How will they rule ??!

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My guess is that Kap's new Nike line specifically will have sky rocketing sales. I'm talking off the charts. Ton of people on that side will relish the opportunity to make a point with their wallets just as the other side can/will be doing the same by boycotting other Nike products.

As a result of that last point...Nike's overall bottom line will take a substantial temporary hit. Stock already down 2+ points in just the first day of trading after the announcement of the Kap campaign. Anticipation of further losses in future overall sales will result in a further decline in the stock price. Nike's quarterly report on the 25th of this month, although it will only give a brief glimpse of the short term effects of the Kap campaign on this month's sales, will shed a little light on just how much of a dip can be expected in the longer term. And you can bank on the fact that the stock will drop a bit further based on those assumptions by Wall Street experts.

As someone suggested earlier...white males 35-60 aren't their target market (even though plenty of people in that group wear Nike shoes and gear)...but a big chunk of their actual target market has their shoes and gear paid for by the parents of their target market. Right, wrong or least half of those parents are not too fond of Kap's antics...and many will boycott Nike with their wallets.

Having said all that...I will be watching their stock closely. Gonna buy that mofo when I think it has bottomed out. Because one way or another...this too shall pass and Nike's stock will eventually rebound. But I wouldn't be surprised to see Addidas and/or Under Armour gain more overall market share in the process...and hang on to at least a portion of that gain in the long haul as a result of this ordeal.

Side note...Buffett owns a ton of Nike stock...valued at over $500 million. Soros owns about 4,900 shares as well. Watch both of those mofos buy the ish outta more Nike stock over the next few months while it drops or when they think it has bottomed out. Wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that one or both of those guys are the actual master minds behind the Kap/Nike campaign to manufacture a dip in the stock. Indirectly through intermediaries of course...but this kind of thing has been done before. Soros is notorious for just such antics in other sectors...stir up controversy through intermediaries to make stocks temporarily tank...swoop in and buy low...profit long term. He has made a fortune doing that over and over. And I guaran-damn-tee you that both Buffett and Soros will profit huge by the time this thing is all said and done.

Dude, just shut the f up. No one here is interested in your cogent, insightful, and accurate assessments. Can you give one good reason why someone like Soros would like to profit off of the emotions of less savvy investors? Are you saying that heavy players like Soros would try to manipulate the market to gain an advantage? Why would he do that?
My understanding is just that...there is to be a Kap line of Nike gear. And I think it will sell very well. But Nike will lose overall market share in their other products because of the fallout.

You and I are saying the exact same thing. And I think they will lose some market share in the process...But its mostly going to be temporary Nike stock will rebound.

Sure. But I still wonder who is going to buy $35 Kap shirts. Inner city going to be rocking them? I don't know. Not sure I see that as the next "thing". No one was wearing Starbury's when I was living in the Bronx. The culture goes for who the hottest players are. Kap might fit the "movement" narrative, but not the sports one.

I guess I don't see the increase outdoing the boycott.

Also, it's just a discussion. People are getting waaaaaay too worked up over opinions, shoes and an athlete who, more or less, seems like a decent dude. A lot of this is just bipartisan nonsense.
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Do these idiots really believe that young lady was flashing a white power sign?
Which shoe company will counter Nike and run ads supporting those that are against the kneeling? Might take at least 3% of Nike's business away.
Sure. But I still wonder who is going to buy $35 Kap shirts. Inner city going to be rocking them? I don't know. Not sure I see that as the next "thing". No one was wearing Starbury's when I was living in the Bronx. The culture goes for who the hottest players are. Kap might fit the "movement" narrative, but not the sports one.

I guess I don't see the increase outdoing the boycott.

Also, it's just a discussion. People are getting waaaaaay too worked up over opinions, shoes and an athlete who, more or less, seems like a decent dude. A lot of this is just bipartisan nonsense.

I am fairly certain every athlete will be wearing his players will be wearing it during their warmups as will all NBA players. Once that happens, most of the public will be doing the same.

What is it that bothers you so much about the truth of racism in America?
You have no proof of racism u say it’s deeper to understand .. that’s code for you ar totally full of shit and have no proof. Oppression against blacks is a total myth , a tool to extort from innocent citizens

. A cop shooting a guy who is reaching for his gun is called justice. The rams protested Ferguson and that is totally how law enforcement works. Michal brown was a catalyst for the fake civil rights movement and he is totally where he belongs . Piss on him and Ferguson the answer toinjustice against blacks is justice “demands “ or people get hurt and property gets destroyed .. if you to subscribe to that mentality there are tax payer bullets designated for you
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But what if there arent any women qualified..that's not the companies fault and puts everyone at a disadvantage to conduct their business. If a woman deserves to be on the board she'll get hired...companies want fo maximize production so theyll hire whatever gives them the best chance to do so

Boys, if anyone thinks shit isn’t going to get much worse, dangerously worse, they are naive. The left is off the rails.

