How will they rule ??!

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All trump had to say (maybe he did) is listen America, Nancy was in favor of giving Iran 150 billion and won’t grant you guys 5 billion for your security , if he didn’t then say it at next state of union , expose democrats for the traitors they are
Every time Trump says 150bil he just sounds like an idiot. It was closer to about 60 billion and it was already their own money.
Every time Trump says 150bil he just sounds like an idiot. It was closer to about 60 billion and it was already their own money.
"Their own money" moron...they were under sanction and he gave money to a terrorist state to circumvent sanctions to get them to sign his shit deal. What did they use that money on?

So, platinum...I don't have to pay taxes anymore? I can just say, it was my money to begin with, right?
Every time Trump says 150bil he just sounds like an idiot. It was closer to about 60 billion and it was already their own money.

Yeah guys you all are stupid. Obama didn't give $150 billion to one of the largest state sponsors of terror in the world, it was only $60 billion. And hey it was all money we confiscated from them for illegal shit in the past so basically like their money anyway.

Christ you goddam lefties are mentally retarded. How can you say something so goddam stupid with a straight face?
The bottom 50% of tax filers pay zero income tax. That includes the bottom class and the low end of the middle class.
I was intending to be talking about carbon/fuel taxes to fund green schemes. The little guy pays. Using gas taxes to pay for roads/bridges is fine, but they need to get electric/hybrid cars too.
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I wonder if Trump could give the Fed Gov $5B & designate it to be spent only on building a border wall? If so, what would Libs say then?
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Every time Trump says 150bil he just sounds like an idiot. It was closer to about 60 billion and it was already their own money.

You could be the dumbest person on any message board in America. You have to be a troll because nobody can be this dumb on purpose. $150 billion, $60 billion.... either way you want to lie about it Obama was a puss and a crook who gave them billions of dollars for zero reason or gain. Maybe we can use that money to not only fund the wall but get you a brain as well.
I wonder if Trump could give the Fed Gov $5B & designate it to be spent only on building a border wall? If so, what would Libs say then?
He doesn't have anywhere close to even a billion in cash so his cheap ass couldn't afford to do it. But he's more than welcome to liquidate his assets and pay for it.
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If we had a real justice system all three would have been locked up years ago. But unfortunately we do not and Hillary and her girl Friday have nothing to worry about. The swamp will protect them and has.

Why put all this out if no action is planned? Under the old FBI, this never even makes the light of day. If this is legit, and you can link these people to producing child pron, you won't need courts, man. Folks will take matters into their own hands. Think about what we're talking about here. This would be hard evidence of crimes against humanity. You don't just Deep State your way out of that shit.

The whistle blowers spill the beans tomorrow. Almost seems like Hill is being set up for the fall. When you take her popularity nosedive and failing speaking tour, the fact that hardly any Dems who ran this last election wanted her or Barry's endorsement... she's bad jujuj. They may make a sacrifice to stem the gangrene.
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Mueller just got another 2 million from Cohen. So he's round up almost 40mil now. Making money like a boss.

lol 3 top executive whistle blowers in the Clinton Foundation are set to testify tomorrow and they are implicating Mueller along with Hillary.

Why put all this out if no action is planned? Under the old FBI, this never even makes the light of day. If this is legit, and you can link these people to producing child pron, you won't need courts, man. Folks will take matters into their own hands. Think about what we're talking about here. This would be hard evidence of crimes against humanity. You don't just Deep State your way out of that shit.

The whistle blowers spill the beans tomorrow. Almost seems like Hill is being set up for the fall. When you take her popularity nosedive and failing speaking tour, the fact that hardly any Dems who ran this last election wanted her or Barry's endorsement... she's bad jujuj. They may make a sacrifice to stem the gangrene.
I hope you are right. There was once was a day when a person did what Hillary did they would swing from the highest oak tree. I want real justice to come down on her so hard I can feel it. But the MSM and swamp are so corrupt it has been delayed. If her day of reckoning is here I say Praise The Lord On High. Praise His Name. Fry her.
I hope you are right. There was once was a day when a person did what Hillary did they would swing from the highest oak tree. I want real justice to come down on her so hard I can feel it. But the MSM and swamp are so corrupt it has been delayed. If her day of reckoning is here I say Praise The Lord On High. Praise His Name. Fry her.

Trump's longtime "fixer" gets a prison sentencing today, and you guys are talking about...Hillary Clinton?

If Hillary did some dirt, let her be punished for it. That's why our laws exist.

But what are you guys gonna do if Trump gets hit with some serious heat stemming from the Mueller investigation? Hell of a lot of smoke around your boy right now. I always said that Trump would survive this, but damn the Cohen thing is surreal. He probably won't get indicted (right?), but damn he's gonna be left holding a bag of shit.

Would you guys do anything about it, or just keep complaining about "THE LEFT" and the (LOL) "Deep State?"

