How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well Papa Johns sucks

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) would like the federal government to start manufacturing prescription drugs when the market fails and prices for certain medications become unaffordable.

Blithering idiots.

Manufacturing medication is cheap. It's the whole R&D and FDA approval is where the costs are.
Sorry if already addressed, but what is the democratic proposed solution to illegal immigration? I don’t give two shits if it’s a wall, fence, laser cannons, or a troop of Girl Scouts, as long as they solve the problem.
Democrat's solution to illegal immigration is simple. Legalize it. We can be the whole world's keeper. Just tax the bejeebers out of those who actually work and make money.

No negative or unintended consequences could ever result. Success is assured. Socialism never fails.
Will be interesting to see who blinks first. That said, it’s beyond comprehension that out of all the money Dems and Congress as a whole have wasted over the years that they are this hung up over $5B. Never in my wildest imagination did I see them hating Trump this much. The same people like Schumer who used to love Trump and his donations. Their hatred towards him is higher than their need and desire to let as many as Illegals in as possible to get votes. It’s really something to behold. Trump has broken these people to the point that they have lost all rational thinking.
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It was indeed a blue wave much like 2010 was a red wave.

  • D won by a larger margin than R won in 2010
And just to show how insanely untrue this is again.

The 2010 midterms is the standard-bearer for "wave" elections. It was a referendum on Obama and a repudiation to his first two years as president. Led by the Tea Party Rs picked up 63 House seats and six Senate seats.

It was the largest seat change in 62 years and marked the most substantial midterm flip of House control since 1894. By all accounts 2010 was one of the biggest midterm wave elections in a century or more.
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WTF is wrong with you and this 10% BS?

Let's assume there were 1 million people in that age group. If 21% vote the first election, that's 210,000 people. If 31% vote in the next election, that's 310,000. THAT IS NOT A 10% INCREASE YOU FOOL! It's 47% or whatever number was mentioned originally.

If you can't understand that, you need to retake a basic logic math class.
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Please cite where it says the average is 35-40, because the Dems winning 38 is the 4th largest ever. No way in hell the average is that high if 38 is the 4th largest ever. Fake news!
Is Wapo citing Brookings a good enough source for you?

If the midterms were a referendum, Trump won

Historically speaking, Democrats delivered a thoroughly average result in their first round as Trump’s opposition. Going all the way back to the Civil War, there were only two instances when a new party seized the presidency but didn’t lose seats in the House during their first midterm elections

Even including the two outliers, the average attrition during a party’s inaugural midterms is 35 House seats; excluding these two exceptions, the average loss is 41. Regardless of which number we run with, Trump could end up performing better than average in preserving his party’s influence in the House. He performed much better than his last two Democratic predecessors: Bill Clinton lost control of both chambers in the 1994 midterm elections. Barack Obama saw historic losses in the House in 2010, and lost seats in the Senate as well — the most sweeping congressional reversal in 62 years.

Yet, not only did Trump suffer far less attrition than Obama or Clinton in the House, his party will gain in the Senate. In other words, there did not seem to be a thorough rebuke of Trump. In fact, there was little exceptional in the results at all, beyond the fact that they were so very normal.

Please cite where it says the average is 35-40, because the Dems winning 38 is the 4th largest ever. No way in hell the average is that high if 38 is the 4th largest ever. Fake news!
And 38 isn't the 4th largest ever. You're the one spouting fake news. There have been losses of

47 Eisenhower
43 Ford
53 Clinton
63 Obama
47 Johnson
55 Truman
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WTF is wrong with you and this 10% BS?

Let's assume there were 1 million people in that age group. If 21% vote the first election, that's 210,000 people. If 31% vote in the next election, that's 310,000. THAT IS NOT A 10% INCREASE YOU FOOL! It's 47% or whatever number was mentioned originally.

If you can't understand that, you need to retake a basic logic math class.
It's emblematic of a large reason politics is currently so polarized, people doubt everything a known agent of the other side says. Even math.
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WTF is wrong with you and this 10% BS?

Let's assume there were 1 million people in that age group. If 21% vote the first election, that's 210,000 people. If 31% vote in the next election, that's 310,000. THAT IS NOT A 10% INCREASE YOU FOOL! It's 47% or whatever number was mentioned originally.

If you can't understand that, you need to retake a basic logic math class.
That's correct. My point was if only a very small number of them are turning out to begin with then a 47% increase isn't all that significant and said increase doesn’t make much difference on the overall whole. Like if you have 1 then 2 that's a 100% increase but overall you still only have 1 more.

