How will they rule ??!

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Same old schtick by you. What is wrong with owning a Truck, Guns, etc... You epitomize the idiocy of the left. I am guessing (almost positive) the living in his mothers basement part hit home for you. Do you even pay a little rent or do you keep your government handout money for your dope.

I smoke big dope, bro. Wouldn't be opposed to the gov't taking a cut if they legalized it nationwide. I have a weird hunch that Trump will actually make that happen. Hell, watch his "approval rating" skyrocket if he pulled it off under his watch. Would be sick.

And no, the tired "mother's basement" burn isn't "hitting home" for me. It just dates you and hints at how out-of-touch with reality you've been for at least 20 years.

I had a KILLER setup in my parents' basement in HS though, before I got the hell out of KY and started living in an actual environment of awesome shit that you're too lame to understand. Get on my level, bro. own a truck and some guns though, don't you? LMFAO you're basic as hell. Are you a "BLUE LIVES MATTER" weirdo too? Got that little sticker on your bumper?

Are you a PJ Washington fan?

Tell the truth.
Calling everybody bro is so played out. Actually, Your Favorite Bro is so played out. Attempts at humor are devoid of humor. Attempts at logic are devoid of logic. Attempts at wit are devoid of wit. So played out.

You don't need a new handle. You need a new schtick.
I smoke big dope, bro. Wouldn't be opposed to the gov't taking a cut if they legalized it nationwide. I have a weird hunch that Trump will actually make that happen. Hell, watch his "approval rating" skyrocket if he pulled it off under his watch. Would be sick.

And no, the tired "mother's basement" burn isn't "hitting home" for me. It just dates you and hints at how out-of-touch with reality you've been for at least 20 years.

I had a KILLER setup in my parents' basement in HS though, before I got the hell out of KY and started living in an actual environment of awesome shit that you're too lame to understand. Get on my level, bro. own a truck and some guns though, don't you? LMFAO you're basic as hell. Are you a "BLUE LIVES MATTER" weirdo too? Got that little sticker on your bumper?

Are you a PJ Washington fan?

Tell the truth.
I have told the truth but you are not getting it. No surprise though. Obiviously hit home with the mother's basement because it triggered you. You need to come clean about your situation though.

Blue lives do matter as do all lives. Perhaps you should quit watching CNN and MSNBC and join the real world. To you it seems you have bought in to the dumbass narrative and do not have an opinion of your own.

Congrats! You epitomize what many on the right believe to be the problem with drugs, it dumbs you down. You match the profile.
woman has a unhinged son and it is the season for giving you insensitive jackass

I did my part. Let her keep $10 out of that 40 instead of our usual split.

He doesn't have anywhere close to even a billion in cash so his cheap ass couldn't afford to do it. But he's more than welcome to liquidate his assets and pay for it.

QFS...quoted for stupidity
I have told the truth but you are not getting it. No surprise though. Obiviously hit home with the mother's basement because it triggered you. You need to come clean about your situation though.

Blue lives do matter as do all lives. Perhaps you should quit watching CNN and MSNBC and join the real world. To you it seems you have bought in to the dumbass narrative and do not have an opinion of your own.

Congrats! You epitomize what many on the right believe to be the problem with drugs, it dumbs you down. You match the profile.


Sweet LORD!! You are a simpleton. Stick to your trucks and your guns and leave the future of our country to the awesome brodies and brodettes who value DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT. Turn off that damn TV, while you're at it. It's frying your feeble mind.

Sweet LORD!! You are a simpleton. Stick to your trucks and your guns and leave the future of our country to the awesome brodies and brodettes who value DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT. Turn off that damn TV, while you're at it. It's frying your feeble mind.
If the country was left to you and your kind we would be destroyed in about 20 years. Your life is good because of me and my kind. You exist because we made it possible. Our guns and abilities to use them keep you safe.
Survival of the fittest would happen if you losers had control and your type would perish.

Thank a conservative every day you loser because we are your reason for being.
Trump's longtime "fixer" gets a prison sentencing today, and you guys are talking about...Hillary Clinton?

If Hillary did some dirt, let her be punished for it. That's why our laws exist.

But what are you guys gonna do if Trump gets hit with some serious heat stemming from the Mueller investigation? Hell of a lot of smoke around your boy right now. I always said that Trump would survive this, but damn the Cohen thing is surreal. He probably won't get indicted (right?), but damn he's gonna be left holding a bag of shit.

Would you guys do anything about it, or just keep complaining about "THE LEFT" and the (LOL) "Deep State?"

I only ask because some people on here are begging for some weird LEFT vs. RIGHT CIVIL WAR 2018 and one dude in particular has some neighborhood buddies ready to drive up to Washington at any given moment. I bet they're some "tough cookies," as Trump loves to say.

