How will they rule ??!

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Seems pretty clear that NYT piece is just bait to get Trump to try and figure out the source then claim Trump is attacking journalists.

"We know the name of someone currently working in the White House and actively participating in a literal treason conspiracy with others...this his/her story"

Uh, yeah, OK fellas.
The whole point of the OP-ED, whomever wrote it, is to lend credence to Woodward’s book, and try to make the White House paranoid.

A comment on that article. Haha

"So I'm part of an inner-circle of people actively thwarting the President's agenda because we feel it's the right thing to do, and because we love our country so much, and because everything is at stake and this is very, very important work. I know! I'll run to the NYT and talk about it openly! Trump will NEVER find out now! This perfectly suits our own agenda of working in the shadows and staying under the radar.

Oh...and JOHN MCCAIN!!!!"
So Democrats are back on the 25th Amendment thing again? LOL


So this anonymous source working for Trump is "the resistance" and praises McCain. What a time to be alive.

If this is indeed someone who works for the president, which there is no way for the public to confirm considering they won't release their source and you're basically trusting the NYT to not lie...why would you write an op-ed letting everyone know there was a rat?

A few possibilities
1. The ego and the attention this person wants
2. Colluded with Democrats/RINOs/Press to get this talking point going to open the door for their next play-which they tried earlier this year.
3. There is no source
I’ll take #3 for $100.00
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Kavanaugh is crushing the handmaids


I like how they circled his head in red haha
Some Trump WH official writes an anonymous hit piece for NYtimes.

Try actually reading for once in your life instead of watching TV for your talking points. Nowhere in the op-ed does it say a White House official wrote it. It clearly says a senior official in the Trump administration. It's literally said in the second sentence. This could be the Secretary of Education's deputy for all we know.

Regardless, they're not doing a very good job of resisting because Trump is succeeding (which even they are forced to admit in the piece) and he continues to deliver on his promises and check boxes off. Maybe they should fire themselves in shame.
For all the folks in here who say dems never criticize their own - I’ve said this before in this thread and I’ll say it again. The far left/socialist/Antifa/Islam apologist wings of the party sicken me. Same with late term abortion proponents. Same with 50 genders. As a legal immigrant who had to grind through a 2 year process to stay here legally, I’m definitely not a fan of illegals. I like making more money and giving less to the bloated government. So In many ways, Trump was an ideal candidate considering my leanings.

So yeah, I think the dem party has gone off the rails. They lost a rigged election and have reacted like a bunch of spoiled kids who didn’t get their way. It’s a train wreck.
Can you imagine if Fox News claimed to have inside knowledge of an active and ongoing conspiracy to subvert and undermine the duly elected POTUS, Barrack Obama?

Eric Holder would have borrowed back one of his guns from his cartel friends and stormed the news room himself.

I mean shit. We're coming from a time when Rush Limbaugh saying if Obama was trying to fundamentally change America, he hoped he failed at implementing his radical agenda was almost the end of the world to now publishing and championing someone who claims to be an active participant in a conspiracy to undermine the POTUS and try and stop him from achieving his duly elected agenda.

I know this is bait to get Trump to go after the source. Trump just needs to acknowledge he knows it's bait, then take the bait off and stab the NYT in the eye with the hook.
Is it crazy to think that eventually Trump is going to wear these nut jobs down so much that we may get a sense of normalcy for just a little while???
Can you imagine if Fox News claimed to have inside knowledge of an active and ongoing conspiracy to subvert and undermine the duly elected POTUS, Barrack Obama?

Eric Holder would have borrowed back one of his guns from his cartel friends and stormed the news room himself.

I mean shit. We're coming from a time when Rush Limbaugh saying if Obama was trying to fundamentally change America, he hoped he failed at implementing his radical agenda was almost the end of the world to now publishing and championing someone who claims to be an active participant in a conspiracy to undermine the POTUS and try and stop him from achieving his duly elected agenda.

I know this is bait to get Trump to go after the source. Trump just needs to acknowledge he knows it's bait, then take the bait off and stab the NYT in the eye with the hook.
They were too busy criticizing his tan suit and saying he was born in Kenya.
Wings? You'll be hard pressed to find many democrats who don't subscribe to at least some of the items on that list. Just accept it: The party is total shit. Walk away, completely.

Moderate Democrats believe in no borders, no citizenship, free healthcare for all!

Radical democrats believe in killing honkies, killing cops, killing the president, and declaring sharia law.
Why do I keep hearing about this tan suit?

Because they literally think that was the Obama administration's only scandal.

Now days Trump calling someone a dog on Twitter is a huge scandal to them, but Illegal immigrant children being turned over to human traffickers; Fast & Furious including dead border patrol agent; Holder being held in contempt; Brennan hacking and spying on the Senate; Brennan lying about hacking/spying under oath; spying on and trying to arrest members of the the media; lying and blaming a Youtube video for Benghazi and then jailing an innocent man, the maker of the video, to sell the lie; IRS targeting conservatives; secret DOJ slush fund for left wing groups; etc, etc, etc, etc, weren't scandals and never happened.
Because they literally think that was the Obama administration's only scandal.

Now days Trump calling someone a dog on Twitter is a huge scandal to them, but Illegal immigrant children being turned over to human traffickers; Fast & Furious including dead border patrol agent; Holder being held in contempt; Brennan hacking and spying on the Senate; Brennan lying about hacking/spying under oath; spying on and trying to arrest members of the the media; lying and blaming a Youtube video for Benghazi and then jailing an innocent man, the maker of the video, to sell the lie; IRS targeting conservatives; secret DOJ slush fund for left wing groups; etc, etc, etc, etc, weren't scandals and never happened.

The fact that Nixon resigned for his scandal while Obama was celebrated shows what a joke this double standard is. Obama's entire term was filled with scandal while the media played defense for him.

"What do you find so enchanting about the presidency?"

"I've got a thrill up my leg."

"Obama is so cool. Come on every talk show we have while we worship you!"
[laughing] More from the NYT op-ed.

An anonymous official quoting an anonymous official about being triggered because Trump changed his mind about an anonymous policy. The horror! Impeach fawty five!

“There is literally no telling whether he might change his mind from one minute to the next,” a top official complained to me recently, exasperated by an Oval Office meeting at which the president flip-flopped on a major policy decision he’d made only a week earlier.
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lol, a "conservative"


Maybe as a Kentuckian, especially one with political aspirations, he should be worried about criminal ass Grimes, her father, and prominent state democrats who interfered with our democracy.

Nope. That’s too real and relevant. Better worry about what trump might allegedly possibly do. Like omg he’s gonna get us in a space war probabaly? He’s so mean.
Matt Jones is a frat ---. I took great joy in reading the private messages he sent a friend's girlfriend a few years ago trying to desperately score with her. Pathetic.
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