How will they rule ??!

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That attempted handshake is just a pathetic sick example of the left.

1) completely staged

2) the man was not only let in by security, but allowed to physically approach the nominee at a Congressional hearing. He should've been tackled soon as he crossed the bar threshold. So at least some of them were in on it too. But I'm sure a Dem senator worked all that out before hand.

Of course he shouldn't shake hands with a random guy who physically rushed him. In fact he acted way too slow if we're honest. He was in danger and should've gotten out of there sooner.

Especially after he just sat through hours of insanity and watching radicals freak out and get thrown out by the dozens.
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Most literal subject change I've ever seen. No one burning those clothes over Nike slave labor, but as soon as they touch white people feelings it's over. Donate those clothes instead of burning them.
Do you have any advice for non whites or are whites the cause of all problems... but only conservative whites. You seem to really know a lot and since we have to divide everyone by color just curious what reality is for all theraces
This is uneducated and seriously lacking any thought process whatsoever.

If different races of people cannot comment on racial issues, then we move nowhere. Do you just want the entire country to sit back and listen, and give in to every demand because there's a segment of a certain racial group that wants something and only the same color can respond? Great country you're forming.

Some of you don't even realize you are creating a segregated society all over again. But hey, you're white, slow, and easily brainwashed by corporatist parties. They handed you a mantle to play savior of the other guys, which gives you a false sense of accomplishment inside of your soft bigotry. Gonna be hard to pull some of you into reality.
No, just asking we dont shut them down and get our feelings so hurt every time black people try to communicate their problems, like what has been happening since day one of the NFL protests. White people just dont like to discuss the most difficult subjects this nation needs to talk about.
No, just asking we dont shut them down every time black people try to communicate their problems, like what has been happening since day one of the NFL protests. White people just dont like to discuss the most difficult subjects this nation needs to talk about.
Most difficult should be defined as when you make the comments the amount of negative reaction or desire to NOT discuss it at all. Do we discuss black on black crime at all?or the fact that a minority of people Are responsible for a majority of violent crime? That’s called a trend pal And on a side note is it possible for a group of people to be wrong about why their problems exist?
This is uneducated and seriously lacking any thought process whatsoever.

If different races of people cannot comment on racial issues, then we move nowhere. Do you just want the entire country to sit back and listen, and give in to every demand because there's a segment of a certain racial group that wants something and only the same color can respond? Great country you're forming.

Some of you don't even realize you are creating a segregated society all over again. But hey, you're white, slow, and easily brainwashed by corporatist parties. They handed you a mantle to play savior of the other guys, which gives you a false sense of accomplishment inside of your soft bigotry. Gonna be hard to pull some of you into reality.
What you say is true... but you have to be willing to engage in a real discussion and not come to the table thinking that you already know all the answers before the discussion has even began. From my observations this rarely happens.
I think the most powerful testimony comes from parents who have adopted children of a different race from themselves. They observe how their children are treated differently in public.

The fact that you want to attack...'Some of you don't even realize you are creating a segregated society all over again" as if society was every fully integrated and that it is "their" responsibility to comfort you and not the other way around.

If I were you I wouldn't go around preaching about any false sense of accomplishment because I just looked that up in the dictionary and your picture was there right beside that of the orange clown.
What you say is true... but you have to be willing to engage in a real discussion and not come to the table thinking that you already know all the answers before the discussion has even began. From my observations this rarely happens.
I think the most powerful testimony comes from parents who have adopted children of a different race from themselves. They observe how their children are treated differently in public.

The fact that you want to attack...'Some of you don't even realize you are creating a segregated society all over again" as if society was every fully integrated and that it is "their" responsibility to comfort you and not the other way around.

If I were you I wouldn't go around preaching about any false sense of accomplishment because I just looked that up in the dictionary and your picture was there right beside that of the orange clown.
If you are consciously thinking about your adopted kids treatment by people of other races odds are you already have a hypothesis and odds are you did not run a scientific test to control variables.. maybe the kid was an asshole and is at fault. But classic liberalism to go totally on one experience lmao
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Yeah, I think the Koch Brothers have absolutely shown what they are- want open borders and wanting to fund Democrats. Not a fan of Pence taking money from them. We all know Pence was simply there for the evangelicals and to balance out the crass New Yorker.

