How will they rule ??!

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Just wonder if just maybe this was the plan all along. Then again, thinking Ryan along with others in the GOP could work with Trump and execute the wall funding just before they are gone from Washington and put the Dems in this position is hard to believe.
- Sorry been gone for a while, The Paddock Political Thread. Wheels of commerce and whatnot. I take it @DidneyWorl is W*lly....what’s up buddy, they should give you your name back.

Mattis resigning is concerning. Never gonna happen but it would be cool if he ran in 2020. Respected by both Republicans and Democrats - could bridge the gap of hate between people in the country that has built up these past few years.
^ Seriously? That’s what you take from this era? How that work with the last two “common sense, respected Republicans”?

Give me someone that “Democrats” and “Republicans” both hate from here on out.

- We live in a world where Obama kept us in all wars, kept gitmo open, droned everyone, and got a Nobel Peace Prize. MAGA brings troops home and it doesn’t count because he’s uncouth. K.

- anger over Trump pulling out of Syria yesterday was gold. I’m old enough to remember the olden days of 2017-18 when I was told he’d get us into a quagmire there. 2000 troops, man. That’s a few dorms at Fort Campbell. Stfu.

- day’s worth of trashing MAGA to get his base angry he “lost” on the Wall only to come back a day later after kicking the Rs in the nuts and pass the funding on the the Senate.

- if you only get your news in a 240 character world, you’re going to always be a sucker. If you have the stones to look further and past Trump’s lack of “class” you’ll see how much good has gone on and how much nonsense fills 95% of their airwaves.
- Sorry been gone for a while, The Paddock Political Thread. Wheels of commerce and whatnot. I take it @DidneyWorl is W*lly....what’s up buddy, they should give you your name back.

^ Seriously? That’s what you take from this era? How that work with the last two “common sense, respected Republicans”?

Give me someone that “Democrats” and “Republicans” both hate from here on out.

- We live in a world where Obama kept us in all wars, kept gitmo open, droned everyone, and got a Nobel Peace Prize. MAGA brings troops home and it doesn’t count because he’s uncouth. K.

- anger over Trump pulling out of Syria yesterday was gold. I’m old enough to remember the olden days of 2017-18 when I was told he’d get us into a quagmire there. 2000 troops, man. That’s a few dorms at Fort Campbell. Stfu.

- day’s worth of trashing MAGA to get his base angry he “lost” on the Wall only to come back a day later after kicking the Rs in the nuts and pass the funding on the the Senate.

- if you only get your news in a 240 character world, you’re going to always be a sucker. If you have the stones to look further and past Trump’s lack of “class” you’ll see how much good has gone on and how much nonsense fills 95% of their airwaves.
- Sorry been gone for a while, The Paddock Political Thread. Wheels of commerce and whatnot. I take it @DidneyWorl is W*lly....what’s up buddy, they should give you your name back.

^ Seriously? That’s what you take from this era? How that work with the last two “common sense, respected Republicans”?

Give me someone that “Democrats” and “Republicans” both hate from here on out.

- We live in a world where Obama kept us in all wars, kept gitmo open, droned everyone, and got a Nobel Peace Prize. MAGA brings troops home and it doesn’t count because he’s uncouth. K.

- anger over Trump pulling out of Syria yesterday was gold. I’m old enough to remember the olden days of 2017-18 when I was told he’d get us into a quagmire there. 2000 troops, man. That’s a few dorms at Fort Campbell. Stfu.

- day’s worth of trashing MAGA to get his base angry he “lost” on the Wall only to come back a day later after kicking the Rs in the nuts and pass the funding on the the Senate.

- if you only get your news in a 240 character world, you’re going to always be a sucker. If you have the stones to look further and past Trump’s lack of “class” you’ll see how much good has gone on and how much nonsense fills 95% of their airwaves.

Spot on!!
I've probably held many positions longer than I should. BUT! It's usually paid off in the long run. See my admissions in the stock thread. I lost my ass on National City (NCC). That position was my summer cabin in Harrogate, TN, Rode it down from $48K all the way to 2K. Just sold earlier this year for a loss, 9 years later.
Been there. Taught me a valuable lesson in helping to better identify winners and losers. You'll get a newer and better cabin.
poor Trump, under normal circumstances he would generally get good marks for pulling the troops back. But everyone is assuming he is completely incompetent and has no idea what he is doing. Mattis saying that he is clueless def doesn't help his cause. whatever gets the troops home
The GOP is going to regret eliminating the filibuster when they get out of power. All they care about is getting the wins now without any thought of how it's going to come back to hurt them in the future.

