How will they rule ??!

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The use of executive orders was used much more rampantly by numerous Presidents long before Obama was even old enough to be eligible to run for President. 15 presidents issued more executive orders than Obama did, nine of which were Republicans/Conservative in W. Bush, Nixon, Reagan, Eisenhower, Harding, Taft, Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, and Coolidge.

It's not the amount of executive orders. It's what becomes the law of the land through the EO.

Declaring a national holiday and pardoning a turkey are different than enacting the take over of 1/6 of our economy.
The use of executive orders was used much more rampantly by numerous Presidents long before Obama was even old enough to be eligible to run for President. 15 presidents issued more executive orders than Obama did, nine of which were Republicans/Conservative in W. Bush, Nixon, Reagan, Eisenhower, Harding, Taft, Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, and Coolidge.

But what were they using executive orders for? Naming some random bullshit holiday? Honoring an astronaut?

Obama's EO's were sweeping "legislation". They should have all been challenged as Unconstitutional by the do nothing loser republicans.

Hell, he just decided not to implement half the provisions of Obamacare since they didn't want all the negative impacts to be felt before the elections. Blatantly Unconstitutional.

I'm sure others can fill in with shit he EO'd off the top of their heads.
“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” “If they’re living here, I don’t want to see 6- and 8-year-old kids being made, one, totally uneducated, and made to feel like they’re living outside the law. Let’s address ourselves to the fundamentals. These are good people, strong people.”

guess who said that and gave amnesty to 3 million
“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” “If they’re living here, I don’t want to see 6- and 8-year-old kids being made, one, totally uneducated, and made to feel like they’re living outside the law. Let’s address ourselves to the fundamentals. These are good people, strong people.”

guess who said that and gave amnesty to 3 million
The number ended up being 1.7, the Dems reneged on their promises in the bill, border crossings were lower by multitudes, the world pop was ~40% less, it was before Mexican drugs and gangs exploded, before terrorism hit the US, global trade pressed wages I need to go on? Shittier talking point argument that Boston's EO one. Just really GD lazy, honestly.
You guys have been brain washed for so long now you have no idea what is fake or real. Party on Bro and leave the country to us. Just please don't ever vote again.

You're none the wiser just because of your advanced age, bro. You've been a dumbass for a long, long time. A simpleton, easily influenced by the media and groupthink.

Oh and I'm off for the next two weeks, bro. You can bet your lame ass that I'm already partying. SMOKE IT IF YOU'VE GOT IT, MY BRODIES!



Is it okay to say "Merry Christmas" in this day and age? Don't want to offend the snowflakes that populate this thread.
Fixed. Thanks me later.
lol. Look at their policies, not their name. While they did have some leftist ideals, it is clearly a right-wing group. Nazism was actually an anti-socialist/anti-communist movement under Hitler and Hitler outlawed socialism/communism in Germany once he and the Nazis rose to power, including banning the Socialist Democratic Party of Germany, which has been either a socialist or a Marxist party since its inception. In the Night of the Long Knives, all left-leaning people in the NAzi party were killed. They executed socialists and communists much in the same fashion as they did nearly every other minority group throughout Europe and Germany. The Dachau concentration camp was originally created to hold socialists while 11,000 people were arrested in Germany for socialist activity in 1936 alone.

The Nazi ideology under Hitler was based around fascism, which rose as a protest of leftist politics. The Nazi party arose as a right-wing organization with the vast majority of its members coming from other right-wing political parties like the German People's Party and the German National People's Party as they either defected to the Nazi party, saw their party merge with the Nazis, or they formed an alliance with the Nazi party.

Schooled, you can thank me later.
You're none the wiser just because of your advanced age, bro. You've been a dumbass for a long, long time. A simpleton, easily influenced by the media and groupthink.

Oh and I'm off for the next two weeks, bro. You can bet your lame ass that I'm already partying. SMOKE IT IF YOU'VE GOT IT, MY BRODIES!