LMFAO!!! Trump is such a bum and I can't believe you guys cape for him like this. Donald Trump! Hahahaha

STFU Chelsea. Your parents are scum. Obama is a POS who set this all up but was to big of a **** off to pull it off you rigged an election and it back fired. Go cry to mommy
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I smoke big dope, bro. Wouldn't be opposed to the gov't taking a cut if they legalized it nationwide. I have a weird hunch that Trump will actually make that happen. Hell, watch his "approval rating" skyrocket if he pulled it off under his watch. Would be sick.

And no, the tired "mother's basement" burn isn't "hitting home" for me. It just dates you and hints at how out-of-touch with reality you've been for at least 20 years.

I had a KILLER setup in my parents' basement in HS though, before I got the hell out of KY and started living in an actual environment of awesome shit that you're too lame to understand. Get on my level, bro. own a truck and some guns though, don't you? LMFAO you're basic as hell. Are you a "BLUE LIVES MATTER" weirdo too? Got that little sticker on your bumper?

Are you a PJ Washington fan?

Tell the truth.

Fuzz you are a really dumb person. I'm talking retarded dumb. Thank God only 1% of true Americans agree with you.
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If the country was left to you and your kind we would be destroyed in about 20 years. Your life is good because of me and my kind. You exist because we made it possible. Our guns and abilities to use them keep you safe.
Survival of the fittest would happen if you losers had control and your type would perish.

Thank a conservative every day you loser because we are your reason for being.

Greg Gutfed had a good quote regarding leftists vs conservatism.

“Conservatism doesn’t compete with liberalism. It sustains it.”

Have any of the Lefties here stated they support Macron's "green" gasoline tax & think he should cave to his lessers? If they don't, why do they support carbon taxes here?
As I was saying:

"The proximate cause of what’s being coined the “Yellow Vest” protests may shock you: climate taxes.

French President Emanuel Macron has fully bought into the elite, environmentalist position that governments must do everything, including implementing regressive taxes on the most disadvantaged, to restrict so-called dirty transportation like driving. That’s why Macron championed an “eco-tax” that would raise fuel prices in order to discourage driving. Diesel fuel was set to rise by 24 cents a gallon and gasoline by 12 cents a gallon in January."

"The French people, especially rural citizens who have no choice but to drive for their livelihoods, were predictably furious. Discontent with Macron had been growing for other reasons both cultural and economic, but these environmentalist gas taxes were the straw that broke the camel’s back.

One French citizen expressed his frustration by explaining to the Washington Post, “We live on the side of a mountain. There’s no bus or train to take us anywhere. We have to have a car.”"

"The violence in France makes clear how regular families feel when they are the brunt of elitist, technocratic environmental policy that threatens their ability to pay their bills and provide for their children. It’s no wonder they feel devalued when they’re told to fork over even more money. It’s no wonder they recoil when the Paris elite, accustomed to taking Ubers and subsidized mass transit, shame their car-centered lifestyle and don’t seem to care about their struggles.

The reaction from climate activists in America to these events has been a suspicious silence.

They don’t want to talk about the protests in France because it calls into question their entire political and policy platform. After all, left-wing climate groups in America like the Sierra Club and the Sunrise Movement, as well as far-left politicians like Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, want to bring French-style carbon taxes to America."

POINT/SET/MATCH !!. You see/hear zilch of this in the US msm.

"Steyer and Bloomberg especially signify the elitist nature of modern environmental activism. From their enclaves in San Francisco and New York, they dictate to the people down below how to live their lives, even as they buy up mansions and live the good life of the extravagantly wealthy, boasting their own massive carbon footprints in the process.

This is not theoretical. Just last month, members of Congress rolled out another federal plan to tax carbon, and Ocasio-Cortez has made passing a radical “Green New Deal” (code-word for a massive carbon tax) her top priority after she is sworn in."

if you actually read the FBI documents the case is against 2 people. Weiner & Producers of pornagraphy [name redacted]. they don't say he was producing the porn though i wouldn't be surprised he's a ****ing wierdo. he has a chance of being charged with porn production because he was asking for pictures, something that has been public knowledge for over a year. nowhere does it say the porn was shared in Hillary's e-mails. it says his outlook account was automatically pulling his wifes e-mail and they were not allowed to look at any content. Weiner is a POS but none of this is breaking news
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Sweet LORD!! You are a simpleton. Stick to your trucks and your guns and leave the future of our country to the awesome brodies and brodettes who value DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT. Turn off that damn TV, while you're at it. It's frying your feeble mind.
I don't get into political discussions much but you've gotta find something different to harp on. I drive a truck and own guns but I can't stand The Donald.
Found a good Twitter thread last night before bed. A woman had misconstrued the proposal of the new Cali law to tax text mesages and she thought the tax would be retroactive for 5 years upon approval. All hell was escaping in that thread. I bookmarked it, but it's been deleted this morning.