How will they rule ??!

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Can someone tell me the negatives of a government shutdown?

Edit: I feel like the only reason anyone gives a shit is because the narrative is that a government shutdown means something negative, but no one ever stops to talk about what it actually means. Obviously when Obama was president, he was threatening to stop Social Security payments, but that was 100% his choice, was it not?

In reality a government shutdown doesn't mean a goddam thing. Federal government employees will get a few days off, then they'll end up getting paid for those days anyway.

If Trump truly wants to make an impact, he will shut things down for an extended period, and not allow government employees any back pay for days off (if he has that power).
Can someone tell me the negatives of a government shutdown?

Edit: I feel like the only reason anyone gives a shit is because the narrative is that a government shutdown means something negative, but no one ever stops to talk about what it actually means. Obviously when Obama was president, he was threatening to stop Social Security payments, but that was 100% his choice, was it not?

In reality a government shutdown doesn't mean a goddam thing. Federal government employees will get a few days off, then they'll end up getting paid for those days anyway.

If Trump truly wants to make an impact, he will shut things down for an extended period, and not allow government employees any back pay for days off (if he has that power).
It just makes congress & the president look like dumbasses, which they already are. and it ends up costing us a ton of money to shut services down and then restart them and back pay employees for not doing any work. If it goes on to long it will start delaying tax refunds. other than that it doesn't really do anything, like 90% of the government stays open becasue they are considered essential.
The senate already passed a funding bill without the wall money Trump could sign. If TRump doesn't approve it he is left holding the bag. See how that argument works? Trump has no leverage to negotiate with so in the end it will be his fault and he already went on TV and said it was all his fault. You think he's going to get a better deal by holding out and waiting until he loses the House? the next deal will have amnesty attached to it and medicare for all and require all white males to get homo married.

You don't seem understand how this works, you think those Senators want to spend Christmas and New Year in DC? Because that's exactly where they will be if they don't approve the Bill passed by the House.
It's gonna pass, you might as well accept it.
I think a statement behind the desk in the Oval Office is powerful optics.

Tell the networks and cable news you have a military/national security statement to make at 8 pm. Occasionally you got to remind those motherf—kers who the Commander in Chief is. You own all those channels on prime time for as long as you want.
Yeah I get the point. I'm sure Trump will either do a speech on it or will talk about it in a speech anyway.
The senate already passed a funding bill without the wall money Trump could sign. If TRump doesn't approve it he is left holding the bag. See how that argument works? Trump has no leverage to negotiate with so in the end it will be his fault and he already went on TV and said it was all his fault. You think he's going to get a better deal by holding out and waiting until he loses the House? the next deal will have amnesty attached to it and medicare for all and require all white males to get homo married.
As to the first part of your post, you are an idiot if you don't understand that the last person/group that blocks the progress, whether that is Trump or the Senate Dems, will be perceived to be at fault. right now it looks to be the Senate Dems. As to the second part of your post, how long do you think either party will hold out? If you think any shutdown lasts more than a week, give or take a few days, you are an idiot.

Interesting proposal about requiring all white males to get homo married. I know you meant it as an exaggeration/deterrent to funding the wall, but there's more truth there than you would ever care to concede.
Bwahaha, fun word play from a Trump supporter. They guy with ZERO morals or conscience...

You don't seem understand how this works, you think those Senators want to spend Christmas and New Year in DC? Because that's exactly where they will be if they don't approve the Bill passed by the House.
It's gonna pass, you might as well accept it.
they don't have to stay in DC because of a shut down. Trump doesn't control when they can go home. McConnel will say oh well, we'll try again in January. Trump plans to go hide in Mar a lago for 2 weeks so they don't give a shit about where he wants them to be. Right now there aren't even enough republican senators in DC to reach the "nuclear" option that they aren't going to use.
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Can someone tell me the negatives of a government shutdown?

Edit: I feel like the only reason anyone gives a shit is because the narrative is that a government shutdown means something negative, but no one ever stops to talk about what it actually means. Obviously when Obama was president, he was threatening to stop Social Security payments, but that was 100% his choice, was it not?

In reality a government shutdown doesn't mean a goddam thing. Federal government employees will get a few days off, then they'll end up getting paid for those days anyway.

If Trump truly wants to make an impact, he will shut things down for an extended period, and not allow government employees any back pay for days off (if he has that power).
Correct on most points. Only one thing to add, those areas of the government which are immediately essential keep on working. For instance, troop deployment and paying government employees continues. I know because I have had to work through 2 government shutdowns and yes, those who did not have to work got paid anyway despite not being there.
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they don't have to stay in DC because of a shut down. Trump doesn't control when they can go home. McConnel will say oh well, we'll try again in January. Trump plans to go hide in Mar a lago for 2 weeks so they don't give a shit about where he wants them to be. Right now there aren't even enough republican senators in DC to reach the "nuclear" option that they aren't going to use.