The Koch Brothers are awful but they pale in comparison to the influence of George Soros. He completely runs the show, intentionally tries to ruin currency and countries, funds protests for optics, uses money for activism. I mean, this guy even teamed up with the NFL Players Union.
Ever notice how conservatives and republicans actually criticize our own? The Dems and Libs never ever criticize their own, wonder why?
The fact that you think this is another "Fire and Fury" or Omarosa book proves all I need to know about your intelligence on the matter. This is Bob fuhking Woodward. 2 Pulitzer Prizes and took down Nixon. The most respected White House journalist, on both sides, ever. And even your own President once thought this.

And here's an interesting tweet from 2013...

Fuhking hypocrite.

Anyone that disagrees with you is stupid. Good call.
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It sounds like a lot of these "silly things", gross understatement, don't become policy because people in the White House have to literally take documents from him.
No..I think you're missing the point..hes just implying trump is making ppl money even when they add nothing new. Not hard. But ppl will be hysterical nonetheless...arent you guys worried about "okay signs" right now?
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No, just asking we dont shut them down and get our feelings so hurt every time black people try to communicate their problems, like what has been happening since day one of the NFL protests. White people just dont like to discuss the most difficult subjects this nation needs to talk about.

No, it's YOU who won't discuss the real conversation because you are a supporter of keeping them on a voting plantation.

That's why any black person that speaks out against the liberal think tank is discredited and labled worse than a racist white person. Even if that guy is a brain surgeon who's done more work for sick kids than anyone you can name on the left. It's about votes and pandering whether you realize it or not. That's the difficult conversation, not your political bullshit.

Liberals have owned the black vote and black communities for over 50 years. Did you ever stop and think, why are inner cities and many black communities worse off than they were in 1964?

Don't pretend you want a real conversation. MX made these points about liberal whites a long time ago. He called you a wolf in sheep's clothing. And he's been right on that front, nothing liberal white men have done has advanced the outcome they claim to want, yet they just keep doing it. It's tough to know which ones of you actually care but are mislead, and which ones actually hate black people and enjoy the entire situation.
No, it's YOU who won't discuss the real conversation because you are a supporter of keeping them on a voting plantation.

That's why any black person that speaks out against the liberal think tank is discredited and labled worse than a racist white person. Even of that guy is a brain surgeon who's done more work for sick kids than anyone you can name on the left. It's about votes and pandering whether you realize it or not. That's the difficult conversation, not your political bullshit.

Liberals have owned the black vote and black communities for over 50 years. Did you ever stop and think, why are inner cities and many black communities worse off than they were in 1964?

Don't pretend you want a real conversation. MX made these points about liberal whites a long time ago
May I see evidence that liberal policies have an overall negative impact on the black community?
Re: Kavanaugh

Democrats are defeated and they know it. You can see that they're even getting tired of the lame interruptions by protesters and just want to get this over with. They're all just going through the motions at this point, trying to read off their talking points as quick as possible so they can appease their mob and say, "I tried".

After yesterday I was expecting a fight today. Kavanaugh hasn't taken a single hit and has managed to turn the hearing into a snooze fest because he's so on point. They have nothing to go after him with. He home run trots to confirmation.
Re: Kavanaugh

Democrats are defeated and they know it. You can see that they're even getting tired of the lame interruptions by protesters and just want to get this over with. They're all just going through the motions at this point, trying to read off their talking points as quick as possible so they can appease their mob and say, "I tried".

After yesterday I was expecting a fight today. Kavanaugh hasn't taken a single hit and has managed to turn the hearing into a snooze fest because he's so on point. They have nothing to go after him with. He home run trots to confirmation.
Exactly. His confirmation has been a foregone conclusion from the moment he was announced. This liberal sideshow is window dressing for the vagina hat wearing crowd they need to appease.
Exactly. His confirmation has been a foregone conclusion from the moment he was announced. This liberal sideshow is window dressing for the vagina hat wearing crowd they need to appease.

