How will they rule ??!

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George Soros has already spent $15M on Democrats this year. He spent $26M in 2016.

Steyer has spent $30M on far left radicals.
Couch was brought into a horrible situation(1st year of rebooted Browns) while Kap was traded to a team with 8 straight non winning seasons and a new head coach.. Kap had the luxury of sitting a year while Couch was thrown into an inferno. Fair or not, Couch is considered a bust due to being drafted #1...Kap 36th. A few more interceptions? Couch threw 67 int in 62(59st) games...Kap threw 30 int in 69(58st) games. Couch tossed 64 td to Kap 72td. Couch rushed for 556 yds and 2 TD...Kap 2300 yds and 13 TD.One was a pocket QB..the other dual-threat. they are not similar.

Yards are close, TD's are close, QB rating is close, Completion percentage is close, the only major discrepancy is int's and rushing yards. They are similar.
Couch was brought into a horrible situation(1st year of rebooted Browns) while Kap was traded to a team with 8 straight non winning seasons and a new head coach.. Kap had the luxury of sitting a year while Couch was thrown into an inferno. Fair or not, Couch is considered a bust due to being drafted #1...Kap 36th. A few more interceptions? Couch threw 67 int in 62(59st) games...Kap threw 30 int in 69(58st) games. Couch tossed 64 td to Kap 72td. Couch rushed for 556 yds and 2 TD...Kap 2300 yds and 13 TD.One was a pocket QB..the other dual-threat. they are not similar.

He wasn’t saying they were the same type QB, of course they weren’t.
Unfortunately for Kap the NFL caught up to his number one ability. He has trouble reading defenses, the defenses caught up with his abilities, and he didn’t adapt to it.
Yet Dinesh D'Souza goes to prison.

On $20K. Went to prison for 8 months for a crime no one has ever went to prison for. Rosie O’Donnell did the same exact thing and nothing has happened.

D’Souza gave like $10k each to two friends to then give to his friend candidate. He did it and he acknowledged it but he was targeted because he was critical of Obama. His FBI file even notes it. Lol

Eff the left.
Couch had injuries limit his options/end his career. No way he would have been outta the league if he was healthy. just my opinion, i do believe 37 more int...1700 yds less rushing and 11 td and 35 draft spots make for a difference.
They don’t have to hire anyone Fuzz. There is no right to be an NFL QB, and if they thought he’d help their team he’d be on a team.
The benefit he may or may not have is outweighed by his cons.
I guess we'll see how it gets settled in court. No, nobody has the right to be a NFL QB but it is also illegal to collude to keep someone from being one.
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I guess we'll see how it gets settled in court. No, nobody has the right to be a NFL QB but it is also illegal to collude to keep someone from being one.

Why would an owner care if his rival grabbed a low-level QB and therefore had to deal with the headache? Why would Robert Kraft work with Woody Johnson to make sure Kaep doesn't have a job?

Not sure what the owners are trying to achieve by keeping one player from a job. There are countless other players taking up Kaeps fight, and there's a half dozen other reasons why viewership/attendance is down. The owners aren't dumb, they wouldn't spend much effort making sure Kaep doesn't keep a fellow rival from making the playoffs.
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I don't think Platinumdumb quite understands that comparing Kaepernick to Kobe Bryant, post credible rape accusation and trial, is going to win anyone over on Nike's ethical or moral compass.

Also, China is on the brink of a serious economic disaster, but they *OWNED* Trump by sending cash to a fat dictator?
who ever said Nike had a moral compass? they have a money compass and it works pretty damn good. They made 4billion in profit last year, don't think they give 2 shits about you broke ass forum warriors.
who ever said Nike had a moral compass? they have a money compass and it works pretty damn good. They made 4billion in profit last year, don't think they give 2 shits about you broke ass forum warriors.
They lost 4 billion in market value yesterday. I can assure you they care about that.
Nike hitting their all time high doesn't mean much when most companies are hitting their all time high. I don't think a one-off ad campaign with CK is going to do them in but they tried something new, took a political stance and they were met with backlash.

If tshirts and shoes of a failed athlete don't sell (as I'm predicting), Nike won't wait long to scrap this idea. A 3% dip SIMPLY for putting CK on an ad campaign should alarm any company that's willing to take a political stance PROVIDED(*) they continue down that road.

*Yes, I get other companies made one-off political moves, this is a bit different.
You kind of missed the points. Falling 3% after climbing 58% in the previous 12 months is a pretty myopic viewpoint....and they are currently sitting where they were about 30 days ago. The market is volatile and shifts happen. They had a one day mini sell-off which will likely all be regained with the next week or so. They are up .5% today.

You're also betting against Nike marketing that has a pretty good track record. Again, you're likely not their target audience and I'm guessing you don't know what moves that audience.
other administrations only founded our country, won world wars, built transcontinental railroads, built the highway system, created our intelligence apparatus, freed slaves, expanded civil rights for all. But Trump nominated some judges and sent out lots of tweets!
And will change the makeup of the Supreme Court once Kavanaugh is sworn in for decades to come. Life is good!
They lost 4 billion in market value yesterday. I can assure you they care about that.
they have gained a billion of it back today and are sitting at near record high value atm. Nobody at Nike is worried about going broke. through 2 quarters they are sitting at 1.93 billion net income.
They are employing black players who have taken a knee and made statements just like CK every Sunday. If they are colluding against him what is their agenda? It isn't race or that he took a knee.
other administrations only founded our country, won world wars, built transcontinental railroads, built the highway system, created our intelligence apparatus, freed slaves, expanded civil rights for all. But Trump nominated some judges and sent out lots of tweets!
Translation: It's unfortunate Trump is an R rather than a D. All we have to offer from our side are kooks, loons and similar trash.
they have gained a billion of it back today and are sitting at near record high value atm. Nobody at Nike is worried about going broke. through 2 quarters they are sitting at 1.93 billion net income.
No one said Nike was going broke. As far as the true change in market value, that won’t be known for a long time.
Why would an owner care if his rival grabbed a low-level QB and therefore had to deal with the headache? Why would Robert Kraft work with Woody Johnson to make sure Kaep doesn't have a job?

