How will they rule ??!

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Correct. She said they added a second front door because of the trauma from 35 years ago during her therapy session and needed an escape plan. She also has a fear of flying because of the event and can’t stand to be isolated/confined because of it. Funny how this fear of flying is not an issue when she went to Hawaii, Tahiti, Costa Rica and Delaware this past year amongst other places. Nor the fact the second front door was not for her issues but because they have people from Google who live in their house and use it to access the house. Plus the permit was filed in 2008 - 4 years before her “therapy session”with her husband.

Let’s turn the tables and do what the Dems have done to Kavanaugh on her. She is a liar, she is a mental headcase who makes up fake assaults, she was a drunk and slept with lots people in HS and college if you read her yearbook and accounts from friends, she is a Dem operative who opposes Trump and wiped her social media before this accusation, she moved to the west coast to avoid her issues according to college friends....

She made the entire story up during therapy because her husband probably wanted to dump her, so she concocted a story for pity, and it was probably a real event that happened with two other people who she then transposed on to Kavanaugh and Judge so it sounded real. She was sexually assaulted at a party by two people and can’t rememebr the year, location, date, who was there, how she got there, how she got home, told nobody about it, left her friend in the house with two rapists, does not bring it up for 30+ years, takes a bogus lie detector test to sound plausible, lies about not being able to fly due to fear... Did I leave anything out. Once this is all done I would sue her ass if I was Kavanaugh along with anyone else who was complicit in all of this.

Why would someone with nothing to hide wipe their social media? Buehler?
Scary notion that any woman making an accusation should be automatically believed. It's just a set up for more metoo take downs.

Neither accused nor accuser should be summarily believed. Each should be judged on the merits and proof of the accusations.

That the left opposes that notion, tells you all you need to know.
She also said she had to rush from the lie detector test in Maryland to get on a flight to New Hampshire (I think it was there, it was somewhere in the northeast). So, her grandmother died, she had to take a lie detector, but her anxiety around flying 45 min or driving 4 hours wasn't there despite all these other tragic events.
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I wish they would make up their minds.

And with that said I'm in a real quandary as to whether I would rather see "me too" get Michael Moore or Bill Maher.

I don't know about Bill Maher but I have trouble seeing any girl having gotten close enough to Michael Moore to accuse him of sexual assault. Moore envied Chris Farley for his svelte figure.

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Well, I thought the Bushes were loved now that they hate Trump. But I guess not. He was used for a purpose and now that purpose is over with. So the libs are kicking him to the curb.

Bush was a terrible president was not a conservative. Started a trillion dollar war with iraq that cost many lives on both sides leading to the creation of isis and a stronger Iran. Destabilized the region opening a door for Obama to support fundamentalists. Not to mention the economic crash at the end of his term. I never could get the moral outrage over trump and the embrace of bush by libs. I mean trump wants to stay out of conflict, grow the economy and lower the deficit. Bush didn’t care about debt or deficits, killed the economy and threw the region into conflict.
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oh really? yall idiots spent 10 years whining about how countries were laughing at us under Obama....

Reuters: China to cut import tariffs on wide range of products.

Import tariffs on wood and paper products, minerals and gemstones will be cut to 5.4 percent from 6.6 percent, the ministry also said in its statement.

Average import tariffs on over fifteen hundred products will be lowered to 7.8 percent from 10.5 percent, the ministry said.

#MAGA. :americanflag: