How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I disagree pure unchecked capitalism led to the largest wage gap in history and basically no middle class. It also fueled the Great Depression
We've never had total free market capitalism..we've always lived in a govt regulated society. So while perfect capitalism isnt real, neither is perfect socialism. Plus flawed capitalism is better than any socialism. And considering utopian socialism isnt reality I say no.

Nordic countries arent socialist..they're capitalist backed countries with huge welfare programs because they are small, homogeneous, and have outsourced militaries. Aka nothing like America. And the citizens are share holders, not where the govt makes decisions on what's best.

So which is worse..your "unchecked capitalism" where wage gaps exist..or full socialism like Venezuela, which used to be of the richest countries on earth, where ppl are so hungry they eat flamingos. No one has ever ridden a raft of garbage across the ocean to escape capitalism. Seems ones "full on version" is quite worse than the other.
Trump should be so proud. first time in US history the VP has had to cast a tie breaking vote for a circuit judge because he was labeled completely unqualified by the ABA. They said he showed no understanding of the law and wasn't capable of writing law review responses, you know, his entire job.
Today's meeting was the first time in a while I remember Democrats being in favor of border security. I wonder what their version of border security means? Walls or just drone bombing patrols? Is Pelosi also Hitler for being in favor of some sort of border security?
Only things they favor dropping from drones are EBT cards and Obamaphones.
I disagree pure unchecked capitalism led to the largest wage gap in history and basically no middle class. It also fueled the Great Depression

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guess well see if Trump blinks. he just agreed on live TV to take all the blame for a shutdown so neither side really has any incentive now to compromise. They will both just dump it on him. He has no leverage to bargain with, his "team" got crushed in the midterms so nobody is currently scared of his political will. he loses the house so he doesn't have voting power anymore. He shuts down the government and then the Dems just wait it out until Trump backs down with no options and all the blame that he just accepted. This is why you don't let cameras in on political negotiations, you say something dumb and your locked in. His base will of course lap up anything he does but his base won't get him re elected. people wont stay home and vote neither again, he has to gain support.
"Crushed"[roll]If that was crushed, what did Obama get?

"Trump only cares about Trump, what a narcissist!"

Just think, no one in her circle could tell her that there wouldn't be enough paying customers to fill an arena.

She couldn't fill an armory when running for president with admission costing $0.00.

With a party built on the illusion of the professional protester, you would think they would just bus them in to appear like a raucous Trump rally.

Now, with nothing to promise to give away for your vote, please come pay to hear her bitch about how the last election was stolen from her.

Migrant group demand Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G to turn around: report

Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa, an organizer from Honduras, said the $50,000 figure was chosen as a group.

“It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the paper. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

He said the money would allow the migrants to return home and start a small business.

A letter from the group criticized U.S. intervention in Central America and asked the U.S. to remove Honduran President Orlando Hernandez from office. They gave the consulate 72 hours to respond.

"We condemn the intervention of the United States."

P.S." The US better intervene."

Also, "Our homeland wouldn't be so dangerous if you gave us $50 grand/each."

I disagree pure unchecked capitalism led to the largest wage gap in history and basically no middle class. It also fueled the Great Depression
[laughing] what? Please cite your sources.

It's pretty mainstream belief today, that FDR and his public works fueled the Great Depression, as can be seen by the recession of 1937-38 and the stagnant growth until WWII.

Migrant group demand Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G to turn around: report

Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa, an organizer from Honduras, said the $50,000 figure was chosen as a group.

“It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the paper. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

He said the money would allow the migrants to return home and start a small business.

A letter from the group criticized U.S. intervention in Central America and asked the U.S. to remove Honduran President Orlando Hernandez from office. They gave the consulate 72 hours to respond.

"We condemn the intervention of the United States."

P.S." The US better intervene."

Also, "Our homeland wouldn't be so dangerous if you gave us $50 grand/each."
US Consulate should respond, "I'm afraid you all have mistaken our country for the 'Make a Wish' foundation."
Capitalism creates credit/debit cycles, recessionary periods are unavoidable by the nature of it. That said, I wouldn't claim it the cause of depressions other than it is fear and greed which causes them. Socialism takes out the greed (except for those in power and those around them) and replaces it by keeping the people in a constant state of fear (control).

Economics is like the often quoted statement regarding quantum mechanics, if you think you understand economics you don't understand economics.

You can understand some principles and get profound ideas from them, but you can never predict human behavior to a T
The wage gap is always going to grow in a capitalistic society, as there are always going to be people that earn $0. Why is this seen as a bad thing? The emergence of Amazon, Apple, Google, etc are good for all of us. If they didn't exist, would the wage gap be smaller?

And why do people think the middle class is gone? Nearly everyone I know, work with, or live by is pretty close to middle class. More liberal media promoting this falsehood.

And the person above who said FDR caused this is 100% correct. We now have 3-4 generations of people completely dependent on the government and they nearly outnumber those of us that aren't. And now with early voting, they have weeks to vote in their own self-interests and against the majority of those that actually pay taxes and support their entitlements.
And why do people think the middle class is gone? Nearly everyone I know, work with, or live by is pretty close to middle class. More liberal media promoting this falsehood.


Comparison is the thief of joy, people mad they don't live like the Kardashians or in the Hamptons or whatever... rivals advert here on my screen wants me to go buy a Bulova watch at Zales...

constantly inundated with that, people are jealous they can't obtain it, it's unfair... so fair to take from them who have it
Capitalism creates credit/debit cycles, recessionary periods are unavoidable by the nature of it. That said, I wouldn't claim it the cause of depressions other than it is fear and greed which causes them. Socialism takes out the greed (except for those in power and those around them) and replaces it by keeping the people in a constant state of fear (control).

Economics is like the often quoted statement regarding quantum mechanics, if you think you understand economics you don't understand economics.

You can understand some principles and get profound ideas from them, but you can never predict human behavior to a T
Socialism is a permanent recession. The idea of expanding the pie isn't even a thought in it.
The wage gap is always going to grow in a capitalistic society, as there are always going to be people that earn $0. Why is this seen as a bad thing? The emergence of Amazon, Apple, Google, etc are good for all of us. If they didn't exist, would the wage gap be smaller?

And why do people think the middle class is gone? Nearly everyone I know, work with, or live by is pretty close to middle class. More liberal media promoting this falsehood.

And the person above who said FDR caused this is 100% correct. We now have 3-4 generations of people completely dependent on the government and they nearly outnumber those of us that aren't. And now with early voting, they have weeks to vote in their own self-interests and against the majority of those that actually pay taxes and support their entitlements.
The big problem with this is that the middle & lower classes pay taxes to fund subsidies to attract/keep this big companies so that they get richer. Net, saying they've been good ignores what they've cost most of us.