How will they rule ??!

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The Republicans are abandoning Trump on his flip flopping wall crap......

Corker laughed again: “You can’t make this stuff up”....

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Not to anywhere close to the extent the Republicans are doing.
Completely and blindly false. You really lose what little bit of credibility you might of had with your last few post. Pay attention young one and grow into some intelligence because what they are teaching you in grade school right now is not helping you.
Hope it never happens but a war with China is a real possibility in the future, IMO. Hopefully most of us are long gone before that happens.
Inevitable unfortunately unless the left in this country gets their way with complete control. Then, we will just cater to China and become a socialist nation being ruled from that nation. One world order will have to be controlled by some country, why not China?
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The Democrats were the first to use it however.....

" November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments, but not for the Supreme Court[1]. In April 2017, Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell extended the nuclear option to Supreme Court and the nomination of Neil Gorsuch ending the debate[2].[3][4]

As of January 2018, a three-fifths majority vote is still required to end debates on legislation.[5"

wow, **** that guy. "if you are worried, you should be"? Worried of what? Are the syrians going to pause their civil war and come kill us all or something? Did we really need that 18th year in Afghanistan? I'm more convinced of some kind of conspiracy propaganda psyop every day. This week has literally been the best week I can remember from any president.

err trying to link to CNN "Don's take on Trump Mattis". What a douche.
Oracle better be prepared for the fascists coming their way.
****ing Netflix... I'm still not sure how so many people are still okay with funding a company that runs movie ads depicting an 8-y/o child having a big O or which runs a cartoon aimed at the overt sexuality of children... but, apparently, getting your Netflix and chill on is far more important to a lot of sick ****ers.
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Dude, you're looking for a reason to jump. You've been looking. Don't be coy. Just own it.

As soon as Trump gives you even half a reason to stab him in the back, there you are with a knife. Your repeated behavior is telling.
Watch for how many times Wolfy swallows hard once the convo turns.

Miller is a badass, spray hair and all.

Libs being for border security is a flat out lie, easily proven. They would literally open the borders if they could.

You can tell when the left is concerned about a trump cabinet member. They start getting a focus, such as their hair etc
Dude, you're looking for a reason to jump. You've been looking. Don't be coy. Just own it.

As soon as Trump gives you even half a reason to stab him in the back, there you are with a knife. Your repeated behavior is telling.


You are a lunatic. I've been calling Trump a moderate democrat since he's been in office.

Other than banning bump stocks, I support every single thing I listed in that post, as should every reasonable person.
17,713 posts spanning over a decade. Most of the regulars know where I stand at this point. If I am a Democrat, so be it, I guess.
I don;t know what you are. Trouble is, neither do you, by your own admission.

Again, I state, you're too worried about being right to take any hard stance. If Trump fails, you'll be first to tell us all you told us so. If he succeeds, same story... You know I'm right. I know I'm right.
Cosby isn’t a Democrat. He’s a Republican who is very critical of the GOP due to years of being jaded by how weak they are.

Think Randy Quaid’s character in Major League II.
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I don;t know what you are. Trouble is, neither do you, by your own admission.

Again, I state, you're too worried about being right to take any hard stance. If Trump fails, you'll be first to tell us all you told us so. If he succeeds, same story... You know I'm right. I know I'm right.

Really don't know what the hell you're even arguing. You're just pissy because I told you you were naive and gullible for thinking anything was ever going to happen to anyone in the FBI, DOJ, Obama administration, etc. that committed treason.

I don't blindly support politicians. If you doing so makes you a better American in your eyes, I guess we'll just have to disagree.
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I don't blindly support politicians.

Correct. You simply ride the fence.

I don't fault you for having a different opinion. I fault you for showing up like a kid with a wet GD blanket with that same, tired ass narrative every, single, time anybody posts anything counter to your opinion on the matter.

Sorry, but that bullshit is tiring enough from my teenagers... and it only goes to bear out my words here...
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To me the notion of trump being a moderate Democrat is to point out the hypocrisy of the left; and the right to an extent.

He's almost identical to bill Clinton's actual political views (minus selling us out on nafta). Yet each side views trump in exactly the opposite way. This is most notable in the Dem party because they act as if he's Hitler while worshipping Clinton