How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
She is singing B.K.'s praises but hasn't got the sexual assault allegations. Seems like a yes though.
Manchin gets a promise of only token GOP opposition to him going forward in Senate elections

Trump could support Manchin in his Senate election and claim bi-partisan support. Would play well with moderates. Manchin's been more supportive of Trump than any other Dem.

Heads explode.
Waiting for her to pull out her pom poms...geez if she was on the fence, I wanna know what his all in fans would say.

If she swerves this it would be the largest troll of all time.
In other news, Melania wore a pith helmet in Africa, which means she wants to enslave Africans, since white people who enslaved Africans wore pith helmets
These stupid twats were outside Susan Collins’ office singing songs and waving their phones, trying to sway her vote...she wasn’t even in there. :joy:

That’s my favorite part of all this. Protestors waving their phones. What is the deal with the damn phones? Id like to go to one of these things, put on my antifa mask and steal every one of these stupid white women’s phones.

I always enjoy the chants and parades and protests where there’s no one at Trump Towerr (haha) and it’s in cities that voted for Democrats.
I wonder what dirt McCain had on Lindsey.

I appreciate what he's doing for Kavanaugh, but I feel like there's no way this lasts.

I’m skeptical just like how I’m skeptical of people who jump on bandwagons to benefit themselves.
Manchin is in a tough boat. He may lost more votes (mostly from women) than he solidified with his yes vote. It will be interesting.

No more #RESISTANCE goons for Manchin. I'm sure that will kill him in West Virginia *jerk off motion*

Keep Collins and Manchin and Flake can do his little McCain impersonation all he wants. Let Pence drop the hammer on 'em