Crazy doesn’t just stop being crazy. You are going to see Weather Underground type stuff from the left. And when they get back in power, they will take weaponizing agencies against conservatives to a whole new level.
I am fairly certain every athlete will be wearing his players will be wearing it during their warmups as will all NBA players. Once that happens, most of the public will be doing the same.

Wearing it where? From their homes, maybe. You think the NBA is going to allow players to have that shirt on anywhere other than walking into the arena?

And since when do athletes wear shirts of other athletes? It's one thing if it's Ali, JR, etc.. James Harden isn't going to wear an out-of-the-league QB on a t-shirt more than once, if ever.

I'm sure it will garner sales, probably from areas we don't expect. I think something like this will *could* a hit with the urban lefties more than it would the inner-city. And if all the sudden shirts of CK start flying off the shelves, further entrenching Nike on CK's side.. does the Right dig deeper?
Woke Sports

Bruce Jenner who hasn’t been an athlete in 40 years getting the ESPY courage award for giving himself tits (and after he killed a woman in a car accident).

Colin Kaepernick, a crappy backup QB who hasn’t been in the league in two years gets to be the face of Nike.

What else can the left ruin while virtue signaling?
Boys, if anyone thinks shit isn’t going to get much worse, dangerously worse, they are naive. The left is off the rails.

Crazy doesn’t just stop being crazy. You are going to see Weather Underground type stuff from the left. And when they get back in power, they will take weaponizing agencies against conservatives to a whole new level.

Follow the money. Big business is on the side of the left today for a reason. Eventually They will corrupt the system to the point of no return. It's been happening since the immigration act. Big business only cares about dollars, they think they are on the side of future opinion.

Luckily enough, we have a way out. Just always fill in Hispanic on job / college applications. For your kids as well, it could save their ass one day.

This is what happens when you allow racism in accepted forms. It's a cycle.
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I will never understand how people get so worked up about something that has zero effect on their lives. What Nike does, what Kapernick does, doesn't really mean jack shit. Why get your blood pressure up over it? Pointless.
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Why stop at a dozen? Put in 50 new Supreme Court seats? Maybe your dumbass could land a spot on the high court
I mean 50 sounds good to. But the
If Woodwards book had any shred of truth, none of the impressive gains would've been made. Yet they were.

No doubt he got someone to say these things so he could print them. But not a shred of truth
he already released the audio and transcript of his Trump call. Woodward has been dealing with shady presidents for 50 years. he ain't scared of their power and he doesn't bluff. people speak the truth to him because he is respected for no bullshit.
Saw Nike lost nearly 4% of stock value today. Also saw someone claiming they received 28 million in free media coverage (with no verification of how that figure was calculated).

But they're missing the point.

Thats 28 million in media coverage Nike wouldn't have purchased anyway. And they already have a huge market share with their target audience.

So it's highly unlikely this campaign (which cost them millions in endorsement money to kap) will result in additional sales with their target market (that otherwise would not be made) in their market share nor new sales to anyone outside their market share.

Ultimately they spent tons of money on an endorsement that won't earn them any additional business yet will cost them business.

Their shareholders have every right to be furious, as reported.
this is how nike has always worked. they give no ****s about snowflake bigots crying on facebook. did they run from Tiger when he was in trouble? did they run from Kobe? they don't care about some silly white people burning socks and $20 shoes from khols. their money is in the big dollar shoes that nobody is going to stop buying. all that market value will come right back and nike will laugh to the bank.
Now Dowd is also on record denying the claims about him in the book. So, that's Mattis, Dowd, Kelly and McGahn. Basically all the big names.

These were the most explosive accusations in the book. All have now been denied by the people who supposedly said/did them. And these aren't half-assed, non-denial denials either. They're blunt, direct and blistering.

Whomever said by the end of the week could be way off. This book might be done by the end of the day.
you thought Trumps guys would come out and say some thing else? "ya i did shit talk my boss 24/7 and i hope he chokes on his baby pecker!" DC is nothing but backstabbing pussies.
he doesn't bluff.

You're not comprehending. It doesn't have to be him that's bluffing. Most of all his damaging accusations are from third party sources or not sourced at all. This isn't a game of telephone. Just because he found a Trump hater to claim these things about Mattis and Kelly doesn't make them true, especially when Mattis and Kelly are on record with strong denials.

you thought Trumps guys would come out and say some thing else? "ya i did shit talk my boss 24/7 and i hope he chokes on his baby pecker!" DC is nothing but backstabbing pussies.

Kelly nor Mattis are "DC", and they both have more credibility and political capital than any anonymous, third party source Woodward may have dug up, so even if he does produce a tape (which is doubtful) of some random, anonymous hack claiming Kelly and/or Mattis said these things, it's a he said, he said, their word against Kelly's and Mattis' word.

