How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Monica McLean...hmmm...she is the friend that Ford trained on lie detector test according to Ford's ex-boyfriend...McLean then came out with a strong denial. Not looking so reliable now.

I think she worked for Schumer at one time.

Actually, she worked for a guy that worked for Schumer that Trump fired.

Preet Bhararha or something.
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lol, this is why no conservative will try to discuss topics with liberals

Sorry you've experienced all of that and your life has been so miserable Bette.

White people they arent trying to hide it, they dont like you, they dont want to listen to you. How can you be a white person and just sit there and listen to that and cheer?

Im sorry it sounds like she found a speech from back in the day from a KKK rally and just switched white with black and man with woman. That was unbelievably racist.
Cloture vote to end debate. Real vote is tomorrow but it should turn out the same.
Flake voted yes but said he still hasn't decided. Seriously? And Collins (I think) is going to announce her final decision at 3pm. Why the hell did you vote yes if you might turn around and vote no when it really counts?
Sorry you've experienced all of that and your life has been so miserable Bette.
After I read how pitiful life has been to her, I went into my office, shut the door and fought back tears. So sorry Miss Bette.
Flake is seeing all of this attention Murksowski is getting from the MSM and twitter. I still think he votes no at the last minute to really kick off his CNN show with a nice built in audience of morons
A no vote from Flake is not out of the realm of possibility. He is not coming back to the Senate so he will either be a lobbyist or host a show on liberal cable TV. Much like Joe Scarborough who fooled the people of North Florida for years. Scarborough and Flake are joined at the hip. Look for Flake on MSNBC if he votes no. The will promote him as a conservative and claim to be fair and balanced.
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And the award for most out of touch celebrity of the day goes to Sarah Silverman

This is when you know someone never looks at their bills and has someone doing it for them. Did she really think everyone had free access to the internet?

The comments in the tweet are very good.
Wooowwwww...interesting thread on the Paddock this morning. A man credibly accused a ghost of planting meth in his house. While I may not believe the story, the story is believable. We need the FBI to investigate.

We actually have physical evidence in this case to back up the man's allegations that a ghost put it there.

I watched a Cops episode once where they found a large bag of weed in a guy's crotch. He denied it was his and had no idea how it got there. Ghost?
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They let Ford off the hook with her "Just some beach friends" answer.

They asked her but she said she would rather not name them. I wasnt happy with Mitchell at the end of the questioning that day. But the further we get from the hearing and the more things slowly get leaked. I think Mitchell did a great job of really putting Ford into some bad situations. I think Mitchell and the GOP knew about McClean and the ex boyfriends letter. That is why she got so specific when questioning her on the polygraph and if she ever coached someone on it.
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