I only ask because some people on here are begging for some weird LEFT vs. RIGHT CIVIL WAR 2018 and one dude in particular has some neighborhood buddies ready to drive up to Washington at any given moment. I bet they're some "tough cookies," as Trump loves to say.

LMFAO!!! Trump is such a bum and I can't believe you guys cape for him like this. Donald Trump! Hahahaha
And finally the left and the right can agree on something. Does the left hate The Big Oompa Loompa because he’s a white supremist, misogynistic, big baby who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth? No, it’s because he’s an idiot. #verystablegenius, #covfefe, #twocorinthians, #smockinggun, #icouldgoonforever
Nope, it is because he is much more intelligent than them and has beaten them at almost every turn. While they try to destroy this country to bring in their fascist moronic views, he has made us stronger and it pisses them off. The left is a bunch of crying pansies who need a crying room, panic room, echo chamber, and a safe room to keep them safe. Pssst, here is a little secret. You will need a lot more than that if you actually get your way. You will have to become a real man and start working for a lot less than you receive from your government hand outs living in your mothers basements.
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Nope, it is because he is much more intelligent than them and has beaten them at almost every turn. While they try to destroy this country to bring in their fascist moronic views, he has made us stronger and it pisses them off. The left is a bunch of crying pansies who need a crying room, panic room, echo chamber, and a safe room to keep them safe. Pssst, here is a little secret. You will need a lot more than that if you actually get your way. You will have to become a real man and start working for a lot less than you receive from your government hand outs living in your mothers basements.

"mothers basements" joke?


Claims that Donald Trump is "intelligent?"


Oh my.

The results are in after only two checks. You are a damn BUM, aren't you? LMAO this dude is a full-on BUM with a data plan. What channel's on the idiot box right now, bro? Do you drive a truck, by any chance? Own some real cool guns? Do...

Do you...

Do you even party, bro?

Jesus Christ.
Trump's longtime "fixer" gets a prison sentencing today, and you guys are talking about...Hillary Clinton?

If Hillary did some dirt, let her be punished for it. That's why our laws exist.

But what are you guys gonna do if Trump gets hit with some serious heat stemming from the Mueller investigation? Hell of a lot of smoke around your boy right now. I always said that Trump would survive this, but damn the Cohen thing is surreal. He probably won't get indicted (right?), but damn he's gonna be left holding a bag of shit.

Would you guys do anything about it, or just keep complaining about "THE LEFT" and the (LOL) "Deep State?"

I only ask because some people on here are begging for some weird LEFT vs. RIGHT CIVIL WAR 2018 and one dude in particular has some neighborhood buddies ready to drive up to Washington at any given moment. I bet they're some "tough cookies," as Trump loves to say.

LMFAO!!! Trump is such a bum and I can't believe you guys cape for him like this. Donald Trump! Hahahaha

Cohen was sentenced today for things that didn’t involve Trump. No matter how many times the media states these non disclosure agreements are felonies, they aren’t.
They aren’t even campaign finance violations as no campaign finances were used.

Weren’t you on here claiming Trump was a traitor prior, you just knew he collided with Russia as well.
Cohen was sentenced today for things that didn’t involve Trump. No matter how many times the media states these non disclosure agreements are felonies, they aren’t.
They aren’t even campaign finance violations as no campaign finances were used.

Weren’t you on here claiming Trump was a traitor prior, you just knew he collided with Russia as well.

Must have been a different bro. I'm still waiting on the investigation to end, and I'm not even trying to read the tea leaves. It's high drama for sure, but I need the conclusion before I can offer my long-awaited reaction with you guys. Hold tight!

So Cohen's actions "didn't involve Trump," huh? Not at all?
Must have been a different bro. I'm still waiting on the investigation to end, and I'm not even trying to read the tea leaves. It's high drama for sure, but I need the conclusion before I can offer my long-awaited reaction with you guys. Hold tight!

So Cohen's actions "didn't involve Trump," huh? Not at all?

Do you even know what he was sentenced for today?
He was given jail time for fraud, not the non disclosure agreements. They are not a felony, they happen everyday all over the country, even in Congress.
The fraud did not involve Trump, explain how it’s a felony to have a binding agreement, paid with private money?
It isn’t
"mothers basements" joke?


Claims that Donald Trump is "intelligent?"


Oh my.

The results are in after only two checks. You are a damn BUM, aren't you? LMAO this dude is a full-on BUM with a data plan. What channel's on the idiot box right now, bro? Do you drive a truck, by any chance? Own some real cool guns? Do...

Do you...

Do you even party, bro?

Jesus Christ.
Same old schtick by you. What is wrong with owning a Truck, Guns, etc... You epitomize the idiocy of the left. I am guessing (almost positive) the living in his mothers basement part hit home for you. Do you even pay a little rent or do you keep your government handout money for your dope.
We knew damn good and well that as soon as Hillary said she might run in 2020, her own party would sick the dogs on her. They don’t want anything to do with her anymore. If she would have just faded quietly into the sunset, none of this would be news. But since she hinted at a 2020 run, its time to do what the Dims do best. Destroy them.
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