How will they rule ??!

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Kavanaugh was a member of the Federalist Society so of course Dems have spent the last two days dissing it as a racist far right wing group.

Except for the main Dem (Whitehouse) who partook in the smearing and fearmongering has actually spoken at an event hosted by the Federalist Society.

There's also this:

  • Chief Justice John Roberts spoke at a Federalist Society lecture in November 2007

  • Then-Harvard Law Dean Elena Kagan attended a Federalist Society banquet in February 2005, saying “I love the Federalist Society

  • Then-Judge Sonia Sotomayor spoke on a February 2009 Federalist Society panel in Connecticut

  • Justice Stephen Breyer attended a conversation with then-Justice Scalia in December 2006 hosted by the Federalist Society

  • Justice Samuel Alito spoke at the Federalist Society’s 25th anniversary gala in Washington, D.C. in 2007

  • Justice Clarence Thomas gave a keynote address in November 2016 hosted by the Federalist Society

  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has presented at forums hosted by the Federalist Society

  • Then-Judge Neil Gorsuch spoke at a Federalist Society event at Harvard in April 2012

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So dumb.
That would be similar to Robert Byrd(RIP) criticizing black people for giving the KKK grief.
That was the first thing that came to mind as well. How did that not occur to others? The timing of that is just a coincidence? Utter BS. They went shopping for that and timed it right with Woodward’s book. That was not by accident.

Even if true the person admits the country is safer and more prosperous under Trump. Their only complaints are about petty things like his attitude and tweeting and etc.

So Trump is a loudmouth asshole who tweets a lot and doesn't govern like a traditional two faced politician and it's driving the bureaucrats crazy? Awesome. That's why I voted for him. As long as he's getting results which they admit he is then I couldn't care less.
Who sends you this fake shit and what are trying to accomplish with it?

People as a last name. English word and I have spent way too much time researching names and cannot imagine someone in 15th century England named People. So fake last name or made up. I expect Russian Bot.

Last name: Peoples. This interesting and unusual surname is a diminutive of Pepys, which is of early medieval English origin. The surname is derived from the Old French personal name "Pepis", an oblique case of "Pepin", and was introduced into Britain by the Normans after the Conquest of 1066.

Could be shortened People's. I vote Bot.
Kavanaugh was a member of the Federalist Society so of course Dems have spent the last two days dissing it as a racist far right wing group.

Except for the main Dem (Whitehouse) who partook in the smearing and fearmongering has actually spoken at an event hosted by the Federalist Society.

There's also this:

  • Chief Justice John Roberts spoke at a Federalist Society lecture in November 2007

  • Then-Harvard Law Dean Elena Kagan attended a Federalist Society banquet in February 2005, saying “I love the Federalist Society

  • Then-Judge Sonia Sotomayor spoke on a February 2009 Federalist Society panel in Connecticut

  • Justice Stephen Breyer attended a conversation with then-Justice Scalia in December 2006 hosted by the Federalist Society

  • Justice Samuel Alito spoke at the Federalist Society’s 25th anniversary gala in Washington, D.C. in 2007

  • Justice Clarence Thomas gave a keynote address in November 2016 hosted by the Federalist Society

  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has presented at forums hosted by the Federalist Society

  • Then-Judge Neil Gorsuch spoke at a Federalist Society event at Harvard in April 2012

If anyone cares about being called a racist by the left anymore, they’re foolish. It means nothing because they throw it around like candy to smear anyone against the left.
Levi's memes all come from a CTR sort of site no doubt. It's the only way a person would have access to so many in a short amount of time.
When did Nike make Donald Trump the face of their company?

You'll have to remind me of any racist comments or actions ever taken by Kaepernick. You know that his mother is white, he was raised by a white family and that it was a white former Green Beret soldier that suggested that Kaepernick kneel.

Nike didn't get to where it is by being stupid. White males 35-60 aren't their target demographics. They will be just fine.

