How will they rule ??!

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We can shell out 10 billion to Mexico and South America, but not 5 billion for our own border? This country is screwed up.

We are fn losers.

We’ve made our bed and we’ll lay in it.

I don’t usually have the patience or care enough to listen to links like this, but this is a very intelligent and progressive discussion about Islam vs the West from a scholar who has been on both sides of the fence. Something even the fake dumbass libs on here can tolerate because it’s a gay man and a Muslim having an intellectual conversation.

You realize how foolish that makes Mueller and his attorneys, who have told the judge that Flynn should serve no time, look, right?

The reality is that Mueller dragged Flynn's name through the mud with trumped-up allegations to get him to squeal on bigger fish. We don't know what Flynn told Mueller's investigators, but assuming we can take Mueller at his word and Flynn cooperated fully, I think the Judge's implication was that the allegations were much more puffery than substance, which is really why Mueller is now recommending that Flynn not serve time.
Why would I care about how the judge, prosecutors or Flynn looks? This guy lied more than once and if not for singing like a bird to Mueller, he's definitely in the joint for awhile as the judge said basically. This wasn't even the wurst news for the president today but at least Flynn was loyal to him by questioning the govt. Boy did that backfire. [laughing]
Why would I care about how the judge, prosecutors or Flynn looks? This guy lied more than once and if not for singing like a bird to Mueller, he's definitely in the joint for awhile as the judge said basically. This wasn't even the wurst news for the president today but at least Flynn was loyal to him by questioning the govt. Boy did that backfire. [laughing]

Nothing of which had anything to do with Trump.

Can't wait till your hero Obama and his gang are locked up. They're being investigated for Treason right now.
Why would I care about how the judge, prosecutors or Flynn looks? This guy lied more than once and if not for singing like a bird to Mueller, he's definitely in the joint for awhile as the judge said basically. This wasn't even the wurst news for the president today but at least Flynn was loyal to him by questioning the govt. Boy did that backfire. [laughing]

Do you understand what happened today in the courtroom? You’re only reading snippets, you should read the transcript.
The useless GOP finally got the criminal justice bill passed, only 12 voted against it. Trump needed some kind of win now that he is going to cave on the wall funding.
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We can shell out 10 billion to Mexico and South America, but not 5 billion for our own border? This country is screwed up.

Which always goes into the pockets of these third world country's leaders. Why else do you think our democrat politicians go there for vacation, beer, and women. They have already paid for it at the tax payers expense.
Why would I care about how the judge, prosecutors or Flynn looks? This guy lied more than once and if not for singing like a bird to Mueller, he's definitely in the joint for awhile as the judge said basically. This wasn't even the wurst news for the president today but at least Flynn was loyal to him by questioning the govt. Boy did that backfire. [laughing]
Where was your outrage when Hillary lied and destroyed thousands of emails illegally. You are trash pure and simple. Your parents are probably ashamed. Scum ranks higher than you.
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Do you understand what happened today in the courtroom? You’re only reading snippets, you should read the transcript.
You thought Flynn had a great day today??
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Flynn had a good day? The judge started the hearing by making Flynn state on the record that he willingly and purposefully lied to the FBI and multiple members of the WH. He also made him say that he was not entrapped by the FBI. And then he made he reaffirm his guilty plea and then beg the judge for more time to keep helping Mueller. The judge called him a traitor and probably would have given him a lengthy prison sentence if it wasn't for his numerous plea deals. He also revoked Flynns passport and told him he couldn't leave DC. The Fox News story all weekend was that this was a no BS judge who would throw the case out because of all the FBI's wrong doings. sorry nutjobs, that didn't happen. The judge made him release the 302, he did, the judge was satisfied.
The sad thing today is that in our everybody gets a trophy society we have forgotten how to lose. Now, we cheat lie and steal to get our way. Democrats epitomize this corrupt way of life and will now do anything including sell their souls to attain their goal. Unfortunately, to keep their life style, we have many republican politicians who have joined in to this corrupt way of thinking and have allowed this to happen. We need serious reform and need to actually punish those in power who operate this way.
That explains it fully.

The judge expected him to withdraw his guilty plea, then the judge got mad when he didn’t.
The judge asked the prosecutors what their reasoning for going to question Flynn in the first place was, and they used the Logan act which he laughed at because he knows what they were doing.
He then went off on a tangent, about treason and Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House, which he knew full well he wasn’t, nor was he charged for it, he later backtracked that comment.
He was going for sentencing today, the judge essentially talked him out of it, and I expect Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea by March.
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Flynn had a good day? The judge started the hearing by making Flynn state on the record that he willingly and purposefully lied to the FBI and multiple members of the WH. He also made him say that he was not entrapped by the FBI. And then he made he reaffirm his guilty plea and then beg the judge for more time to keep helping Mueller. The judge called him a traitor and probably would have given him a lengthy prison sentence if it wasn't for his numerous plea deals. He also revoked Flynns passport and told him he couldn't leave DC. The Fox News story all weekend was that this was a no BS judge who would throw the case out because of all the FBI's wrong doings. sorry nutjobs, that didn't happen. The judge made him release the 302, he did, the judge was satisfied.

Might want to recheck what the judge has said since.
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Flynn had a good day? The judge started the hearing by making Flynn state on the record that he willingly and purposefully lied to the FBI and multiple members of the WH. He also made him say that he was not entrapped by the FBI. And then he made he reaffirm his guilty plea and then beg the judge for more time to keep helping Mueller. The judge called him a traitor and probably would have given him a lengthy prison sentence if it wasn't for his numerous plea deals. He also revoked Flynns passport and told him he couldn't leave DC. The Fox News story all weekend was that this was a no BS judge who would throw the case out because of all the FBI's wrong doings. sorry nutjobs, that didn't happen. The judge made him release the 302, he did, the judge was satisfied.
Flynn did what a decent human being should do, owned up to his lies. It is sad that you will not hold Obama, Hillary, Billary, Puglosi, Joy Reid, and countless others you idolize to the same standard. Aren't you pissed that they got away with so much corruption at our expense?
The judge expected him to withdraw his guilty plea, then the judge got mad when he didn’t.
The judge asked the prosecutors what their reasoning for going to question Flynn in the first place was, and they used the Logan act which he laughed at because he knows what they were doing.
He then went off on a tangent, about treason and Flynn acting as a foreign agent in the White House, which he knew full well he wasn’t, nor was he charged for it, he later backtracked that comment.
He was going for sentencing today, the judge essentially talked him out of it, and I expect Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea by March.
you must be the most special of the special. the don't make buses short enough for you
The sad thing today is that in our everybody gets a trophy society we have forgotten how to lose. Now, we cheat lie and steal to get our way. Democrats epitomize this corrupt way of life and will now do anything including sell their souls to attain their goal. Unfortunately, to keep their life style, we have many republican politicians who have joined in to this corrupt way of thinking and have allowed this to happen. We need serious reform and need to actually punish those in power who operate this way.
you seriously think it hasn't been this way since day 1? its human nature, it will never change
Yep, the answer I expected from you. Everybody does so, it is OK. Weak ass response. If anyone of them does it they should pay the price.
An intelligent person excepts reality for what it is. Humans are greedy POS that will do anything for money and power. we thrive on ego. there isn't one piece of history that says otherwise. If you think that is ever going to change, well you can join the special buss with Derington.