Yes, Trump can recall them, McConnell can keep them in session. Trump already stated he wasn’t leaving DC if the Govt shuts down.

They won’t have to do the nuclear option because Schumer has no back bone. He knows it’s on the Dems if the Govt shuts down. You think he’s gonna take heat for 5 Billion dollars? Not a chance
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The decision is clear in the ME. We either get out or we stay there for eternity because those people will fight with one another until the end of time. We need to do just enough to help our allies, but spending hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars along with precious lives trying to help people who hate us while our own country is falling apart and in massive debt is the definition of insanity. Mattis did a great job in containing ISIS (I think Trump is wrong saying they are defeated), but Afghanistan is a lost cause and he did not make much of a dent there.
The decision is clear in the ME. We either get out or we stay there for eternity because those people will fight with one another until the end of time. We need to do just enough to help our allies, but spending hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars along with precious lives trying to help people who hate us while our own country is falling apart and in massive debt is the definition of insanity. Mattis did a great job in containing ISIS (I think Trump is wrong saying they are defeated), but Afghanistan is a lost cause and he did not make much of a dent there.

That's a fact. To me, if we're going to stay there for eternity we should just wipe them all out and get it over with.

That's why I think complete withdrawal is the only real option
That's a fact. To me, if we're going to stay there for eternity we should just wipe them all out and get it over with.

That's why I think complete withdrawal is the only real option
Yeah, if you're going to war, go to war. If our modern leaders had been in charge during WW II, we'd all be speaking German and Japanese. And we'd have executed half our own soldiers for war crimes.
The decision is clear in the ME. We either get out or we stay there for eternity because those people will fight with one another until the end of time. We need to do just enough to help our allies, but spending hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars along with precious lives trying to help people who hate us while our own country is falling apart and in massive debt is the definition of insanity. Mattis did a great job in containing ISIS (I think Trump is wrong saying they are defeated), but Afghanistan is a lost cause and he did not make much of a dent there.
They have been fighting long before we got there and will be fighting long after we are gone.
The decision is clear in the ME. We either get out or we stay there for eternity because those people will fight with one another until the end of time. We need to do just enough to help our allies, but spending hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars along with precious lives trying to help people who hate us while our own country is falling apart and in massive debt is the definition of insanity. Mattis did a great job in containing ISIS (I think Trump is wrong saying they are defeated), but Afghanistan is a lost cause and he did not make much of a dent there.
I've said this before, and I will say it again: The only reason the ME has any bearing on our politics is because of oil. There will come a day in 3 to 5 decades when the oil dries up, and their money and influence will immediately dry up as well. They can beat each other with sticks and rocks and throw the abundant sand in one another's faces all they want, we won't give an eff. War in the ME (as long as it is contained in the ME) is probably in our best interest because they will expend their military weaponry.

I know it is a callous position, but no matter what we do over there, we are going to be the bad guy. Cut bait and let them figure things out for themselves.
It can only be used in non spending bills iirc. And Chucky was the first one I ever recall using it especially with any regularity.

So even though your Google search (that you only ran after I pointed out you're wrong, not before you posted) told you when it was technically created (assuming it's even right) it didn't tell you who started using it.

Just like many of us warned when libs were dancing in the streets every time Obama legislated via eo - you're setting a new standard you'll have to live with once you're out of power.

Of course libs never thought that would ever happen. But that's an entirely different topic
The use of executive orders was used much more rampantly by numerous Presidents long before Obama was even old enough to be eligible to run for President. 15 presidents issued more executive orders than Obama did, nine of which were Republicans/Conservative in W. Bush, Nixon, Reagan, Eisenhower, Harding, Taft, Hoover, Theodore Roosevelt, and Coolidge.

"Fake news" = coverage of the presidency that Trump doesn't like

And yeah, what Corker is saying has been obvious for two years now. Trump is informed, influenced, and ultimately controlled by a couple shows on Fox News.

You guys hate Cork Dogg's free speech because it bothers you, but you know it's the truth. You're only fine with it because you're TV news lemmings yourselves.

Ever heard of independent thinking? Reason? Logic? You should try it sometime.
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"Fake news" = coverage of the presidency that Trump doesn't like

And yeah, what Corker is saying has been obvious for two years now. Trump is informed, influenced, and ultimately controlled by a couple shows on Fox News.

You guys hate Cork Dogg's free speech because it bothers you, but you know it's the truth. You're only fine with it because you're TV news lemmings yourselves.

Ever heard of independent thinking? Reason? Logic? You should try it sometime.
You guys have been brain washed for so long now you have no idea what is fake or real. Party on Bro and leave the country to us. Just please don't ever vote again.