How will they rule ??!

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Saw a guy wearing this jacket yesterday - which one of you was it?


Thought it was yours, man. lol
Why would she put herself through such a grueling rehash of such a traumatizing time in her life?

She had nothing to gain but a $1,000,000 GoFundMe and being an SI awards presenter.

Look, SI is on it's way out, but can't they go out gracefully?

Thought she feared for her life? LMAO what a farce it all is.

And this little venture tells us she has a publicist/agent that's pitching gigs to outlets on her behalf. No way SI unilaterally approached her.
Hmmm man. The DOJ, FBI and Congress have been working so hard to weed out the corruption in government, I'm SHOCKED he's not testifying.

Let's just hang tight though. Something is going to happen soon.
I could have made serious money banking on this exact, tired reply coming from you. Hell, it almost like you were waiting for it.

I'm going to enjoy laughing at your negative, short-sighted ass.
I could have made serious money banking on this exact, tired reply coming from you. Hell, it almost like you were waiting for it.

I'm going to enjoy laughing at your negative, short-sighted ass.
He's right though. Crap like this comes up all the time. Everyone gets all excited. And then...and then...nothing happens.

I'm sure Bill will be just as happy as the rest of us if something actually happens. But until it does I'm not holding my breath either.

He's right though. Crap like this comes up all the time. Everyone gets all excited. And then...and then...nothing happens.

I'm sure Bill will be just as happy as the rest of us if something actually happens. But until it does I'm not holding my breath either.

And that's fine. I get it. When you start acting like a petulant child about it and attacking every aspect presented as counter/negative b/c you're a miserable, smarmy asshole, I'll call you out in the same way.

I chose hope. I didn't start bashing Bill until he became obsessed with constantly attacking that idea with his undying cynicism.

Edit to add, Bill just wants to be right. Don't be mistaken here.
What happened to her voice? Surely she didn't change it during her testimony to emotionally manipulate people!?!?!
I am still trying to understand why the women's movement destroyed the man's reputation and drug him through their slime and mud. The right of a woman to kill an unborn child is their first priority in life and he will not be a threat to that. He will never vote to limit abortion or defund Planned Parenthood. So why were they worried?

I think it was because he was nominated by Trump.
I honestly wouldn't put it past the GOP to have worked with the Dems on that one. Attack Kavanaugh so much that the base gets behind an otherwise bland and moderate nominee, when they were clamoring for a hardliner to reset the balance of the court for the foreseeable future.
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And that's fine. I get it. When you start acting like a petulant child about it and attacking every aspect presented as counter/negative b/c you're a miserable, smarmy asshole, I'll call you out in the same way.

I chose hope. I didn't start bashing Bill until he became obsessed with constantly attacking that idea with his undying cynicism.

Edit to add, Bill just wants to be right. Don't be mistaken here.

I hope I'm wrong. But I'm not. And I'm not gullible and/or naive enough to believe anything is ever going to happen to the ruling class.

But hey, who knows, maybe Santa Claus is real.
He's right though. Crap like this comes up all the time. Everyone gets all excited. And then...and then...nothing happens.

I'm sure Bill will be just as happy as the rest of us if something actually happens. But until it does I'm not holding my breath either.

I was going to post something similar yesterday but, it was redundantly repetitive repeats from before.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I am still trying to understand why the women's movement destroyed the man's reputation and drug him through their slime and mud. The right of a woman to kill an unborn child is their first priority in life and he will not be a threat to that. He will never vote to limit abortion or defund Planned Parenthood. So why were they worried?

I think it was because he was nominated by Trump.
Mainstream media told them what to think. Most of these hard core women's ib movement gals/guys/genderwhatever's have no original thoughts not unlike a few on here. They see it on CNN, MSNBC, the View and others without doing any research and believe it is true. They already believe that Trump has started WWIII and we are fighting that war in the middle east.
I hope I'm wrong. But I'm not. And I'm not gullible and/or naive enough to believe anything is ever going to happen to the ruling class.

But hey, who knows, maybe Santa Claus is real.
Hey, Santa Clause was real, he died many years ago. Don't be trying to destroy my delusions so close to Christmas. That is just un-American.
Be nice if folks would start investigating reporters and all of their past transgressions like they do others. Wonder what you would find? Am sure you would find old photos of a reporter having a drinking bender that they are trying to nail others for doing. Sure many have done sexual favors for a story. Taken bribes not to report something. List would be very long.

Point being the hypocrisy is super thick.
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