Is it okay to say "Merry Christmas" in this day and age? Don't want to offend the snowflakes that populate this thread.
Problem is, the young such as yourself think they know better only to later on in years say, "they were right". Unfortunately, too much partying by you has already destroyed any brain cells that might have been used for intelligence and wisdom. So, sorry to say, not only are you inexperienced and dumb at your age, it only gets worse for you going forward. Keep partying because the ignorance you have portrayed so far is the only thing that will keep you blissful and happy. Not knowing what has been going on will keep you subservient to the Lords of the left.
lol. Look at their policies, not their name. While they did have some leftist ideals, it is clearly a right-wing group. Nazism was actually an anti-socialist/anti-communist movement under Hitler and Hitler outlawed socialism/communism in Germany once he and the Nazis rose to power, including banning the Socialist Democratic Party of Germany, which has been either a socialist or a Marxist party since its inception. In the Night of the Long Knives, all left-leaning people in the NAzi party were killed. They executed socialists and communists much in the same fashion as they did nearly every other minority group throughout Europe and Germany. The Dachau concentration camp was originally created to hold socialists while 11,000 people were arrested in Germany for socialist activity in 1936 alone.

The Nazi ideology under Hitler was based around fascism, which rose as a protest of leftist politics. The Nazi party arose as a right-wing organization with the vast majority of its members coming from other right-wing political parties like the German People's Party and the German National People's Party as they either defected to the Nazi party, saw their party merge with the Nazis, or they formed an alliance with the Nazi party.
Now we have Fascism from the left rising to protest conservatism and capitalism. Its funny or perhaps sad how you can't or won't see that. Too afraid of being called out for it. Man up!
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But what were they using executive orders for? Naming some random bullshit holiday? Honoring an astronaut?

Obama's EO's were sweeping "legislation". They should have all been challenged as Unconstitutional by the do nothing loser republicans.

Hell, he just decided not to implement half the provisions of Obamacare since they didn't want all the negative impacts to be felt before the elections. Blatantly Unconstitutional.

I'm sure others can fill in with shit he EO'd off the top of their heads.

Spoken like a true Democrat...
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They are supposed to interpret the law, not be the President's legal servant.

Even if that weren't true, "his guys" sided with him.

Look through Platinums post history. It is an impressive level of ignorance on anything regarding the law or SCOTUS.

Best was when he cited a case from 1840 and claimed it settled the interpretation of the language of a Constitutional Amendment that didn't even exist until the 1860s.
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Serious question, would you support bringing the draft back? And do you think military experience should be a requirement to be president?

Three of our last four presidents have not been in the military.
the republican losers can't even get the funding bill through a procedural vote. flake voted no, another isnt going to show up, corker might vote no. Murkowski ripped into Trump because he offered nothing but bullshit at the meeting this morning. good ole GoP, all talk, no actual governing once in power.
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This thread is way more fun when you’re high on painkillers.

I’m still trying to pass this damn kidney stone and today at the ER I couldn’t piss for a urine sample, so they got one the hard way. Sadly the dilaudid didn’t help much with that pain.

Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy some time with friends and family or Fox and friends if that’s your bag. I’m gonna settle in for some binge TV while I try to get this boulder out of my body.
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The worthless liberal Fed has conspired with the corrupt Dems & their criminal mouthpiece media to successfully crater the stock market.

Dems are absolute dog shit. If there were ever a group that should exiled and treated like Nazis it’s these bastards.

We have people on record wishing for a recession just to hurt Trump. It’s like a maniac wanting to crash the plane just because they didn’t let him be the pilot.
This thread is way more fun when you’re high on painkillers.

I’m still trying to pass this damn kidney stone and today at the ER I couldn’t piss for a urine sample, so they got one the hard way. Sadly the dilaudid didn’t help much with that pain.

Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy some time with friends and family or Fox and friends is that’s your bag. I’m gonna settle in for some binge TV while I try to get this boulder out of my body.
No one cares , go away.
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the republican losers can't even get the funding bill through a procedural vote. flake voted no, another isnt going to show up, corker might vote no. Murkowski ripped into Trump because he offered nothing but bullshit at the meeting this morning. good ole GoP, all talk, no actual governing once in power.