You mean how democrats ramrod every thing they can through in times they're in power? It's the nature of the beast. Like Barry said: Elections have consequences.
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poor Trump, under normal circumstances he would generally get good marks for pulling the troops back. But everyone is assuming he is completely incompetent and has no idea what he is doing. Mattis saying that he is clueless def doesn't help his cause. whatever gets the troops home

We have been in Afghanistan for 17 years, spent Trillions of dollars there. Trump went against his judgement and listened to Mattis a year ago, nothing has changed in that time, it’s time to come home.
The threat is China, they are existential threat to the United States. They are everything we have stood against, and we built them up hoping they would see their faults. They haven’t, in fact they are going the opposite direction.
That's Ron Swanson's wife. I was quite disappointed when I found out that in real life Ron Swanson is actually an actor who's a super-beta-cuck-anti-American-soi-boi.
Yeah, he really is. I think I mentioned before that I tried to read his book and only made it to about the 5-6th chapter... He'd autofellate if those pesky man ribs weren't in the way.
We have been in Afghanistan for 17 years, spent Trillions of dollars there. Trump went against his judgement and listened to Mattis a year ago, nothing has changed in that time, it’s time to come home.
The threat is China, they are existential threat to the United States. They are everything we have stood against, and we built them up hoping they would see their faults. They haven’t, in fact they are going the opposite direction.
Hope it never happens but a war with China is a real possibility in the future, IMO. Hopefully most of us are long gone before that happens.
Mattis resigning is concerning. Never gonna happen but it would be cool if he ran in 2020. Respected by both Republicans and Democrats - could bridge the gap of hate between people in the country that has built up these past few years.
Timing of Syrian/Afghani exits very coincidental. Job complete. Next man up. Wash, rinse, repeat with this admin...
McConnell isnt stupid enough to try and remove the filibuster. he knows soon the GoP will be the minority party and would get ass raped without the filibuster. its the only power the minorty has to slow down majority power grab.
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If they invoke the nuclear option for bills, one side of the country is going to be ****ed every single year. Nuclear option needs to be abolished. The whole reason behind our election system is to prevent tyranny of the majority. Never should have been an option to begin with, never should have been used by either the Republicans or Democrats. If you can't get 60% of the Senators on board with your legislative proposal then it's likely shit to begin with, and making it easier to get shit passed doesn't make the country better no matter whose agenda the bill would satisfy. If they want to start making everything being able to get passed by a simple majority, then just eliminate Congress and let the people vote on it instead of wasting our tax dollars on Congress.
Plat is a pleb


Trump might have to flip parties now. the neocons are livid and will be out for blood. that war complex is their money printing machine and nobody will get in its way. First good thing Trump has done yet. we'll see how far it gets. withdraw everything from syria, afghanistan, iraq, Qatar, saudia. leave one strategic base in kuwait and be done with that shit hole land.

You might need to make another screen name you hack
The nuclear option doesn't apply across the board once it's applied in one case. And the 2013 Democrats didn't create it. Rule XXII has been on the books since 1917.

It can only be used in non spending bills iirc. And Chucky was the first one I ever recall using it especially with any regularity.

So even though your Google search (that you only ran after I pointed out you're wrong, not before you posted) told you when it was technically created (assuming it's even right) it didn't tell you who started using it.

Just like many of us warned when libs were dancing in the streets every time Obama legislated via eo - you're setting a new standard you'll have to live with once you're out of power.

Of course libs never thought that would ever happen. But that's an entirely different topic

Haha I love it. Goes from "the democrats support border security" Miller lists everything and Wolf's big comeback to all the points made, "okay I want to move on".

It is beyond obvious that the democrats dont support border security. Many of them basically preach for open boarders, and the party has become the party for illegal immigrants.
Ha. He HAS, and HAS BEEN, making his case for the last three years, both on the campaign, and in office.

Do these people, (supposed trump supporters), not listen to him?

Christ, he hasn't changed his tone, tune or rhetoric since 1980's Playboy and Oprah interviews.

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