How will they rule ??!

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Leftist NPCs: Witchcraft isn't real and only crazy nutjobs Christians believe in it and use it to stir up Satanic panics

Also Leftist NPCs: I need someone to align my shakras and cast spells against Drumpf because I can't even adult today with Orange Man lying for the 6000th time, which is a record for any President in history!
I remember these days. We had gun safety from the 3rd grade through the 8th. High school kids knew as much as the teacher by that time. When I was 8 years old my grandfather gave me a .22 rifle for Christmas and I took it to school on Jan 2nd for show and tell. Passed it around the room and the teacher went to his truck and brought one of his shotguns to the room. Nobody thought a thing about it and it was very educational
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Also, much like the frog in a pot of warm water, the fact that many major public figures are openly into witchcraft or Satanism and a large swath of media consumers are all on board with the mass murder of pre-born babies doesn't seem to raise an eyebrow. Less than 50 years ago that would have been unthinkable.

I'm sure it's just me being out of touch, though. Kids cross dressing and being sexual objects and lopping off their genitals and being witches is just a new fad and has no deeper meaning. Which is why Hollywood and the media is telling people it has no deeper meaning.
Leftist NPCs: Witchcraft isn't real and only crazy nutjobs Christians believe in it and use it to stir up Satanic panics

Also Leftist NPCs: I need someone to align my shakras and cast spells against Drumpf because I can't even adult today with Orange Man lying for the 6000th time, which is a record for any President in history!

That’s pretty good. I also enjoy the mocking of “putting blind faith in some book of fairytales men wrote” while completely putting blind faith into global warming/climate change/everything leftist media says.

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Also, much like the frog in a pot of warm water, the fact that many major public figures are openly into witchcraft or Satanism and a large swath of media consumers are all on board with the mass murder of pre-born babies doesn't seem to raise an eyebrow. Less than 50 years ago that would have been unthinkable.

I'm sure it's just me being out of touch, though. Kids cross dressing and being sexual objects and lopping off their genitals and being witches is just a new fad and has no deeper meaning. Which is why Hollywood and the media is telling people it has no deeper meaning.

The decline of our culture is a sight to behold. Look at neighborhoods and cities today compared to 50-60 years ago and to the post WWII era. Look at what is celebrated and what is pushed to be normalized. Look at the state of young men today. Guys who don’t know how to do shit. Girls who have been raised to think being a whore is awesome and that it’s awful to want to be a mother.

This isn’t progress. This is regressing into absolute shit.
The decline of our culture is a sight to behold. Look at neighborhoods and cities today compared to 50-60 years ago and to the post WWII era. Look at what is celebrated and what is pushed to be normalized. Look at the state of young men today. Guys who don’t know how to do shit. Girls who have been raised to think being a whore is awesome and that it’s awful to want to be a mother.

This isn’t progress. This is regressing into absolute shit.

Such rapid decline in our culture is no accident. Other nations/terror states are investing in a full out assault on Western culture, through their funded social and main stream media pals.

And it's working. Probably better than they could ever dreamed.

A few years ago I thought: with all the attack against masculinity, in another ten years an enemy will be able to just stroll in and conquer us.

But it's so much worse than that. In ten years there won't even be a need to invade us. We'll just invite them to take us over to show we aren't racist/xenophobic/etc

I honestly have a hard time saying how mind-boggling this entire thing has been. SO MUCH evidence of wrong-doing and conspiracy between Clinton/Obama and branches of the govt, yet it's all completely being swept under the rug and ignored while a narrative with Trump/Russia is being pushed relentlessly with absolutely no evidence.

It's literally right out of a Orwell novel, but it's happening in real life.

I honestly have a hard time saying how mind-boggling this entire thing has been. SO MUCH evidence of wrong-doing and conspiracy between Clinton/Obama and branches of the govt, yet it's all completely being swept under the rug and ignored while a narrative with Trump/Russia is being pushed relentlessly with absolutely no evidence.

It's literally right out of a Orwell novel, but it's happening in real life.

It's mindblowing. Noone even mentions the memo leaked by WikiLeaks showing all their oppo research that was discussed at their major donor meeting.

The same memo that laid out exactly how they'd attack each candidate. They're still going by that game plan and noone ever mentions it


I love that motto from this group of people who think they’re the rebels and the good guys after being completely on board with using the government to target enemies, for tech/media companies to control your information, justifying political violence, and being on board with globalist elites who want to end your sovereignty and take away your right to defend yourself and say whatever you want to say.

Seriously, take a moment and process that for a minute. That’s the modern day Democrats. Somehow in their delusional world, that’s not fascism.

They’re the epitome of Lenin’s “useful idiots” term.
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So...what happened to everyones profile pics? Or are they just not showing up on my end.
I was reading the thread early this a.m. (4ish) and they were all there. Refreshed the page and the site was then down for maintenance. I'm assuming someone accidentally did something and caused them all to disappear.

Just tried to re-upload mine and it stays blank. Must be some kind of glitch.
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Probably just funding thoughtful investigations into the origins of Islam and the modern expansion of Jihadism vis-a-vis faithfully living the commands of Muhammad. These are academics we are talking about here. They would never compromise their integrity and only go where the facts lead them. They are very much like hero journalists in that regard
I was reading the thread early this a.m. (4ish) and they were all there. Refreshed the page and the site was then down for maintenance. I'm assuming someone accidentally did something and caused them all to disappear.

Just tried to re-upload mine and it stays blank. Must be some kind of glitch.
Looks like they are back now.