Again according to exit polls voters ages 18 to 29 made up 13% of the overall electorate in this year’s midterms. That's up 2% from 11% in 2014.

And even though 18-to-29-year-olds saw the greatest increase in voters of any age group in 2018 they still made up the lowest percentage of voters.

So when put into context the 47% increase didn't really do much to change the electorate. There's not some historic shift happening like they're trying to portray.
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WTF is wrong with you and this 10% BS?

Let's assume there were 1 million people in that age group. If 21% vote the first election, that's 210,000 people. If 31% vote in the next election, that's 310,000. THAT IS NOT A 10% INCREASE YOU FOOL! It's 47% or whatever number was mentioned originally.

If you can't understand that, you need to retake a basic logic math class.
It is still only 31% of the total number and that was the point. Only a 10% increase towards the total number.

Edited for clarity....I am not really sure those numbers are correct anyway.
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Will be interesting to see who blinks first. That said, it’s beyond comprehension that out of all the money Dems and Congress as a whole have wasted over the years that they are this hung up over $5B. Never in my wildest imagination did I see them hating Trump this much. The same people like Schumer who used to love Trump and his donations. Their hatred towards him is higher than their need and desire to let as many as Illegals in as possible to get votes. It’s really something to behold. Trump has broken these people to the point that they have lost all rational thinking.
Trump has barely even spent a fraction the last few billions or however much it was he got for border wall/security. At least spend what you've received before asking for more.
Don't get why some journalists just have to make up stuff like this. You can go somewhere and find someone actually performing such behaviors/actions as what was apparently in the article he published. I've seen some "interesting" stuff from the area where my mother grew up. Let's just say the ride over to visit my maternal grandparents makes me glad to be white.
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North Carolina says hold my beer.

Classic case of deflection, I don’t mean by you.
There was one candidate in NC that possibly broke the rules. Meanwhile, California did it after Election Day all over Southern California, see Orange County.
Blame the other side for what you do before getting caught.
It’s why seats that were called started flipping 2-3 weeks after Election Day, see how many votes you need, then go get them.
Don't get why some journalists just have to make up stuff like this. You can go somewhere and find someone actually performing such behaviors/actions as what was apparently in the article he published. I've seen some "interesting" stuff from the area where my mother grew up. Let's just say the ride over to visit my maternal grandparents makes me glad to be white.

Really, they make it up because they want to push a narrative that isn’t there.

There is no great hatred out there for any group of people. There are assholes sure, but as John says often, people are by and large decent to others. However, that isn’t what sells.
Really, they make it up because they want to push a narrative that isn’t there.

There is no great hatred out there for any group of people. There are assholes sure, but as John says often, people are by and large decent to others. However, that isn’t what sells.
MSM is playing a lot of people for ratings and money. Always been the case but this is clearly the worst it has ever been.

Trump is the greatest thing to happen to these losers. Without him it would be the same boring political crap that not many people cared about. Add Trump and turn him into the Boogeyman and like magic they create drama which sells. In reality, very small pockets of the country have these moron losers like Antifa causing trouble because the majority of Americans have their opinions but they also have lives and are not losing sleep over the crap going on in Washington.

The worst thing for them is for Trump to go away. Without him they do not have much to sell to their viewers.
Looks like Boston popped in with liberal Google searches to get his bullshit. As usual. A guy with a degree in "athletics" gets a job being a glorified college gym teacher and thinks he can wikipedia a debate. LOL What a GD fool.

Boston, just shut up. Quit reading liberal propaganda being jacked in your face from Michelle's big ol dong. It's embarrassing.
Classic case of deflection, I don’t mean by you.
There was one candidate in NC that possibly broke the rules. Meanwhile, California did it after Election Day all over Southern California, see Orange County.
Blame the other side for what you do before getting caught.
It’s why seats that were called started flipping 2-3 weeks after Election Day, see how many votes you need, then go get them.

Same reason I never write all our scores down when playing a golf scramble until we are finished. That way you can slip in a extra birdie or eagle here and there to get into the money.
David Hogg (lol) what a little liberal cuck. Gets into Harvard with a 1225 SAT.

Harvard going down the shitter just like the other liberal cities.

Cess pool. Only thing keeping the liberal party alive are illegal voters, mainstream media, pedophiles, dead people, and ballot harvesting.
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Maybe you have thinner skin than I, ..
