How will they rule ??!

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US weekly jobless claims drop to near 49-year low
  • The number of Americans filing applications for jobless benefits tumbled to near a 49-year low last week
  • Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 27,000 to a seasonally adjusted 206,000 for the week ended Dec. 8, the Labor Department said
  • Economists polled by Reuters had forecast claims falling to 225,000 in the latest week

#MAGA. :americanflag:
I can only think of one poster in this thread who got so triggered he called another poster out for a fist fight.

Did you try that thing on before you bought it?

What?! I offered to buy you lunch AND bourbon at a pretty high class establishment. Does that equate to calling someone out for a fist fight in these parts? :flushed:
What?! I offered to buy you lunch AND bourbon at a pretty high class establishment. Does that equate to calling someone out for a fist fight in these parts? :flushed:
Actually, some of us drink better after a little workout.
Mainstream media told them what to think. Most of these hard core women's ib movement gals/guys/genderwhatever's have no original thoughts not unlike a few on here. They see it on CNN, MSNBC, the View and others without doing any research and believe it is true. They already believe that Trump has started WWIII and we are fighting that war in the middle east.

It’s fascinating to watch people change (into the same thing) with a little bit of college. We’ve had employees and family members (especially females) who become indoctrinated with this shit once they get a dose of college. It’s this cycle that looks like a zombie virus. They’re normal before it and then after college courses in the departments leftists dominate; they all come out with the same take- pro Palestine, hates a new group of people, feels oppressed, etc.

We’re seeing it again with my wife’s 21-year old cousin. She thinks she’s a genius now and is super liberal. Went on a Christian missionary trip to the Middle East (which I think was just a vacation for her) where she came back and said, “Muslims are the nicest people she’s ever met.” She was of course in some protected resort and knew absolutely nothing about Sharia Law or Islamic belief system but she thinks she’s a genius now because her parents paid for it. Lol

I’ve told this story before but a black friend of ours in high school took one semester at UofL and then became so radicalized to hate whites and be all about Africa and then thinking “whitey is evil.”

College has become absolute shit.
Simpletons (ie liberals) can't wrap their minds around the fact that the cost can be covered in ways other than writing a check.
you simpletons cant comprehend that there is already physical barriers at all the high traffic crossing locations. Trump will never get his wall mainly because he can't stop calling it a wall like a petulant child. Border patrol doesn't want a wall, they want to upgrade some of the old fencing and extend it out in a few areas. Something we have already been doing for 30 years. If TRump wasn't such a racist pos he would have said give me 5bil to fix the fencing and it would have been done the first year. Instead he said all the rapists and and druggies from MExico will pay for my big beautiful wall so Dems told him to eat a dick and always will. 80% of illegal immigrants overstay visas, not evade some stupid ass wall. and the largest group is canadians not mexicans.
I'm pretty certain Trump is sincere as f*ck about wanting to stop the flow of drugs from the southern border. Probably the biggest reason he wants the wall. I mean, he is doing what he can here in the US policy-wise to help curb our drug problem.

The fact his brother is dead because of drugs is probably a bigger reason than OMG HE IS SOOOOOOOOO RACIST!!!!1!1!!!!1!

It is also a plus that it will keep out violent criminals and reduce child trafficking (and probably the reason why libs/dems like Platimdumb don't want the wall).

But things like that escape unhinged lefties.
you simpletons cant comprehend that there is already physical barriers at all the high traffic crossing locations. Trump will never get his wall mainly because he can't stop calling it a wall like a petulant child. Border patrol doesn't want a wall, they want to upgrade some of the old fencing and extend it out in a few areas. Something we have already been doing for 30 years. If TRump wasn't such a racist pos he would have said give me 5bil to fix the fencing and it would have been done the first year. Instead he said all the rapists and and druggies from MExico will pay for my big beautiful wall so Dems told him to eat a dick and always will. 80% of illegal immigrants overstay visas, not evade some stupid ass wall. and the largest group is canadians not mexicans.


So if Trump wasn't a racist POS he would have been clamoring for a fence because a wall is racist.

God you lefties are mentally retarded.
I swear, I think there's something to this. The USS GHWB? Is this some kind of troll? I'm having trouble understanding the capacity of her on that ship. Doesn't make any sense.
Ehh, I doubt she was trolling the Bushs. Melania seems to classy to do something like that. She also could've been planning on doing that for months before he passed.
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Border patrol doesn't want a wall

You gleaned that from someone misrepresenting a internal border patrol feedback poll, possibly this NYTimes article that doesn't present the truth until the SIXTH paragraph. They weren't responding to choices, it was a spitballing questionnaire.

Officials at Customs and Border Protection called the report inaccurate, saying it confused how agents’ feedback about security vulnerabilities is used to develop programs to counter threats.

The documents show that the Border Patrol identified what it called 902 “capability gaps,” or vulnerabilities, on the Southwest border. The word “wall” was suggested as a possible solution for just three of those gaps.

Agents mentioned a “fence” or “fencing” as a possible solution 34 times — less than 4 percent of the 902 vulnerabilities identified, the report found.

Customs and Border Protection officials said Border Patrol agents were asked to identify “gaps” in border security, not to propose solutions. They said that Border Patrol sector chiefs, from San Diego to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, have voiced support for a border wall.

" 80% of illegal immigrants overstay visas"

Gotta source to back that one up?
CNN "fact check". He lies about facts supplied by DHS when he never actually reached out to DHS for their numbers.

CNN doing a "Fact Check" is like the Tobacco Companies paying for a study on the adverse effects of smoking. What do you think the results will be? the Tweet said "DHS did not provide..." Well in order for them to "provide" you have to ask.
you simpletons cant comprehend that there is already physical barriers at all the high traffic crossing locations. Trump will never get his wall mainly because he can't stop calling it a wall like a petulant child. Border patrol doesn't want a wall, they want to upgrade some of the old fencing and extend it out in a few areas. Something we have already been doing for 30 years. If TRump wasn't such a racist pos he would have said give me 5bil to fix the fencing and it would have been done the first year. Instead he said all the rapists and and druggies from MExico will pay for my big beautiful wall so Dems told him to eat a dick and always will. 80% of illegal immigrants overstay visas, not evade some stupid ass wall. and the largest group is canadians not mexicans.
Yeah, those pesky traffic stop locations are hundreds of miles wide and the only place these people cross.