How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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But still....New Hampshire is unique for various reasons, like cultural and being tiny, such that it doesn't make sense really to extrapolate what you do. The R party alays had a strong never-Trump contingent: it was always gonna be 70-30 or 60-40 wherever, and in a tiny state primary where you're only talking a couple hundred thousnad votes, a few thousand democrat voters easily produce the 44% you hanged your hopes on.

The idea was then take that momentum on, which didn't happen, couldn't happen, because like it or not, Trump is too enthusiastically supported in spite of the valiant efforts of the democrats pedophiles at the lincoln project. Which is the conundrum you guys can't answer, the exension of my point I made earlier. Why is it exactly that you think democrats were so eager for you to run someone else? Before they were championing Haley, many of them were in here arguing you should vote Desantis. You actually think they they want you to beat Biden?

The entire new England area is its own animal because they somehow avoid all the problems of the rest of the country. Its an entire region of basically homogeneous make up and people either of wealth or working.

Very little homeless. Virtually no illegals. Very low crime, which is why biden can go to the beach without secret service (which alone tells you alot about the area).

So it makes total sense to me why they vote dem while also being pretty conservative people. They dont have all the problems of the rest of the country, so they don't have a problem with how things are going. Plus most every dem candidate is someone from their backyard who they or their family literally knew personally.
The entire new England area is its own animal because they somehow avoid all the problems of the rest of the country. Its an entire region of basically homogeneous make up and people either of wealth or working.

Very little homeless. Virtually no illegals. Very low crime, which is why biden can go to the beach without secret service (which alone tells you alot about the area).

So it makes total sense to me why they vote dem while also being pretty conservative people. They dont have all the problems of the rest of the country, so they don't have a problem with how things are going. Plus most every dem candidate is someone from their backyard who they or their family literally knew personally.

Thanks for typing that out... I'm lazy and will just say 'cultural."

It's great that you're an experrt, but This chit isn't rocket science tommy4uk.
The education comment was a joke, which I already said.

Ok, sorry I just skim most of the time, but there's a very fundamental problem with the crux of your point.

Namely, Iowa was a larger field of candidates, where NH was just down to two. Of course she had a huge bump as the never-Trump or non-Trump vote had to go somehwere else.

The idea was than to parlay that in to winning her home state, then the nomination. It's not rocket science.

I also completely understand the no-Trump R vote, and am sympathetic. But I disagree completely that you stand any chance otherwise.
Quite the opposite. Getting a kick out of some of these takes.

You may work in the field, but don't come on here acting as if your word is gospel. Some of us also "know people" pretty high up in the political ranks and also follow the topic backwards and forwards. If you want to contribute to the convo with your opinions, then great, but cease w/ I'm right 100% of the time takes......because you're not.
You may work in the field, but don't come on here acting as if your word is gospel. Some of us also "know people" pretty high up in the political ranks and also follow the topic backwards and forwards. If you want to contribute to the convo with your opinions, then great, but cease w/ I'm right 100% of the time takes......because you're not.

Yes, good point: everyone here is very well attuned to politics.

It's not like you are in here speaking to some group of know-nothings.
You may work in the field, but don't come on here acting as if your word is gospel. Some of us also "know people" pretty high up in the political ranks and also follow the topic backwards and forwards. If you want to contribute to the convo with your opinions, then great, but cease w/ I'm right 100% of the time takes......because you're not.
Didn’t run anyone’s campaign directly in the primary, director of their Super PAC.

Prefer not to throw it out there, but not hard to figure out if you look at past posts.
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Didn’t run anyone’s campaign directly in the primary, director of their Super PAC.

Prefer not to throw it out there, but not hard to figure out if you look at past posts.
I guess my real question is based on the success or not. Many of my friends are in both D and R party leadership ... and honestly, they are the smartest dumbasses I've ever known. Some of their ideas have been successful ... most have not and are quite embarrassing.
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Haley would not beat Biden. The base would be as empowered as a Chevy Volt. Moronic to think otherwise.

It would be similar to Cameron/Andy.
Oh, I think Haley would beat Biden, mainly because they would almost be willing to concede the election to her due to the fact she's practically one of them anyway. They wouldn't get much resistance pushing the globalist agenda with her in charge. You see how Kevin McCarthy and Mike Johnson have delivered the left everything they wanted as Speakers, Haley would do the same as President.
I guess my real question is based on the success or not. Many of my friends are in both D and R party leadership ... and honestly, they are the smartest dumbasses I've ever known. Some of their ideas have been successful ... most have not and are quite embarrassing.
Didn’t win the primary, so ultimately not successful.

