How will they rule ??!

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How ignorant and or stupid do you have to be to conclude China is propping up NK because they have no confidence "Trump can do anything in NK"?
this is how nike has always worked. they give no ****s about snowflake bigots crying on facebook. did they run from Tiger when he was in trouble? did they run from Kobe? they don't care about some silly white people burning socks and $20 shoes from khols. their money is in the big dollar shoes that nobody is going to stop buying. all that market value will come right back and nike will laugh to the bank.

Some baker in CO.....

Some baker in CO.....


The left has always been confused about what bravery and courage is.

They think Hollywood actors bashing Trump and yelling leftist talking points into a room filled with nothing but liberals is “courage.”

They admired Bruce Jenner yet he was praised and given a TV show.

They idolize Kaepernick, a backup QB who sucked, who has been treated like he’s MLK and been getting paid millions and has a sponsorship deal with the biggest brand in sports.

None of these are sacrifices (well, in Bruce’s case, he sacrificed his dick so).
Woodwards book details a cluster**** of an administration. Trump is basically surrounded by people that spend 24/7 trying to keep him from royally screwing shit up. People stealing shit off the Presidents desk so he will forget about dumb shit he comes up with? His own top aides shit talking him in every meeting? Trump gave this guy unlimited access for over a year and he got dozens of interviews with just about everybody and none of it good. He also taped all of the interviews so if Trump pushes it to hard as fake news it could get pretty ugly for him if Woodward is forced to release transcripts.

"He's an idiot. It's pointless to try to convince him of anything. He's gone off the rails. We're in crazytown," Kelly is quoted as saying at a staff meeting in his office. "I don't even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I've ever had."
Trump's former personal lawyer John Dowd describes the President as "a ****ing liar," telling Trump he would end up in an "orange jump suit" if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller.
Nice try Pinocchio
I will never understand how people get so worked up about something that has zero effect on their lives. What Nike does, what Kapernick does, doesn't really mean jack shit. Why get your blood pressure up over it? Pointless.

Why would you get worked up to the point of posting your displeasure of someone caring about it?

How does their concern effect your day to day?

Let it go.

See how that works?
this is how nike has always worked. they give no ****s about snowflake bigots crying on facebook. did they run from Tiger when he was in trouble? did they run from Kobe? they don't care about some silly white people burning socks and $20 shoes from khols. their money is in the big dollar shoes that nobody is going to stop buying. all that market value will come right back and nike will laugh to the bank.

So Nike and its Asian sweatshops are now the heros of the SJW movement because they hired the head kneeler to be their face. You cucks are so easily fooled. No wonder the liberal elites refer to you guys as sheeple.
That attempted handshake is just a pathetic sick example of the left.

1) completely staged

2) the man was not only let in by security, but allowed to physically approach the nominee at a Congressional hearing. He should've been tackled soon as he crossed the bar threshold. So at least some of them were in on it too. But I'm sure a Dem senator worked all that out before hand.

Of course he shouldn't shake hands with a random guy who physically rushed him. In fact he acted way too slow if we're honest. He was in danger and should've gotten out of there sooner.
More black people have probably been murdered over Nike shoes than have been shot by cops in the history of the country. Did Nike "sacrifice everything" to lower the price of Jordans? No.

Someone should pull the stats
You should should pull the stats. Just how many slaves do you think cops killed? Tons.
That will lead to larger & larger court every time a knew side takes over elected government.

Now what would be OK by me is Congress setting to expand the SC 3 years before an Prez election to occur after the election by the newly-elected Prez. I think 9 is too few SCJ's for a country this large, 15 or even 21 would be better imo.
So Nike and its Asian sweatshops are now the heros of the SJW movement because they hired the head kneeler to be their face. You cucks are so easily fooled. No wonder the liberal elites refer to you guys as sheeple.

You can get the left to back anyone and anything if it helps their cause in some way.

Porn stars
Dumb teens (only leftist ones though)
Nike sweatshops
North Korea

They're big "rebels."

So many leftist protesters are hideous. A huge portion of the left is like this

Liberal white/Jewish elites--->Mentally ill/radicals/self loathing white liberals with bigotry of low expectations---->Angry minorities (a mixture of militant ones and ones who have been coached/lied to.

But you can always count on a ton of ugly ass white leftist women to protest.
Why would you get worked up to the point of posting your displeasure of someone caring about it?

How does their concern effect your day to day?

Let it go.

See how that works?
I'm not worked up. Just think it is hilarious. Apparently you have been personally effected by it some how to reply to my comment. How has all of this personally effected you?
When did Nike make Donald Trump the face of their company?

You'll have to remind me of any racist comments or actions ever taken by Kaepernick. You know that his mother is white, he was raised by a white family and that it was a white former Green Beret soldier that suggested that Kaepernick kneel.

Nike didn't get to where it is by being stupid. White males 35-60 aren't their target demographics. They will be just fine.

Yeah cause most of those people aren't parents who buy clothes and shoes for their kids and grandkids who don't have money to pay $150 for shoes.
China just told Trump to suck a big one. They have no confidence he can do anything in NK and have resumed dumping cash to fatty Kim.

For Shits and giggles let’s assume you’re right why would any US citizen think that’s a good thing?
It’s one thing to not like a politician, it’s an entirely different thing to openly cheer for him to fail in a negotiation with 2 communist regimes ruled by dictators, about nuclear weapons.
“Goop instructed women to stick [Jade eggs] up their vaginas to help "increase sexual energy," tone "vaginal muscles," balance hormones & increase bladder control. The eggs still sold on site cost $55 & $66 & you can apparently recharge them with the energy of the full moon.”

This is great.

You can convince any of those types to buy nonsense. They love creams and so-called beauty products, they will talk about their chakra, channeling positive energy/aura, gullible and ignorant people who are so up their asses, buying magic elixirs.

Business plan was, “Stick this up your vagina and pay me.”
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For Shits and giggles let’s assume you’re right why would any US citizen think that’s a good thing?
It’s one thing to not like a politician, it’s an entirely different thing to openly cheer for him to fail in a negotiation with 2 communist regimes ruled by dictators, about nuclear weapons.

The left is the equivalent of a crazy person wanting the plane to crash simply because he didn’t get to fly the plane.
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