How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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My problem is the NFL stands against all other forms of protest or support on NFL time. Yet now they allow this garbage. Along comes this communist loving, cop hating, Muslim (who still own slaves and treat women like dogs) and he try’s to convince the nation how racist it is. How unfair it is. How it’s targeting blacks. Bullshit. The ills in the black community is from their own making. They follow a democrat party that wants them to believe they are victims. They keep fatherless homes to a high degree. They don’t get an education. They kill each other at an alarming rate. The cops aren’t trying to eradicate you. The white man is not trying to make you pick cotton.....Stop listening to the race baiter who want you fired up and disgruntled. Sure there are case of injustice. It’s not institutional and widespread. We must stop dividing each other by color and remember we are all Americans. If blacks are to make things better the its through education and taking responsibility. No one can hold you down.

Sounds like the Dems aren't happy about this "investigation's" looming results. Dems, just like the repubs, need to play their moves wisely. If they keep dragging this out, it won't look good for them,. Which do they care about, Kav or the midterms. Not sure they can keep whining about this, making it look like a total hit job, keep him off AND win the elections.

If they don't find something here, and stall this, people in the middle are going to start getting pissed and see this for what it really is.
Exactly what I said all day Friday despite being called krazy. The bottom line is the repubs are calling their bluff at every turn and it’s possibly going to pay BIG on Nov 6.

It’s not what they expected. They expected to be shot down and to play that are for all their candidates. Not now!

Now repubs should be out screaming full force they are in support of Kavanaugh and Trump and let that be their ticket.

Especially in the red states that currently have a Democrat in office.
Sounds like the Dems aren't happy about this "investigation's" looming results. Dems, just like the repubs, need to play their moves wisely. If they keep dragging this out, it won't look good for them,. Which do they care about, Kav or the midterms. Not sure they can keep whining about this, making it look like a total hit job, keep him off AND win the elections.

If they don't find something here, and stall this, people in the middle are going to start getting pissed and see this for what it really is.

Oh they know it'll show nothing. That's why they're playing the sham investigation card already
I’m a left leaner. I believe I’ve made that pretty clear in this thread.

The performance that the left has put on over the last several weeks is ****ing terrible and scary. I have a daughter and a son. I don’t want my daughter subjected to any shit but I also don’t want my son to be automatically guilty. The dems have lost their minds. Kavanaugh is a decent man and a well qualified judge. I read somewhere that he and Garland are a 90% match in terms of judicial decisions. I can guarantee that the GOP would NEVER have subjected garland to such ridiculous bullshit if he had moved to the confirmation stage.

Look at the current SC - Obama’s nominees pre-garland were confirmed without all the ridiculous fanfare.

This country is at a crossroads - if we continue to let the fringes control the narrative we are ****ed. The majority of Americans have a common goal - we need to figure out how to advance that goal. Trump, for all his megalomaniacal bluster, has started that train. We need to jump on it now before it’s too late.
I’m a left leaner. I believe I’ve made that pretty clear in this thread.

The performance that the left has put on over the last several weeks is ****ing terrible and scary. I have a daughter and a son. I don’t want my daughter subjected to any shit but I also don’t want my son to be automatically guilty. The dems have lost their minds. Kavanaugh is a decent man and a well qualified judge. I read somewhere that he and Garland are a 90% match in terms of judicial decisions. I can guarantee that the GOP would NEVER have subjected garland to such ridiculous bullshit if he had moved to the confirmation stage.

Look at the current SC - Obama’s nominees pre-garland were confirmed without all the ridiculous fanfare.

This country is at a crossroads - if we continue to let the fringes control the narrative we are ****ed. The majority of Americans have a common goal - we need to figure out how to advance that goal. Trump, for all his megalomaniacal bluster, has started that train. We need to jump on it now before it’s too late.

Please explain that to your fellow left leaners in a way that brings them to reason.

They don't listen to me and it ends with me wanting to kill the insane, stupid bastards.
I’m a left leaner. I believe I’ve made that pretty clear in this thread.

The performance that the left has put on over the last several weeks is ****ing terrible and scary. I have a daughter and a son. I don’t want my daughter subjected to any shit but I also don’t want my son to be automatically guilty. The dems have lost their minds. Kavanaugh is a decent man and a well qualified judge. I read somewhere that he and Garland are a 90% match in terms of judicial decisions. I can guarantee that the GOP would NEVER have subjected garland to such ridiculous bullshit if he had moved to the confirmation stage.

Look at the current SC - Obama’s nominees pre-garland were confirmed without all the ridiculous fanfare.

This country is at a crossroads - if we continue to let the fringes control the narrative we are ****ed. The majority of Americans have a common goal - we need to figure out how to advance that goal. Trump, for all his megalomaniacal bluster, has started that train. We need to jump on it now before it’s too late.

If the libs tank the nomination I guarantee you trump will put up the most conservative woman he can. They will have to explain to their constituents why they ended up with a female Scalia on the bench. The complete opposite of their favorite judge; the one the senate confirmed with 97 votes. I’ll be honest, I would be happier with someone more conservative than Kavanaugh but he will be a little farther right than Kennedy especially after the dems ran him through the mud so I’m ok with that.
No one can hold you down.

They want to blame all their problems on you in the name of social justice, and for you to pay for it.

“But thus I counsel you, my friends: Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful. They are people of a low sort and stock; the hangmen and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all who talk much of their justice! Verily, their souls lack more than honey. And when they call themselves the good and the just, do not forget that they would be pharisees, if only they had—power.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche
The only leverage they can get on flake is something that will impact his liberal msm career moving forward. That's what all this is about. That's why the msm and libs kept reminding him about his "legacy" which is code word for chance at tv jobs.

Make sure he either votes to confirm or he gets outed for some far right position. And make sure noone in the gop will give him time of day as a lobbyist.
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After watching Ford's testimony again, I'm firmly in the "she's not just mistaken about it being Kavanaugh, she's making it all up camp". Her little shy-small voice is a dead giveaway. It's literally almost a parody of a pretty girl trying to get out of a speeding ticket voice. That, plus what we know about the real reason she wanted a second front door and the Soros pawns and Flake, makes me question the whole bullshit charade.

Seriously, Jeff Flake was confronted by two Soros employees claiming to be survivors in front of CNN cameras which happened to be the only ones there to capture it live...? Again, don't trust Flake one bit. Right now, he should be considered a hard no-vote, as should anyone who associates with him. He is playing this for self-gain
Let me be clear here - I despise partisan politics.

That being said, the left has gone totally insane lately. I’m not sure they are salvageable.
They are not and the reason is very simple. The media enables, emboldens, and protects the mentality. Go read the comments to articles or tweets from major media players like WaPo, NYT, or CNN in the very rare occasion they criticize a Dem. People lose their damn minds.