Honestly, who do you think the majority is going to believe? Kelly/Mattis or a third party source to coward to go on record? This is a Wolff rerun. CNN is already using the same exact 'unfit for office' language. I laughed at you then and I'm laughing you now. You can't help yourself, can you?
But what if there arent any women qualified..that's not the companies fault and puts everyone at a disadvantage to conduct their business. If a woman deserves to be on the board she'll get hired...companies want fo maximize production so theyll hire whatever gives them the best chance to do so

Couldn't you just have one guy take one for the team and say he identifies as a woman?
You're not comprehending. It doesn't have to be him that's bluffing. Most of all his damaging accusations are from third party sources or not sourced at all. This isn't a game of telephone. Just because he found a Trump hater to claim these things about Mattis and Kelly doesn't make them true, especially when Mattis and Kelly are on record with strong denials.

Kelly nor Mattis are "DC", and they both have more credibility and political capital than any anonymous, third party source Woodward may have dug up, so even if he does produce a tape (which is doubtful) of some random, anonymous hack claiming Kelly and/or Mattis said these things, it's a he said, he said, their word against Kelly's and Mattis' word.

Honestly, who do you think the majority is going to believe? Kelly/Mattis or a third party source to coward to go on record? This is a Wolff rerun. CNN is already using the same exact 'unfit for office' language. I laughed at you then and I'm laughing you now. You can't help yourself, can you?

Trump fan fiction is like 50 Shades of Grey for these freaks.
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you thought Trumps guys would come out and say some thing else? "ya i did shit talk my boss 24/7 and i hope he chokes on his baby pecker!" DC is nothing but backstabbing pussies.

By the way, these anonymous sources claim Dowd said those things about Trump during a mock interview at Mueller's office in January and after a meeting with Mueller in March, which makes perfect sense considering what they claim Dowd said.

The only problem with that is, Dowd and Sekulow, both of which were accused in the book of participating in said mock interview and attending said meeting, are on record denying that the January mock interview and the March meeting ever took place. Do you realize how easy it would be to prove them wrong if they're lying?
I mean 50 sounds good to. But the

he already released the audio and transcript of his Trump call. Woodward has been dealing with shady presidents for 50 years. he ain't scared of their power and he doesn't bluff. people speak the truth to him because he is respected for no bullshit.

I'm talking about the anonymous source stuff which of course is all the salacious fiction he hopes will sell books. And it will.

this is how nike has always worked. they give no ****s about snowflake bigots crying on facebook. did they run from Tiger when he was in trouble? did they run from Kobe? they don't care about some silly white people burning socks and $20 shoes from khols. their money is in the big dollar shoes that nobody is going to stop buying. all that market value will come right back and nike will laugh to the bank.

For profit companies owe their stock holders one duty - to maximize profits.

Sticking with tiger was a no brainer. He was the only show in golf. Still by far the biggest draw. Plus noone was leaving Nike because of that.

Kap is totally different. Loads of endorsement options in football. They have nothing to gain. Can only lose, which they have to date. That's why investors are rightfully upset.

Wouldn't surprise me to see some derivative lawsuits out of this if the price doesn't completely rebound.
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he already released the audio and transcript of his Trump call.

Did you happen to listen to the audio or read the transcript, specifically this part, what Woodward told Trump about his sources - "I think there’s nothing in this book that doesn’t come from a firsthand source."?

Needless to say, that's straight up bullshit. Absolutely none of the quotes we heard about today that were attributed to Kelly, Mattis, Dowd, Sekulow, etc, were firsthand.
The rise of post-truth liberalism

Visiting New York a few weeks after Trump’s victory in the presidential election, I found myself immersed in a mass psychosis. The city’s intelligentsia was possessed by visions of conspiracy. No one showed any interest in the reasons Trump supporters may have had for voting as they did. Quite a few cited the low intelligence, poor education and retrograde values of the nearly 63 million Americans who voted for him. What was most striking was how many of those with whom I talked flatly rejected the result. The election, they were convinced, had been engineered by a hostile power. It was this malignant influence, not any default of American society, that had upended the political order.

Conspiracy theory has long been associated with the irrational extremes of politics. The notion that political events can be explained by the workings of hidden forces has always been seen by liberals as a sign of delusional thinking. Yet in New York in December 2016, many of the brightest liberal minds exhibited the same derangement. Nearly two years later, they continue to reach to conspiracy theory as an explanation for their defeat.

For those who embrace it, a paranoid style of liberalism has some advantages. Relieved from any responsibility for the debacles they have presided over, the liberal elites that have been in power in many western countries for much of the past 30 years can enjoy the sensation of being victims of forces beyond their control. Conspiracy theory implies there is nothing fundamentally wrong with liberal societies, and places the causes of their disorder outside them. No one can reasonably doubt that the Russian state has been intervening in western politics. Yet only minds unhinged from reality can imagine that the decline of liberalism is being masterminded by Vladimir Putin. The principal causes of disorder in liberal societies are in those societies themselves.