Did raise the most amount of money outside anyone not named Trump and had the best field organization out of anyone though…so consolation success.
We often wonder why the MSM run cover for the Dems? Because a helluva lot of them are married to someone in the Administration. Case in point. Dana Bash. She’s one of the CNN moderators hosting next weeks debate. She’s married to Jeremy Bash. Former CIA guy under Obama and one of the 51 signees of the Hunter Biden laptop letter. How could she possibly be seen as an impartial participant?
Can't wait to see the softballs lobbed Joe Biden's way. It will be sickening. They will frame every question to him so He doesn't have to think too much to answer. Joe will just have to stand up there and say "Yeah, that's what we did, wasn't it great, for real, no lie, now look over here at this dog faced pony soldier, convicted felon, He said he's gonna be a deeektatur."
You know why the left can't meme? Because they literally have nothing positive of note or to hang their hat on over Republicans that can't be debunked or proven to be a lie. No policies, agendas, accomplishments or anything that can be used as subject matter for the memes to put the right on blast. Literally nothing.
I think everyone understands to win federal elections raising money, and the promises that come with it, are necessary.

And that being the case, we’d prefer to see the entire federal government dismantled, rather than elect someone just because they wear the right colors.
The US doesn't have the oil reserves to sustain hyper production. If we had spent the last 50 years not importing oil we would be dried out. All the oil is in south America and the middle east. Everything left in north America is really ****ing expensive to get to and also destroys the land and poison the water table. The only viable solution for the US is a shitload of nuclear and electric cars. 70% of our oil use is transportation. Cut that in half and oil isn't an issue anymore.
I guess my real question is based on the success or not. Many of my friends are in both D and R party leadership ... and honestly, they are the smartest dumbasses I've ever known. Some of their ideas have been successful ... most have not and are quite embarrassing.
Overall success…never lost a US Senate, House, Statewide election in a senior staff position that was 50/50 or favored in.

Won several not favored in.

As a strategist during my time at a consulting firm…ran the accounts of several Senators and House members in the current leadership.
Did not know this.

If I were Trump, I would make it a priority to specifically point this out during the debate so that everyone in the world watching becomes aware of this, and then ask her directly why her husband signed that letter when we now know the FBI always knew the laptop was legitimate.
Hew needs to point out CNN biases on every question & point out the peoples' biases.
Can't wait to see the softballs lobbed Joe Biden's way. It will be sickening. They will frame every question to him so He doesn't have to think too much to answer. Joe will just have to stand up there and say "Yeah, that's what we did, wasn't it great, for real, no lie, now look over here at this dog faced pony soldier, convicted felon, He said he's gonna be a deeektatur."

"Whats your favorite ice cream?"
  • Haha
McCarthy is one of the best fundraisers of all time and financially destroyed Dems in tons of toss up House seats that were won by Republicans.
What's that have to do at all with the fact he failed to deliver the agenda his party and constituents confided in him to deliver as Speaker?
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Overall success…never lost a US Senate, House, Statewide election in a senior staff position that was 50/50 or favored in.

Won several not favored in.

As a strategist during my time at a consulting firm…ran the accounts of several Senators and House members in the current leadership.
So all you really care about is raising money and winning elections and votes. What the candidate stands for, their policies and whether or not they deliver on their promises to their constituents and are the true servants of the American People that the Constitution intended them to be, means nothing to you. therein you are a huge contributor to the problems we face as a country.
Trump needs to start with something along the lines of…“The last time we were on this stage together, Joe Biden looked into the camera and lied to you about his son’s laptop, filled with proof of the Biden family illegal activities. He knew the contents and laptop were real, but chose to spin up another Russia collusion hoax. Before he says anything else to you tonight, America, I think Joe Biden should apologize to you for lying about the proof of his criminal conduct. Count the number of times he’ll say “convicted felon” tonight, knowing full well the anti American lawfare he’s been waging will be overturned on appeal.”
C. I bet you celebrate when the GOP wins back the White House and Senate, you’ll celebrate because of fundraising and getting every vote.

In the words of Col. Nathan R. Jessup in a Few Good Men…

“Deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties…You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall…

I’d rather you just say thank you and went on your way.”