How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The big problem with this is that the middle & lower classes pay taxes to fund subsidies to attract/keep this big companies so that they get richer. Net, saying they've been good ignores what they've cost most of us.

The bottom 50% of tax filers pay zero income tax. That includes the bottom class and the low end of the middle class. That bottom 50% is paying very little to subsidize anyone including businesses. The bottom 50% do contribute payroll tax but they get all of that back and then some in retirement benefits. Property taxes generally pay for school systems. That leaves sales tax (which are not levied against certain basic needs like food or medicine) and sin taxes (smokes and booze) that go into state and local general funds.
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The wage gap is always going to grow in a capitalistic society, as there are always going to be people that earn $0. Why is this seen as a bad thing? The emergence of Amazon, Apple, Google, etc are good for all of us. If they didn't exist, would the wage gap be smaller?

And why do people think the middle class is gone? Nearly everyone I know, work with, or live by is pretty close to middle class. More liberal media promoting this falsehood.

And the person above who said FDR caused this is 100% correct. We now have 3-4 generations of people completely dependent on the government and they nearly outnumber those of us that aren't. And now with early voting, they have weeks to vote in their own self-interests and against the majority of those that actually pay taxes and support their entitlements.

Democrats are great at politics. Just like how evil is always working; Democrats are always plotting. Republicans, with a combination of complicity and being asleep at the wheel, let them plot and maneuver for decades.

Dems had slavery then used the New Deal to help build it economically, took over industries to help their propaganda, passed their sins on to others, knew that immigration was going to give them power decades before people understood what was going to occur, so they have done a superb job at growing dependency and importing even more of it.
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The bottom 50% of tax filers pay zero income tax. That includes the bottom class and the low end of the middle class. That bottom 50% is paying very little to subsidize anyone including businesses. The bottom 50% do contribute payroll tax but they get all of that back and then some in retirement benefits. Property taxes generally pay for school systems. That leaves sales tax (which are not levied against certain basic needs like food or medicine) and sin taxes (smokes and booze) that go into state and local general funds.

You guys are funny.

Everything is a conspiracy theory or too convenient unless it involves a Democrat or a person with brown skin.

Some things just are what they appear to be. Isn’t that possible?..


Migrant group demand Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G to turn around: report

Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa, an organizer from Honduras, said the $50,000 figure was chosen as a group.

“It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the paper. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

He said the money would allow the migrants to return home and start a small business.

A letter from the group criticized U.S. intervention in Central America and asked the U.S. to remove Honduran President Orlando Hernandez from office. They gave the consulate 72 hours to respond.

"We condemn the intervention of the United States."

P.S." The US better intervene."

Also, "Our homeland wouldn't be so dangerous if you gave us $50 grand/each."
Dear Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa,

F_ck you.


Effing hilarious. I plan on visiting a Starbucks either in Orlando or Lakeland, FL next month. Plan on trying this.
I did this a few months ago at Starbucks in Cincy.

I was there with an intern who was a student at UC. The barista happened to be a MEMBER OF THE UC DEMOCRATIC CLUB (per the intern). I order a tea and give the name as "Trump".

When she put the tea on the counter she just said "tea" so I asked her what name was on it. In a very low voice she said "Trump". I said "I'm sorry, I can't quite hear you... what was the name?".


Childish? Absolutely. But it was glorious... and you should have seen the looks from all the beta cucks hanging out in there...
Race and gender? Yeah it has nothing to do with the fact that shes an idiot.

And finally the left and the right can agree on something. Does the left hate The Big Oompa Loompa because he’s a white supremist, misogynistic, big baby who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth? No, it’s because he’s an idiot. #verystablegenius, #covfefe, #twocorinthians, #smockinggun, #icouldgoonforever
And finally the left and the right can agree on something. Does the left hate The Big Oompa Loompa because he’s a white supremist, misogynistic, big baby who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth? No, it’s because he’s an idiot. #verystablegenius, #covfefe, #twocorinthians, #smockinggun, #icouldgoonforever
What stage of TDS are you in?
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Read that and tell me you don’t want to punch him and his lawyer

Arguing “no legal duty” to try to stop shooter

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