How will they rule ??!

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The judge expected him to withdraw his guilty plea, then the judge got mad when he didn’t.
The judge asked the prosecutors what their reasoning for going to question Flynn in the first place was, and they used the Logan act which he laughed at because he knows what they were doing.
He then went off on a tangent, about treason and Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House, which he knew full well he wasn’t, nor was he charged for it, he later backtracked that comment.
He was going for sentencing today, the judge essentially talked him out of it, and I expect Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea by March.
Guess you missed the part about Flynn reaffirming the guilty plea and the judge's disgust with him.
One last nugget from the hearing today, the judge asked the prosecution why Flynn was questioned in the first place, they said the Logan Act, ridiculous and the judge agreed.

However, just yesterday when Comey was asked that same question, he answered it was because Flynn had lied to the Vice President?
Less than 24 hours apart we have 2 different reasons from the Mueller team, and Comey.
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The judge dared him to!!! Not sure that would be a wise move if he wants the judge to give probation only.

The judge also “ thought” he was acting as an agent of turkey while in the WH which lead to a big show in the court room. He later backtracked and apologized.
I think he pulls his plea, the govt was done with him or they wouldn’t have requested no jail time.
I think he pulls his plea, I may be wrong.
The judge also “ thought” he was acting as an agent of turkey while in the WH which lead to a big show in the court room. He later backtracked and apologized.
I think he pulls his plea, the govt was done with him or they wouldn’t have requested no jail time.
I think he pulls his plea, I may be wrong.
Perhaps Flynn is a martyr but I don't think that means in any way, shape or form that he had a good day today in court. He pleaded guilty after being repeatedly asked if he wanted to pull the plea. I mean the judge was so disgusted by him that he mentioned the word treason.
so this week TRump has given up on getting wall funding, is coming after your guns, had to dissolve the Trump foundation for fraud, gave mexico $5 billion, watched flynn get his ass kicked in court, maybe got the prison bill done (still has to go through the house again), had his dumbass lawyer admit to all his crimes (they aren't really crimes believe us). and its only Tuesday!
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Perhaps Flynn is a martyr but I don't think that means in any way, shape or form that he had a good day today in court. He pleaded guilty after being repeatedly asked if he wanted to pull the plea. I mean the judge was so disgusted by him that he mentioned the word treason.

Dude, the judge mentioned treason because he was implying Flynn was acting as a foreign agent while in the WH. He even got the Prosecution to admit he wasn’t under prosecution for the foreign agent bit nor did they look into it. The judge later said he was embarassed by it and apologized.
So the Prosecution admitted it was all about the questioning, they also said he wa questioned because of the Logan Act. While the man who sent the agents there in the first place said it wa for lying to the VP.
so this week TRump has given up on getting wall funding, is coming after your guns, had to dissolve the Trump foundation for fraud, gave mexico $5 billion, watched flynn get his ass kicked in court, maybe got the prison bill done (still has to go through the house again), had his dumbass lawyer admit to all his crimes (they aren't really crimes believe us). and its only Tuesday!

I’ll give you credit, you never learn.
Flynn's hearing went like a normal sentencing, with the exception of the judge asking him if he wished to withdraw his plea.

That's an extraordinary question considering the length of time at rearraignment spent on that very issue and the fact it cannot be undone absent extraordinary circumstances.

Don't know if it means anything or not. But unusual nonetheless
Dude, the judge mentioned treason because he was implying Flynn was acting as a foreign agent while in the WH. He even got the Prosecution to admit he wasn’t under prosecution for the foreign agent bit nor did they look into it. The judge later said he was embarassed by it and apologized.
So the Prosecution admitted it was all about the questioning, they also said he wa questioned because of the Logan Act. While the man who sent the agents there in the first place said it wa for lying to the VP.
lol, So you;re saying the judge wasn't disgusted at all? I think it was the first words out of his mouth. Of course it's all about lying repeatedly and almost daring him to plea not guilty. Idk how anything said can be judged as a win for Flynn.
An intelligent person excepts reality for what it is. Humans are greedy POS that will do anything for money and power. we thrive on ego. there isn't one piece of history that says otherwise. If you think that is ever going to change, well you can join the special buss with Derington.
The point you are missing is that they are only trying to hold one side accountable which is a dangerous precedent we are heading down.

Your seat on that proverbial bus is secured. I am just the driver.
Bumping this for you Trumpers.

lol, So you;re saying the judge wasn't disgusted at all? I think it was the first words out of his mouth. Of course it's all about lying repeatedly and almost daring him to plea not guilty. Idk how anything said can be judged as a win for Flynn.

That’s your opinion, I suggest you read the transcript.
the 2 trillion tax cut raised worker bonuses by......2 pennies!

If the first paragraph:

Next week marks the one-year anniversary of the Republican tax bill. On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, shrinking the corporate tax rate from 35 to 21 percent and cutting taxes on private businesses by about 20 percent.

doesn't immediately clue you in that the author has no idea what she's talking about, then you should probably refrain from commenting on anything regarding taxes.

But oh well. Per the author, "the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute" shows, on average, US workers got bonuses. However, additional money in the pockets of hard working Americans is just crumbs, so the government should have kept it. Maybe could have paid for an extra drone strike or something.
Meanwhile, out in the real world Trump has...

1. ended and restructured NAFTA
2. saved billions in trad war with China

...just in the past year.

All that is unbelievable, and highly bipartisan. He's basically a democrat before democrats sold us to terrorists.

Prison reform, for obvious reasons, has been a HUGE talking point for democrats for decades now...probably ever since Bill Clinton sentenced everyone to death for crack cocaine. Obama talked about it a lot, didn't do squat

So now all the anti-american democrats are exposed because they don't want America winning, and they sure as hell don't want black people out of prison.

Keep whining about someone lying to the fbi LMAO, fartsuckers.