People make up new rules to make themselves look "more American" ignoring the Americans, even the young unarmed American children being gunned down in our streets by cops or ignoring families being separated by government officials. Gee I wonder why they think they are right while even the people they claim are being disrespected say they are not.

Tommy Smith and John Carlos did much of the same thing. People ignore the role, white man with a conscience, Peter Harmon played in that protest and the fact his country, Australia, honored him or that Smith and Carlos were pallbearers at his funeral. Yeah this new phony reaction is about racism and it hasn't gotten a lot better in the last 50 years. It is all about racism and racists who act offended when people bring attention to the mistreatment and murder of POC. Racists rarely admit their racism, they haven't the courage.

"By what stretch of the imagination, does the flag founded in protest of mistreatment, suffer any loss by the people it represents protesting mistreatment." ---- Navy veteran Dan A
This is the type of crap they push on kids.

Pretty soon it’ll look like this at that school


It’s funny because they tell you not to make assumptions about people based on bad stereotypes associated with that skin color, religion, etc. and yet all their talking points are based on the assumption someone is oppressed because of their skin color, religion, etc.
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People make up new rules to make themselves look "more American" ignoring the Americans, even the young unarmed American children being gunned down in our streets by cops or ignoring families being separated by government officials.

How many unarmed young people are being "gunned down" by police vs. gang bangers? The real problem isn't the police and the left doesn't want to talk about that.
People make up new rules to make themselves look "more American" ignoring the Americans, even the young unarmed American children being gunned down in our streets by cops or ignoring families being separated by government officials. Gee I wonder why they think they are right while even the people they claim are being disrespected say they are not.

Tommy Smith and John Carlos did much of the same thing. People ignore the role, white man with a conscience, Peter Harmon played in that protest and the fact his country, Australia, honored him or that Smith and Carlos were pallbearers at his funeral. Yeah this new phony reaction is about racism and it hasn't gotten a lot better in the last 50 years. It is all about racism and racists who act offended when people bring attention to the mistreatment and murder of POC. Racists rarely admit their racism, they haven't the courage.

"By what stretch of the imagination, does the flag founded in protest of mistreatment, suffer any loss by the people it represents protesting mistreatment." ---- Navy veteran Dan A
On further review, pls go back to sharing facebook memes.
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Now all Dems are threatening to break Senate rules and release classified info so Booker isn't alone. They know they won't/can't kick them all out. This is beyond embarrassing. They have no shame.
What you say is true... but you have to be willing to engage in a real discussion and not come to the table thinking that you already know all the answers before the discussion has even began. From my observations this rarely happens.
I think the most powerful testimony comes from parents who have adopted children of a different race from themselves. They observe how their children are treated differently in public.

While this is true to some degree...I am wondering if you even know anyone who has adopted children of a different race. Or if you are just regurgitating something you have read somewhere. Because I know several. There are several families at my church who have done this. And there are several families at my kids' school who have done this. And I have a neighbor down the road that has done this. And going back further...I had two teammates that were adopted by parents of a different in HS and one in college. And you are leaving out a very disturbing part of the equation...either on purpose or out of ignorance. Either way is just as bad.

To a kid...the most frequent uncomfortable situations for them are when they are around kids of their own race. Why? Because they get called Uncle Tom. And they get chastised for not talking slang. And they get chastised for hanging out with white friends and/or dating outside their race. And they even get chastised for making good grades/being a good student.

Do they still encounter occasional forms of racism in certain situations in public? Yes. And that is horrible. Our society has come a long way on race relations but still has a long way to go no doubt. But what I described above is almost just as fact, I would argue that it is just as big of a factor in poor race relations in our society today given how far removed we are from the days when actual racism ran rampant. Especially since those particular kids (adopted by parents of a different race) encounter those "Uncle Tom" situations much more frequently than they encounter far.

And that "Uncle Tom" attitude is fostered and perpetuated by many sources in our society including the media and (especially) the entertainment industry and the left's need to rely on keeping their base by constantly dividing people based on their race through identity politics.
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