How will they rule ??!

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Because he's basically a Democrat in most everything but name?

Edit: Democrat from years back. Not stark raving lunatic like today's democrats.

This is true. Which makes all the talk by the media that Trump is this far right politician so confusing. I think most Conservatives knew Trump was more moderate than conservative. Just wasnt a far left crazy lunatic, so it was an easy choice.
yawn. Yeah I'm a scary socialist. And you want the feudal system to come back. Because you sure don't support capitalism any longer.


This movie just opened so many people up to show how big of hypocrites they really are. It is a racially homogeneous country that has a giant wall/invisible barrier that keeps all people from the surrounding poor countries around from getting in.

Yet since that freaking movie, I see so many athletes and celebrities saying Wakanda forever and other crap like that. If Wakanda was a country of white people they wouldve called it Nazi propaganda.
This is true. Which makes all the talk by the media that Trump is this far right politician so confusing. I think most Conservatives knew Trump was more moderate than conservative. Just wasnt a far left crazy lunatic, so it was an easy choice.
I honestly don't think Trump is ideological at all. That said he does a hell of a lot of good for conservatism and he drives liberals nuts. I think it should be called Trumpism.
We must remember the rule of law and impeach the Orange Man.

We are former senators. The Senate has long stood in defense of democracy — and must again.



Max Baucus (D-Mont.), Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), Bill Bradley (D-N.J.), Richard Bryan (D-Nev.), Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), Max Cleland (D-Ga.), William Cohen (R-Maine), Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), Al D’Amato (R-N.Y.), John C. Danforth (R-Mo.), Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), David Durenberger (R-Minn.), Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), Wyche Fowler (D-Ga.), Bob Graham (D-Fla.), Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Gary Hart (D-Colo.), Bennett Johnston (D-La.), Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Paul Kirk (D-Mass.), Mary Landrieu (D-La.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), Larry Pressler (R-S.D.), David Pryor (D-Ark.), Don Riegle (D-Mich.), Chuck Robb (D-Va.), Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), Jim Sasser (D-Tenn.), Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.), Mark Udall (D-Colo.), John W. Warner (R-Va.), Lowell Weicker (I-Conn.), Tim Wirth (D-Colo.)

Rule of Law [roll]

Clinton Foundation Cash? Hillary's server? Uranium One? Benghazi?


I also didn't hear any of these jackass (R)'s speak up in defense of Kavanaugh two months ago for not being a gang rapist.

Old R's to current R's:

You need to know your lane and take it from the D's and say "Thank You!"

Swamp people! [laughing]
This morning Trump tweeted the Border was secure and safe. An hr later he said he needs 5 billion to secure the border with a big wall. So which is it? Just like with military spending he will never stop asking for more and more money because his base eats it up. Border Patrol has a 15billion budget, larger than most countries military, tell them to be lest wasteful.
Perhaps you should learn something about security or, just learn something. With troops there it is more secure but how long will these states and units be able to stay. The wall will negate the need for most. You are not real bright are you.
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Arent guns banned in france?

Not fully. Most of those countries still offer a very limited avenue to own, but it takes fingers, toes, blood, first born and holding your mouth right...

Beyond that , though, there've been rumors for years of Muslim groups smuggling and stockpiling weapons in the UK, illegally, of course. No reason to think it isn't happening elsewhere if that's true.
This is awesome and thanks for the tips Mr Patriot! Now we can get you yet another screen name - this time with a wrestling theme with all of the lingo. “Bro, stay in your lane, understand my impact...” Please tell me you really talk like this in real life - I can just picture you out with the girls talking about hair styles and shopping and using all of the tough language to throw them off. Can’t wait to see your next post - I don’t think you can top this one.:fistbump:
That moron cannot be serious. Patriot? [roll]It's comedy hour in his moms basement. His little boyfriends just went upstairs to get popcorn and soda pop so they stay down there for a while longer playing grown up on the computer.
Bro I'm bald as hell, I have no business talking hair.

Kinda like Donald Trump was a reality TV guy and "business developer" who had no business getting into politics.

Is Mexico paying for the wall, or would you gladly donate to a YouFundMe to get the thing built with your own hard-earned American dollars?

A "Great Wall"...complete with the ability to withstand catapults, reject ladders, and is impossible to tunnel underneath. Oh and see-through. It has to be see-through so we can see people coming, or whatever Trump was talking about.

