How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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After watching Ford's testimony again, I'm firmly in the "she's not just mistaken about it being Kavanaugh, she's making it all up camp". Her little shy-small voice is a dead giveaway. It's literally almost a parody of a pretty girl trying to get out of a speeding ticket voice. That, plus what we know about the real reason she wanted a second front door and the Soros pawns and Flake, makes me question the whole bullshit charade.

Seriously, Jeff Flake was confronted by two Soros employees claiming to be survivors in front of CNN cameras which happened to be the only ones there to capture it live...? Again, don't trust Flake one bit. Right now, he should be considered a hard no-vote, as should anyone who associates with him. He is playing this for self-gain
Flake is not to be trusted and I will be totally shocked if he votes to confirm. He has a whole week to screw this up no matter what the FBI report may say. If he can screw Trump as his last act in the senate he will go out a happy man. As far as this lady telling the truth and women can not lie about sexual matters.

So 60 Minutes did the thing on Flake/Coons about this "bipartisanship", even other outlets commented on it. My question, rhetorical mostly, what did the Dems compromise on?

It's like we've put our house up for sale asking exactly how much we want for it. No room to come down.

The buyer is making all of these demands on condition of the sale and are ultimately never ever going to buy.
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It's like we've put our house up for sale asking exactly how much we want for it. No room to come down.

The buyer is making all of these demands on condition of the sale and are ultimately never ever going to buy.
In their minds not getting everything you want is a compromise.
If Flake is persuaded to derail this nominee I hope Trump comes back with the most conservative female judge in the country. Someone that will make Kavanaugh look like a leftist. I believe Trump would do that.

I wish he would’ve done it this time. before kavenaugh nomination i thought that’s where he was headed.
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Again, best case scenario:

Dems (Flake) ruins this nomination and hand the GOP a couple of extra Senate seats at the midterm
After said midterm Trump recess appoints Barrett
Cocaine Mitch opens up the new session by saying congressional hearings are a courtesy only, and that they will no longer be extended to members of this Democratic congress
Up and down vote on Barrett commences that week
Ginsburg, umm, vacates the bench before 2020
Trump recess appoints Kavanaugh and they do the same up and down process immediately upon returning

None of that will happen, but I'm just trying to think of the scenario which best secures the Supreme Court and literally ruins the Democratic Party

Dems complaining about us straining relations with Canada over a few hundred gallons of milk is absolutely what I expected on this

Never mind that we now get the same deal that Europe and pacific countries were getting for years involving Canada’s dairy supply.

These people have no clue how to run budgets, just a make more spend more kind of high or just simply tax our people to make up the difference.
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I don't know why so many on here think that Coney-Barrett is an such an arch-conservative. All we really know is that she is hostile to Roe. She needs a couple more years on the bench to really show her colors. Kavanaugh was about as far right as you could get. I still want him confirmed because he will now want to pay back democrats for this smear campaign. +25 years of payback.

Kudlow (talking about the economy) is absolutely drilling Krugman and others on the left: "I respect them... I suppose".

"They had their chance, big gov't, etc... and they were wrong".

No link but if you find it watch it... short but entertaining.
I mean, the odds that a traditional Catholic mother of 7 who is violently opposed to Roe, clerked for Scalia, and is a long time member of the Federalist society is going to be anything but a committed originalist seems unlikely
I don't know why so many on here think that Coney-Barrett is an such an arch-conservative. All we really know is that she is hostile to Roe. She needs a couple more years on the bench to really show her colors. Kavanaugh was about as far right as you could get. I still want him confirmed because he will now want to pay back democrats for this smear campaign. +25 years of payback.

That is from Silver who today basically said BK is an alcoholic that cannot be trusted.
That is from Silver who today basically said BK is an alcoholic that cannot be trusted.

I have seen that scale or similar versions of it in several publications including 538. Silver did not create it. It says who did in the footnote.
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I’m a left leaner. I believe I’ve made that pretty clear in this thread.

The performance that the left has put on over the last several weeks is ****ing terrible and scary. I have a daughter and a son. I don’t want my daughter subjected to any shit but I also don’t want my son to be automatically guilty. The dems have lost their minds. Kavanaugh is a decent man and a well qualified judge. I read somewhere that he and Garland are a 90% match in terms of judicial decisions. I can guarantee that the GOP would NEVER have subjected garland to such ridiculous bullshit if he had moved to the confirmation stage.

Look at the current SC - Obama’s nominees pre-garland were confirmed without all the ridiculous fanfare.

This country is at a crossroads - if we continue to let the fringes control the narrative we are ****ed. The majority of Americans have a common goal - we need to figure out how to advance that goal. Trump, for all his megalomaniacal bluster, has started that train. We need to jump on it now before it’s too late.
And yet you can lean left. WTF?
It won't be a dam bit funny as Dems will take Senate & run out the clock before she can be confirmed.
I'm not so sure. I mean, if that's the case then those voters get what they deserve. I'm far from team GOP, in fact, most of them make me sick. But if your rationale for not trying to get more conservatives in office is that there aren't enough conservatives in office...well, like I said, you get everything you deserve for being that stupid
Nancy going to take her crumbs back.


Let's say the average family has 300 dollars a month of crumbs. If people are so stupid to vote that back to Pelosi.....I don't know how to deal with that kind of stupidity.
Some people are especially if the 300 dollars can go to Algore and his global warming fund. They have told that to me right to my face.
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My problem is the NFL stands against all other forms of protest or support on NFL time. Yet now they allow this garbage. Along comes this communist loving, cop hating, Muslim (who still own slaves and treat women like dogs) and he try’s to convince the nation how racist it is. How unfair it is. How it’s targeting blacks. Bullshit. The ills in the black community is from their own making. They follow a democrat party that wants them to believe they are victims. They keep fatherless homes to a high degree. They don’t get an education. They kill each other at an alarming rate. The cops aren’t trying to eradicate you. The white man is not trying to make you pick cotton.....Stop listening to the race baiter who want you fired up and disgruntled. Sure there are case of injustice. It’s not institutional and widespread. We must stop dividing each other by color and remember we are all Americans. If blacks are to make things better the its through education and taking responsibility. No one can hold you down.
Please explain your comment "the NFL stands against all other forms of protest". What protests has the NFL taken a stand against?
I'll ignore the rest of your racist rant.