How will they rule ??!

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She is pathetic and I feel sorry for her. The only reason she is on the court with her physical problems is because liberals will not allow her retire. They will kill her first. The old lady could be enjoying what few days she has left on earth but no, liberals see her seat as too important to be humane to her. They will kill her.
I have to stop keeping up with this, just irritates the piss out of me. Anyway, one point, my presumption has always been that he's saving Coney Barrett for the Ginsburg seat. That will be apoplectic and apocalyptic anyway, but I can't imagine what it would be like if Tump nominated a white protestant male for that seat. Assuming he's got ACB penciled in for that one....

Anyone know what the betting markets are saying about Kavanaugh's chances at this point?
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We should all just take the stories of sexual assault, murder and rape the media and Democrats have ignored because Ds were the perpetrators, find + replace "Brett Cavanaugh" for the Democrat's name and submit them to Congress as anonymous accusations.

Edit: And of course, demand the FBI investigate and get to the bottom of the accusations.
They are going to paint him as a drunk that cant recall doing things . Smear Smear Smear Smear and then smear and Lie some more . Despicable .
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I don't know why so many on here think that Coney-Barrett is an such an arch-conservative. All we really know is that she is hostile to Roe. She needs a couple more years on the bench to really show her colors. Kavanaugh was about as far right as you could get. I still want him confirmed because he will now want to pay back democrats for this smear campaign. +25 years of payback.


I agree. I can't put my finger on it. But I don't trust her, yet.
They are going to paint him as a drunk that cant recall doing things . Smear Smear Smear Smear and then smear and Lie some more . Despicable .

Exactly. Their theory is B.K. is a rapist but just doesn't remember it due to frequent blackouts. Never mind that their accusor has no memory of major details of her story.
Dear Senator Feinstein,

About a year ago, Brett Kavanaugh was an integral participant in a shooting in Las Vegas. You may not have heard about the shooting, as it's been swept under the rug by the media and the FBI, but I urge you to get to the bottom of this. Please, examine every single aspect of the shooting and get to the bottom of Brett Kavanaugh's involvement.

Thank you,
Concerned Citizen
Dear Senator Harris,

I have it on good authority that Brett Kavanaugh was spying on all the Democrats in Congress and sending information back to his Hezbollah bosses. It may come as a shock to learn Hezbollah operatives were managing the IT operations of the Democrat Congress. I urge you to launch an investigation into the Hezbollah operations that infiltrated our highest levels of government, and figure out what exactly Brett Kavanaugh had to do with it.

Thank you,
Anonymous lefy
Dear Senator Booker,

Brett Kavanaugh is a Chinese spy. It may come as a shock to know certain Senators knowingly employed Chinese spies at the highest levels of their administrations while their families were enriched by Chinese investments. I urge you to do a full examination of the Chinese spies employed by certain Senator(s) and get to the bottom of Brett Kavanaugh's involvement.

Cocaine Rich
Dear Senator Booker,

Brett Kavanaugh is a Chinese spy. It may come as a shock to know certain Senators knowingly employed Chinese spies at the highest levels of their administrations while their families were enriched by Chinese investments. I urge you to do a full examination of the Chinese spies employed by certain Senator(s) and get to the bottom of Brett Kavanaugh's involvement.

Cocaine Rich
All I know is Chinese spy = feinstein
Dear Senator Schumer,

You may or may not have heard that Seth Rich was murdered just after the DNC emails were released by Wikileaks. I have it on good authority that Brett Kavanaugh was the one who hired the hit on Mr. Rich. I feel it is in the best interest of the Senate to have the FBI open up an investigation, unlimited in time and scope. I feel it is owed to the American people - and the Rich family - to get to the bottom of Mr. Rich's murder.


Julianne Massange
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To state the obvious, Kavanaugh is being targeted by the Democommies because he is a Conservative male. That's obvious.

In my opinion, the proper manner for Trump to address the issue in the event that Kavanaugh doesn't get the vote is to nominate a male that is far to the right of Kavanaugh.

That probably would require that he go outside of the current batch of potential nominees.

His next selection should be someone that causes the Democommie's heads to explode.

If the Democommies start pulling their stunts and get the next nominee rejected, Trump should nominate someone ever farther to the right.

He should continue this process until the nominee is an American version of Pinochet.
I'll never vote for a democrat. I don't care if they are just running as dogcatcher. You attach that vile party name to yourself, you get no respect from me.

Here in 2018 reality, only identity politics, PC, Marxist pieces of shit support democrats because of "social issues". Aside from maybe the weed issue (and that is becoming mainstream), I can't think of any social issue preventing individual liberty that anybody should be worried about. WTF? Pedo?

Democrats have proven themselves to be a cancer that must be crushed out of existence.
Are you guys always this angry? Every day?

You seem like a sad, inconsolable bunch.
Yeah, kind of crazy why people would be upset about the people who run the country running an openly phony smear campaign, which includes accusations of being in a rape gang, against someone for purely political gain.

It's definitely not strange that the people perpetuating said smear campaign seem to not be emotionally invested at all, but rather see it totally as a game. That is, once again, definitely not the behavior of a sociopath. Very normal imo
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