How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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So tell me about the caravan that's coming to rape and pillage the US. .

Yeah, okay.

Then why is he on live tv claiming that he will shut down the government over the funding for the wall?
Because he can renegotiate trade deals etc. which get approved and reduce aid sent when it gets approved but all appropriation bills start in the House. Civics.

Why do liberals tell us that if a planned 5% spending hike is reduced to a 3% spending hike the nasty Republicans have cut spending on a much needed program (when it actually went up 3%) but if Trump does something that actually reduces money sent to Mexico, that doesn't count?
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By claiming innocence by way of his attorney not following the law TRump has now waived privilege on all communications he has ever made with Cohen. All those documents he fought over with the Special Master will be free for the FBI to claim. He probably should have consulted with a competent lawyer before sending out such a stupid tweet.
Go after the youngsters. Get some taxing going on Snapchat too while they are at it. Make those supporting socialism start paying for it. Gotta build up a nest egg for all the free stuff they want.
Unfortunately it's their parents that suffer. The parents are the ones footing most of those phone bills in the first place.
By claiming innocence by way of his attorney not following the law TRump has now waived privilege on all communications he has ever made with Cohen. All those documents he fought over with the Special Master will be free for the FBI to claim. He probably should have consulted with a competent lawyer before sending out such a stupid tweet.
Noted law dawg Platinumdumb is on the case. That dipshit President and his team of highly trained lawyers are no match for this guy who read a tweet from someone who has a podcast or something!
Noted law dawg Platinumdumb is on the case. That dipshit President and his team of highly trained lawyers are no match for this guy who read a tweet from someone who has a podcast or something!
Anxiously awaiting some ridiculous legal ruling to be cited. Maybe this time it will be from 2024?
Would love to see the Clintons in jail where they belong. They certainly deserve it. Just never seeing it actually happen.

Hey, man. Don't be a debbie downer. Just hold out hope. Keep believing in the system. One day, despite all evidence and reason to believe the opposite, we'll finally see justice for the swamp people. Just hold on to hope.

By claiming innocence by way of his attorney not following the law TRump has now waived privilege on all communications he has ever made with Cohen. All those documents he fought over with the Special Master will be free for the FBI to claim. He probably should have consulted with a competent lawyer before sending out such a stupid tweet.
He should have hired the same atty that POTUS J. Edgar Hoover used.
Why is the American taxpayer on the hook for the Washington Media's multiple events/parties every year? F them all. If they want a Christmas party, fork it out of your own pockets and have a blast with or without the POTUS there. The BS has to eventually stop somewhere. Doubt it stops once Trump is gone but at least (for now) those scumbags are being put in their place for awhile.
Hey, man. Don't be a debbie downer. Just hold out hope. Keep believing in the system. One day, despite all evidence and reason to believe the opposite, we'll finally see justice for the swamp people. Just hold on to hope.


Hope we're wrong. But with all they've gotten away with, don't see them going down now.
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The "statement of admitted facts" says that AMI admitted making a $150,000 payment "in concert with the campaign," and says that Pecker, Cohen and "at least one other member of the campaign" were in the meeting. According to a person familiar with the matter, the "other member" was Trump.

Yep, had nothing to do with campaign finance & the election. Now just 2 of TRumps most old & loyal friends say it was in cooperation with the FBI.
Senate passed 2 resolutions to end US support with the Saudis in Yemen and to condemn MBS for the journalists murder. Still haven't voted on the watered down prison reform bill, pussied out and removed the mandatory sentencing rules overhaul.
The "statement of admitted facts" says that AMI admitted making a $150,000 payment "in concert with the campaign," and says that Pecker, Cohen and "at least one other member of the campaign" were in the meeting. According to a person familiar with the matter, the "other member" was Trump.

Yep, had nothing to do with campaign finance & the election. Now just 2 of TRumps most old & loyal friends say it was in cooperation with the FBI.

You still don’t get it, it is not illegal to have non disclosure agreements. Now, if they had used Campaign finances you’d have a point, but they didn’t.
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debt rose 50% over last year. expected to hit 1.2 trillion in 2019. MAGA!

So revenue must have taken a dive with those tax cuts?

That's some AOC level economics comprehension you're rollin' with Plat.
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You know who had her long time campaign manager/FIXER, plus her own father, break campaign finance laws?...among many other things, like stealing voter information that would later end up on The Dark Web.... Allison Horsec**t Grimes! Nobody cares, but I have to imagine her political career is over at the very least. Sad!
Was it Platinum who cited a case from the 1840s and said it definitively settled the interpretation of an Amendment ratified in the 1860s?

He's the one now telling us sending a rambling tweet is the same thing as asserting a defense in court filings?
Wasn't he the one who said J. Edgar Hoover was president too?