I'll leave this right here.

Re: Kavanaugh

Democrats are defeated and they know it. You can see that they're even getting tired of the lame interruptions by protesters and just want to get this over with. They're all just going through the motions at this point, trying to read off their talking points as quick as possible so they can appease their mob and say, "I tried".

After yesterday I was expecting a fight today. Kavanaugh hasn't taken a single hit and has managed to turn the hearing into a snooze fest because he's so on point. They have nothing to go after him with. He home run trots to confirmation.

Yesterday, it was a team that was down 30 points but kept fouling to stop the clock.

Surprised they haven't got anyone to accuse him of sexual assault yet.
Kavanaugh is cool as cool gets . He is all over these questions . Dude is SLICK.

Not many can survive the D(N)C media vultures out to get you and the worst thing they got on you is that you are really into sports and feed the homeless while incognito.
And I am sure he is thrilled with the ultimate circle jerk, the media complex.

I enjoy that. I know there's more conservatives on here than leftists but if ole Cats4ever thinks this is a circle jerk, try being a conservative and see what it's like watching a movie, going to college, and being bombarded with a huge echo chamber for over 90 percent of the media.
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So Democrats are back on the 25th Amendment thing again? LOL


So this anonymous source working for Trump is "the resistance" and praises McCain. What a time to be alive.

If this is indeed someone who works for the president, which there is no way for the public to confirm considering they won't release their source and you're basically trusting the NYT to not lie...why would you write an op-ed letting everyone know there was a rat?

A few possibilities
1. The ego and the attention this person wants
2. Colluded with Democrats/RINOs/Press to get this talking point going to open the door for their next play-which they tried earlier this year.
3. There is no source
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I enjoy that. I know there's more conservatives on here than leftists but if ole Cats4ever thinks this is a circle jerk, try being a conservative and see what it's like watching a movie, going to college, and being bombarded with a huge echo chamber for over 90 percent of the media.

Thus the tantrums when they don't get their way, it is inconceivable certain things can happen when their world view is so ignorant.
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Yesterday it was asked if people secretly thought Trump was terrible but were too invested to admit it. This right here is why Im happy I was wrong about Trump and that he won.

Now a question for the left on here. Are you really still on board with the democratic party when Hillary Clinton (not some fringe far lefty blogger) is complaining about a judge not siding with having the government pay for an abortion for an illegal alien and calling it a right?

Are there people on left on here that just believe in bigger government and a bigger social net (I disagree with that but respect that opinion) and feel like the Democratic party have left you behind with these extreme far left views and policies? Or are you too invested in your side to admit that?
No lefties on here will respond to you .
Dance, dodge and deflect
So Democrats are back on the 25th Amendment thing again? LOL


So this anonymous source working for Trump is "the resistance" and praises McCain. What a time to be alive.

If this is indeed someone who works for the president, which there is no way for the public to confirm considering they won't release their source and you're basically trusting the NYT to not lie...why would you write an op-ed letting everyone know there was a rat?

A few possibilities
1. The ego and the attention this person wants
2. Colluded with Democrats/RINOs/Press to get this talking point going to open the door for their next play-which they tried earlier this year.
3. There is no source

[laughing] Even in the op-ed they are forced to admit that Trump has made the nation safer and more prosperous.

They admit that they want the administration to succeed, then they turn around and admit that Trump is succeeding. So, what exactly are they resisting?

To be clear, ours is not the popular “resistance” of the left. We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.
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[laughing] Even in the op-ed they are forced to admit that Trump has made the nation safer and more prosperous.

They admit that they want the administration to succeed, then they turn around and admit that Trump is succeeding. So, what exactly are they resisting?

To be clear, ours is not the popular “resistance” of the left. We want the administration to succeed and think that many of its policies have already made America safer and more prosperous.

The whole point of the OP-ED, whomever wrote it, is to lend credence to Woodward’s book, and try to make the White House paranoid.
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