because of some Alex Jones conspiracy theory??
Alright, failed NAIA athletic director. Anything you say.

By the way, it is strongly suggested you shut the hell up before your ass is really embarrassed.
I’m confused now

Homey that's the intended purpose of a lot of people when they use statistics. What the liberal is saying may be true, but what warriorcat is saying is also true. Do you want to see the glass 31% full or do you want portray that statistic in a way to convince someone that the glass is 47% more full and paint a picture that a lot of people will take at face value without knowing (or put forth any effort to know) the underlying whole truth. Politicians of all parties do this, but it should be titled Democrat strategy 101 or Fake News 101.
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You are tarnishing your reputation with your personal attacks

Uh...since when have personal attacks been taboo on this thread?

Let a bro like me offer up some DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT and I get three or four half-witted attacks within five minutes. It's hilarious. I'm a big boy so I can take it. Is this Bill Cosby guy not able to stand up for himself or something? WTF?

I don't like this..."softer side" of the POLITICAL THREAD. Quit acting like you guys have any compassion for anyone except yourselves and your families, and get back to hating anyone who's not a white, conservative, American male. Jesus. Who are you people?
Homey that's the intended purpose of a lot of people when they use statistics. What the liberal is saying may be true, but what warriorcat is saying is also true. Do you want to see the glass 31% full or do you want portray that statistic in a way to convince someone that the glass is 47% more full and paint a picture that a lot of people will take at face value without knowing (or put forth any effort to know) the underlying whole truth. Politicians of all parties do this, but it should be titled. Democrat strategy 101 or Fake News 101.
Oh I get both the logics which is why it’s confusing but with math there is always right or wrong .. and I also understand why they say it that way
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Uh...since when have personal attacks been taboo on this thread?

Let a bro like me offer up some DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT and I get three or four half-witted attacks within five minutes. It's hilarious. I'm a big boy so I can take it. Is this Bill Cosby guy not able to stand up for himself or something? WTF?

I don't like this..."softer side" of the POLITICAL THREAD. Quit acting like you guys have any compassion for anyone except yourselves and your families, and get back to hating anyone who's not a white, conservative, American male. Jesus. Who are you people?
There are plenty of asshat white conservative males , being an asshole is a human thing Everyone can do it, at any time regardless of what labels you and the dems give people and how their assholeness manifests itself.
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You don't understand the whole do you, which is why you keep falling in to it.

Genuinely confused here. Was that supposed to be a play on words? Were you trying to be....witty?

Stick to TV news and 1970's-era disses. Oh and don't forget to say some cornball shit like "you are dismissed" at the end.
Genuinely confused here. Was that supposed to be a play on words? Were you trying to be....witty?

Stick to TV news and 1970's-era disses. Oh and don't forget to say some cornball shit like "you are dismissed" at the end.
Not surprised you missed the play on words, that fog just keeps getting thicker. Poor children. Well, at least you only have them for one year. Given your party lifestyle they can relate to your juvenile behavior until they grow a little older and realize that growing up happens to most.
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There are plenty of asshat white conservative males , being an asshole is a human thing Everyone can do it, at any time regardless of what labels you and the dems give people and how their assholeness manifests itself.

Agreed. I'm not a democrat any more than Trump is a republican though. I just call it like I see it.

I know we can all agree on one thing though...

PJ Washington is definitely NOT an asshole.

Go Cats.