Is Fox News considered mainstream media?

Oh and lastly, a genuine question that you guys typically refuse to answer...

I'm the name of PJ you even PARTY, bro?!?!
That patriotism you spouted? To what Communist/Fascist/Muslim country do you pledge allegiance too. Your postings have proven your disdain for ours. Go back to your mamas basement and hug your boyfriend for comfort.
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Today's meeting was the first time in a while I remember Democrats being in favor of border security. I wonder what their version of border security means? Walls or just drone bombing patrols? Is Pelosi also Hitler for being in favor of some sort of border security?
This latest impeachment talk is a concerted strategy by dems and media to try to rile the public up as the dems take the house in January. Their Hope is to get the public so pissed that they think no one will question dems if they try.

Its it will backfire
That patriotism you spouted? To what Communist/Fascist/Muslim country do you pledge allegiance too. Your postings have proven your disdain for ours. Go back to your mamas basement and hug your boyfriend for comfort.

Sweet burn, bro!

But no, I love this damn country. I'm lucky as hell to have been born here. That thought enters my mind quite frequently these days. Even with your boy as POTUS. My life has been awesome lately.

Eternally grateful that my dad jizzed in my mom on American soil. Even cooler that both of them were American citizens at the time of the ejaculation and subsequent fertilization of the egg cell. I'm sure most of you share the same sentiment. We were born on third base and we don't take it for granted, do we?!?

Go Cats, and lets all band together to MAGA



Your Favorite Bro
This morning Trump tweeted the Border was secure and safe. An hr later he said he needs 5 billion to secure the border with a big wall. So which is it? .
Both. Safe today doesn't mean safe tomorrow w/o improvements. But then you think the world is a static thing so I understand why you don't get it. Sorry for you mental weakness.
Today's meeting was the first time in a while I remember Democrats being in favor of border security. I wonder what their version of border security means? Walls or just drone bombing patrols? Is Pelosi also Hitler for being in favor of some sort of border security?
It means taking all border walls & fences down and reducing ICE to one person. They are not serious people.
guess well see if Trump blinks. he just agreed on live TV to take all the blame for a shutdown so neither side really has any incentive now to compromise. They will both just dump it on him. He has no leverage to bargain with, his "team" got crushed in the midterms so nobody is currently scared of his political will. he loses the house so he doesn't have voting power anymore. He shuts down the government and then the Dems just wait it out until Trump backs down with no options and all the blame that he just accepted. This is why you don't let cameras in on political negotiations, you say something dumb and your locked in. His base will of course lap up anything he does but his base won't get him re elected. people wont stay home and vote neither again, he has to gain support.
guess well see if Trump blinks. he just agreed on live TV to take all the blame for a shutdown so neither side really has any incentive now to compromise. They will both just dump it on him. He has no leverage to bargain with, his "team" got crushed in the midterms so nobody is currently scared of his political will. he loses the house so he doesn't have voting power anymore. He shuts down the government and then the Dems just wait it out until Trump backs down with no options and all the blame that he just accepted. This is why you don't let cameras in on political negotiations, you say something dumb and your locked in. His base will of course lap up anything he does but his base won't get him re elected. people wont stay home and vote neither again, he has to gain support.

Trump isn’t going to backdown, we have an illegal immigration problem.
He will win this argument, because he is right.
Now the Reps are gonna pass a bill in the house for what the Pres wanted, 5 billion, just to spite Pelosi.
Then when the Dems in the Senate vote it down, guess who’s shutdown it is then? That’s right, Schumer’s, and as we saw today, he’s a pussy.
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guess well see if Trump blinks. he just agreed on live TV to take all the blame for a shutdown so neither side really has any incentive now to compromise. They will both just dump it on him. He has no leverage to bargain with, his "team" got crushed in the midterms so nobody is currently scared of his political will. he loses the house so he doesn't have voting power anymore. He shuts down the government and then the Dems just wait it out until Trump backs down with no options and all the blame that he just accepted. This is why you don't let cameras in on political negotiations, you say something dumb and your locked in. His base will of course lap up anything he does but his base won't get him re elected. people wont stay home and vote neither again, he has to gain support.
The bigger question, when did the populace get torn up thinking their daily lives would be affected if the govt gets shut down? If anything it should be more proof of how big and unneccesary most of it is.