How will they rule ??!

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Are you guys always this angry? Every day?

You seem like a sad, inconsolable bunch.

I'll never vote for a democrat. I don't care if they are just running as dogcatcher. You attach that vile party name to yourself, you get no respect from me.

Here in 2018 reality, only identity politics, PC, Marxist pieces of shit support democrats because of "social issues". Aside from maybe the weed issue (and that is becoming mainstream), I can't think of any social issue preventing individual liberty that anybody should be worried about. WTF? Pedo?

Democrats have proven themselves to be a cancer that must be crushed out of existence.

I'm pro choice (I think it should be limited to the first trimester) and don't care about the gheys, basically. Weed? Meh. I smoke with a lot of my friends and almost all of them are conservatives. Weed isn't hard to access. It can stay the same was as far as I am concerned.
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Dear Senator Schumer,

I have it on good authority that Brett Kavanaugh is a member of MS 13. He's a gangbanger (not in the way Swetnick would have you believe) and has actually murdered people. If you rub a wet-nap on the area just below his right eye, you will find his tear tattoos, which he normally covers up with foundation. Kavanaugh has been instrumental in the human trafficking of people across the Mexican border. Senator Schumer, you have vowed to fight the Kavanaugh nomination with everything you've got. That is why a border wall is necessary, to stop Kavanaugh from trafficking in humans. I demand that an FBI investigation be initiated into Kavanaugh's ties to MS 13 and human trafficking, and that the Senate act to erect (no intended reference to Ramirez's allegations about Kavanaugh) the border wall without delay.
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Are you guys always this angry? Every day?

You seem like a sad, inconsolable bunch.
Have you checked out feminist lately?

Black lives matter?


Have you checked out ANY conservative twitter accounts and their comments? Just read the comments to any Trump tweet. Please.

Been to a college campus when a conservative is scheduled to speak?

Do you remember when a deranged, unhinged leftist lunatic tried to kill a bunch of republican congressmen?

What about the liberal "scream into the air" day? Does that seem normal and happy?

Have you seen the amount of people who have been arrested during the BK hearings?

F*ck you (that's as angry as you will see a conservative).
Have you checked out feminist lately?

Black lives matter?


Have you checked out ANY conservative twitter accounts and their comments? Just read the comments to any Trump tweet. Please.

Been to a college campus when a conservative is scheduled to speak?

Do you remember when a deranged, unhinged leftist lunatic tried to kill a bunch of republican congressmen?

What about the liberal "scream into the air" day? Does that seem normal and happy?

Have you seen the amount of people who have been arrested during the BK hearings?

F*ck you (that's as angry as you will see a conservative).

NO, I haven't seen most of those cause I don't spend my day scouring Twitter for things to hate read.

I was merely referring to you guys on here. It's the same rants every single day.
Am I being overly-pessimistic to think that if BK doesn't get confirmed, we'll never see a conservative justice in Kennedy's seat?

I am 100% convinced there are strategists advising Trump/R's that it's in their best interest to delay/lose Kavanaugh. They could play the victim card (fake news, FBI is bad, Dems aren't in touch, etc), potentially win 3-4 seats in the Senate, keep control of the House and still keep that seat.

The big risk is losing the Senate because then you may be right. The Dems will stall until after 2020
NO, I haven't seen most of those cause I don't spend my day scouring Twitter for things to hate read.

I was merely referring to you guys on here. It's the same rants every single day.
Well now you know. And now you also know anything on here is tame as f*ck compared to real world anger toward conservatives.

And, of course, how could I leave out liberals accosting Sara Sanders and Ted Cruz for simply going out to eat. Get your head out of your ass and maybe you'd realize the real-life damage being done by your unhinged, lunatic party and stop worrying about what us (mostly) anonymous and insignificant sports message board posters are doing.

You are absolute in your delusion. GTFOH.
Guess I better call an electrician, I think you internet message boarders are messing with me and I need a real solution here.

Life and death here people, Jesus H Christ!

Have you got a sawzall and a drywall saw? just asking.
Anonymous sources are saying they saw Brett Kavanaugh murder Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.

The sources also say they witnessed him leave ham on a mosque doorstep.

Finally the sources state they saw his audition tape for the roll of “Buffalo Bill”.

The gloves fit kb perfectly.
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Some people travel to Africa in search of big game. I used to hunt a bit, but not lately.

Still, I'd like to have a European mount of an Antifa radical hanging over the fireplace.

,...catch one creeping down my hallway at 3AM carrying a big claw hammer in his hand.

That's how I would have him mounted,...extending out from the wall with the hammer drawn back in his right hand,..his black mask rolled up over his mouth to show his teeth gritted in a violent snarl.

Taxidermists may have a big opportunity coming their way if conditions continue along their current path.

Show it off to your friends when they drop by, sipping some good Bourbon and telling them:

"As far as I can determine, this one immigrated in from Portland. He was headed to Northern Virginia but his GPS malfunctioned and he had the misfortune to end up in rural Kentucky."
I am 100% convinced there are strategists advising Trump/R's that it's in their best interest to delay/lose Kavanaugh. They could play the victim card (fake news, FBI is bad, Dems aren't in touch, etc), potentially win 3-4 seats in the Senate, keep control of the House and still keep that seat.

The big risk is losing the Senate because then you may be right. The Dems will stall until after 2020
I agree, I don't think losing the House would bother him for 2020 campaigning, especially if they keep Nancy.
To state the obvious, Kavanaugh is being targeted by the Democommies because he is a Conservative male. That's obvious.

In my opinion, the proper manner for Trump to address the issue in the event that Kavanaugh doesn't get the vote is to nominate a male that is far to the right of Kavanaugh.

That probably would require that he go outside of the current batch of potential nominees.

His next selection should be someone that causes the Democommie's heads to explode.

If the Democommies start pulling their stunts and get the next nominee rejected, Trump should nominate someone ever farther to the right.

He should continue this process until the nominee is an American version of Pinochet.

Thapar would be my choice. But I don't know any male that would sign up for the level of scrutiny kavanaugh is going through.

It would have to be a woman
Bizarro world. John Yarmouth, congressman from Louisville, says there is no reason to doubt Ford but lots of reason to doubt Kavanaugh. WTF?

"I totally believe Dr. Ford," Yarmuth said. "I don't think there's any way to question her credibility, or her motives. I think there are a lot of reasons to question Judge Kavanaugh's at this point."

How does that idiot keep getting elected??
Bizarro world. John Yarmouth, congressman from Louisville, says there is no reason to doubt Ford but lots of reason to doubt Kavanaugh. WTF?

"I totally believe Dr. Ford," Yarmuth said. "I don't think there's any way to question her credibility, or her motives. I think there are a lot of reasons to question Judge Kavanaugh's at this point."

How does that idiot keep getting elected??

Must be a Soros talking point as it matches my earlier journalist.

BTW, this requires one to ignore corroborating witnesses in favor of an accuser.
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I am 100% convinced there are strategists advising Trump/R's that it's in their best interest to delay/lose Kavanaugh. They could play the victim card (fake news, FBI is bad, Dems aren't in touch, etc), potentially win 3-4 seats in the Senate, keep control of the House and still keep that seat.

The big risk is losing the Senate because then you may be right. The Dems will stall until after 2020

Advisors might be trying , I'd say Trump would be like " Eff that" We are winning .
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