How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I never understand people like platinum who revel and enjoy it when the markets go down. Explain to me why you would want people to fail and hurt their finances - how does that benefit Americans?

He doesn't have any so he doesn't care. He's probably not even 15.
Are you bipolar? Or just an old, angry docuhebag who is mad at the world?

Merry Christmas, jagoff. Take some Valium or Xanax. It would help.
It was a joke dork. You are supposed to be on pain killers and that should not have hurt. Lighten up Francis.

P.S. He he on bipolar coming from you.
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This thread is way more fun when you’re high on painkillers.

I’m still trying to pass this damn kidney stone and today at the ER I couldn’t piss for a urine sample, so they got one the hard way. Sadly the dilaudid didn’t help much with that pain.

Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy some time with friends and family or Fox and friends if that’s your bag. I’m gonna settle in for some binge TV while I try to get this boulder out of my body.

Damn John, you’ve been down for awhile with this. Hopefully it’ll pass in time for you to enjoy Christmas with the fam.
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The use of executive orders was used much more rampantly by numerous Presidents long before Obama was even old enough to be eligible to run for President. 15 presidents issued more executive orders than Obama did, nine of which were Republicans/Conservative in W. Bush, Nixon, Reagan, Eisenhower, Harding, Taft, Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, and Coolidge.

Are we really rehashing this old oft defeated argument where the libs cite the number (without reference to the nature) of eos? Where then the rest of us have to point out how ridiculous that is considering he ruled by eo.
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Anyone want to lay odds? I’ll book bets in $50 increments.

@warrior-cat sorry - hard to tell sometimes on a message board when people are joking or being serious.
You said that you were on pain killers and I was trying to find out how well they were working in the butt hurt department. Did not want to spoil it with an emoji.
Damn they can flip their positions in an instant and have not a single MSM outlet call them out. The hypocrisy of the left is borderline insanity.

Their hypocrisy and flip flopping/fake outrage is always bad and expected. But this pretending to be upset about removing troops takes the cake.

Where’s the Code Pink bitches and the protestors who go on about America being the enemy and invading countries? Lol. Now it’s this? And no one questions the double standard? The base just slurps it up.
House and Senate lawmakers are leaving the Capitol on Friday evening without passing a budget deal, ensuring there will be a partial government shutdown when funding for a large number of federal agencies lapses at midnight.

The House adjourned shortly before 7 p.m., as officials gave notice the chamber would not reconvene until noon on Saturday. Senators began leaving as well, and lawmakers from both chambers were told leaders would try to give them at least 24 hours’ notice before any votes.

Lawmakers left amid last-minute talks between White House officials and congressional leaders, who had worked to resolve an impasse over President Trump’s demands for billions of dollars of federal funding to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Some federal agencies, including those that oversee homeland security, law enforcement, tax collection, and transportation, will have to begin shutting down certain operations at midnight as a result of the funding lapse. The impact on those agencies will grow if the shutdown drags on for days or weeks.
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You're incorrect, shutdown happens at midnight. Also @Bill Derington said they'd pass it late tonight. So yall are both are wrong, just like always.
Wrong again, shut down happens but is not over. I did not say that it would not happen, I simply stated that they were not going home yet. It could be short lived because, they are not going home like you libs said they would. Reading comprehension is your friend.
Wrong again, shut down happens but is not over. I did not say that it would not happen, I simply stated that they were not going home yet. It could be short lived because, they are not going home like you libs said they would. Reading comprehension is your friend.
You're calling me out for reading comprehension? You said, "high probability for shut down being reported by lib news outlets but..." 100% is a bit more than a "high probability".
hey dumbass @Bill Derington hows that schumer caving going? there wont be a vote until orange face backs down or congress decides to just go past his veto. they will offer him the 1.6bil no wall funding and he will take it after crying a bit
hey dumbass @Bill Derington hows that schumer caving going? there wont be a vote until orange face backs down or congress decides to just go past his veto. they will offer him the 1.6bil no wall funding and he will take it after crying a bit

He will cave, just wait.

There’s no need for namecalling, we disagree on politics, we aren’t enemies.
Would love for DT and GOP to start airing commercials of Hillary, Schumer, Obama, Pelosi... talking about our border back in 2006-2012 and how they support border security and immigration and then tag line it with even the Dems support the wall. Would love to see them start to scramble and explain why it was such a good idea back then but now they oppose it.

This is all about trying to get as many illegals into our country as they can so they can try to switch Texas blue from Red. If these immigrants were conservatives they would be parking tanks and the USS Kennedy off the coast off Cali. Maybe add a picture of Pelosi’s house with a huge wall around it and ask her why she has a wall around her house and her wall is immoral.

Dems can’t win this one. If they think that taking the House means they will go after Trump for two years talking impeach it will be just like when Bill was President - Trump approval numbers will go up and the house will flip back to the GOP. Wall will get built either way, and if Schumer and Pelosi oppose the wall the GOP will Back them into a corner and ask them why they won’t protect the border. Schumer keeps saying walls don’t work. Maybe ask Israel or even Mexico with a wall on their southern border. It is not that walls don’t work it is that they do work and once it is up immigration and illegal numbers and voters will diminish for the Dems. Once the wall is up the toothpaste can’t be put back in the tube, so Dems have to fight it all the way.
lol, Plat, Dion and kid didler My Fav Bro are hilarious. Think they represent the majority thought, but have no clue they are being enslaved to liberal media.

If you took out the illegal votes. Their ilk wouldn't have beat Jill Stein. lol. Losers. But please keep making me laugh, you rascals.
lol, Plat, Dion and kid didler My Fav Bro are hilarious. Think they represent the majority thought, but have no clue they are being enslaved to liberal media.

If you took out the illegal votes. Their ilk wouldn't have beat Jill Stein. lol. Losers. But please keep making me laugh, you rascals.
The voter turnout among 18-29 yr olds was 31%, up from 21% in the last midterm 2014, a 47.619% increase. They broke 67-32 for Democrats, one of the largest disparities in history, compared to only 54-43 Democratic in 2014 and 55-42 Democratic in 2010.

Serious question for this board: where does the GOP go from here? Their base just gets older and they're moving in the wrong direction with the youth.
hey dumbass @Bill Derington hows that schumer caving going? there wont be a vote until orange face backs down or congress decides to just go past his veto. they will offer him the 1.6bil no wall funding and he will take it after crying a bit
Lmao, imagine saying J. Edgar Hoover was a President and then calling someone else a dumbass. Well if you did, you'd be platinum.
The voter turnout among 18-29 yr olds was 31%, up from 21% in the last midterm 2014, a 47.619% increase. They broke 67-32 for Democrats, one of the largest disparities in history, compared to only 54-43 Democratic in 2014 and 55-42 Democratic in 2010.

Serious question for this board: where does the GOP go from here? Their base just gets older and they're moving in the wrong direction with the youth.
I'm in my 20s and would kill myself before I ever entertained the idea of becoming or voting for a democrat. Not all of us younger folk are retards.
I'm in my 20s and would kill myself before I ever entertained the idea of becoming or voting for a democrat. Not all of us younger folk are retards.
Obviously you fall within the 32% then. How do you plan on winning elections with only a third of the electorate?