How will they rule ??!

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The gall to ask for evidence
He's saying wow because the evidence is easily seen and understood. Unless you cant read or you don't know how to research using unbiased sources, I shouldn't have to do it for you.

You should really try being objective for once and ignore the political corporatist lobby who controls the politicians you support.

And I don't feel like proving the point easily just to have you not accept the data which is what you're going to do.

If conservatives had been in control of most of these cities through the last 50 years, you would be screaming racism.
For all the folks in here who say dems never criticize their own - I’ve said this before in this thread and I’ll say it again. The far left/socialist/Antifa/Islam apologist wings of the party sicken me. Same with late term abortion proponents. Same with 50 genders. As a legal immigrant who had to grind through a 2 year process to stay here legally, I’m definitely not a fan of illegals. I like making more money and giving less to the bloated government. So In many ways, Trump was an ideal candidate considering my leanings.

So yeah, I think the dem party has gone off the rails. They lost a rigged election and have reacted like a bunch of spoiled kids who didn’t get their way. It’s a train wreck.
Give this poster hip hip hurah. The first one I have seen to use his brain.
Most literal subject change I've ever seen. No one burning those clothes over Nike slave labor, but as soon as they touch white people feelings it's over. Donate those clothes instead of burning them.
May I see evidence that liberal policies have an overall negative impact on the black community?

I will no longer buy Nike products because I care about black people, and I don't support the celebration and reward of empty virtue signaling which does nothing to address the real problems.

The core problem is not the police. And NOTHING will be done to solve the problem until you plantation POS liberals stop using these people as a tool to further your political agenda.
yawn. Yeah I'm a scary socialist.

May need to give Wal-mart stock a hard look. Conservatives are going to be very fashionable this fall in their Rustler brand jeans and Athletic Works brand shoes.

-no need. There are plenty of American made clothing options.

These are just the some of the manufacturers/makers ive patronized over the last few years. Buy quality instead of quantity. Support the work of your fellow citizens. Its difficult and can be cost prohibitive...but do as much as the wallet will allow.
Tucker said on his show tonight that they think they know who wrote the NYTs op-ed and the persons name will probably be public soon.
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He's saying wow because the evidence is easily seen and understood. Unless you cant read or you don't know how to research using unbiased sources, I shouldn't have to do it for you.

You should really try being objective for once and ignore the political corporatist lobby who controls the politicians you support.

And I don't feel like proving the point easily just to have you not accept the data which is what you're going to do.

If conservatives had been in control of most of these cities through the last 50 years, you would be screaming racism.
A point with no evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Have a good one.
Twitter promoting Pence as the “shadow president.” Lol.

They did the same crap with Bush and Cheney. Maybe it was the case with Bush, I don’t know but to act like it’s not Trump calling the shots is ridiculous.
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I'll give Twitter this: I feel like Jack's making a legit effort. Problem is they're in such an echo chamber and so without opposing viewpoint - he doesn't know where to start.

So they turn to outside organizations, which hold out that they are objective. But we know they are not.

The whole thing is a sham. They need to remove it all and let people sort out what they want to see and believe.
trade deficit up another 10%! those Trump policies must be really kicking in.
Even CNN did actual reporting on the deficit a few weeks back...I think trump was 500 billion compared to obama at 900 billion...oh at our GDP under him was at around 5% compared to 1% under Barry. Weird you are suddenly concerned about deficit when your all about endless govt spending on failed programs...why the change of heart?
Whoever wrote the op/ed for the NY Times today, I am predicting was the primary source for Woodward's book. Knew he/she was on the way out because it was just a matter of time before he/she was rooted out, so taking the opportunity to transition into a CNN talking head gig and a book deal.
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