Not sure what the owners are trying to achieve by keeping one player from a job. There are countless other players taking up Kaeps fight, and there's a half dozen other reasons why viewership/attendance is down. The owners aren't dumb, they wouldn't spend much effort making sure Kaep doesn't keep a fellow rival from making the playoffs.
Good question. Think that will be the argument they will make in court?
You kind of missed the points. Falling 3% after climbing 58% in the previous 12 months is a pretty myopic viewpoint....and they are currently sitting where they were about 30 days ago. The market is volatile and shifts happen. They had a one day mini sell-off which will likely all be regained with the next week or so. They are up .5% today.

You're also betting against Nike marketing that has a pretty good track record. Again, you're likely not their target audience and I'm guessing you don't know what moves that audience.

I get that Nike stock has done well otherwise. But that 3% drop was solely, 100%, caused by this one ad campaign. Yes, Nike didn't go bankrupt last night, no one thinks that. But it's still a loss. What happens if they take this further? If Nike digs their heals in, or decides to address Trump on this, more people will turn away.

It doesn't take a marketing degree to realize what this move, and further moves, have the potential to do. This wasn't just "putting a black man in an ad" that Nike did. This is unlike anything I can recall they've done. They took sides. And as far as a business move, they appear to have picked the wrong one.

Yeah, I think the Koch Brothers have absolutely shown what they are- want open borders and wanting to fund Democrats. Not a fan of Pence taking money from them. We all know Pence was simply there for the evangelicals and to balance out the crass New Yorker.

The Koch Brothers are awful but they pale in comparison to the influence of George Soros. He completely runs the show, intentionally tries to ruin currency and countries, funds protests for optics, uses money for activism. I mean, this guy even teamed up with the NFL Players Union.
I get that Nike stock has done well otherwise. But that 3% drop was solely, 100%, caused by this one ad campaign. Yes, Nike didn't go bankrupt last night, no one thinks that. But it's still a loss. What happens if they take this further? If Nike digs their heals in, or decides to address Trump on this, more people will turn away.

It doesn't take a marketing degree to realize what this move, and further moves, have the potential to do. This wasn't just "putting a black man in an ad" that Nike did. This is unlike anything I can recall they've done. They took sides. And as far as a business move, they appear to have picked the wrong one.
It's a paper loss. The only people who lost any money are those who bought in the last 2 weeks and sold yesterday.

I'll state this again for the ump-tenth time... the people turning away aren't their target audience to start with. Perhaps they HOPE Trump will challenge them just like he challenged Amazon so their stock can double again like Amazon has nearly done since Trump attacked them back in March.
other administrations only founded our country, won world wars, built transcontinental railroads, built the highway system, created our intelligence apparatus, freed slaves, expanded civil rights for all. But Trump nominated some judges and sent out lots of tweets!

So you want a war? LOL. As if you all wouldn't be on that boat siding with our enemies considering you always do.He has been on the job for less than two years, fighting the most corrupt bastards in our nation's history, trying to fix the garbage the Obama sewer admin did, and helping deliver a fantastic economy, protecting our borders/sovereignty, and securing the SCOTUS from the radicalism of the left.

You guys talk out of both sides of your mouths.

"Psst. Other administrations won wars."
"OMG, TRUMP IS GONNA GET US INTO A NUCLEAR WAR! HAHA Look at Kim owning him and his sister is slaying at the Olympics."

"Other administrations founded our country."

Platinum, I usually put you on ignore because you're dumber than shit but I just wanted to unblock you for a bit to tell you to GFY.
Any of you been keeping track of the 2 planes from the Mideast where all passengers have been quarantined?
One in NYC and one in France, could be nothing but it seems a little odd. One for Flu and the other for cholera.
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Good question. Think that will be the argument they will make in court?

I haven't kept up on the lawsuit.. Last I had heard was just how nonsensical it was (for the reasons I listed and for the fact that Kaep thinks he'd find anything), and figured it went away.

Unless the NFL is so fearful of what could come if they let Kaep back in. Like they all had to ban together to make sure Thanos had been banished for good.

..but I think we're giving too much credit to Kaep and his movement. The NFL's real problem is the cost to go to a game, the luxury of home viewing, over exposure in today's data driven world, and a product that appears to be peaking. The Seahawks have nothing to lose if Chris Johnson wants to play SJW and sign Kaep to the Jets. It doesn't affect them at all.

It's a paper loss. The only people who lost any money are those who bought in the last 2 weeks and sold yesterday.

I'll state this again for the ump-tenth time... the people turning away aren't their target audience to start with. Perhaps they HOPE Trump will challenge them just like he challenged Amazon so their stock can double again like Amazon has nearly done since Trump attacked them back in March.

I think we're making some leaps comparing a shoe company to Amazon. There isn't much a regular consumer can do to Amazon. But there's quite a bit a family can do to Nike, simply by going to their competitor. I know it was anecdotal evidence above, but there are tons of families who won't be buying NIke now. We all know some.

Families, parents, workout enthusiasts, atheletes that aren't Football/Basketball players, sports fans, etc.. all are in the market for sports wear. It isn't just the Hip-hop culture and innercity. It's not like people above 30 forget what Nike is..
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Any of you been keeping track of the 2 planes from the Mideast where all passengers have been quarantined?
One in NYC and one in France, could be nothing but it seems a little odd. One for Flu and the other for cholera.

But how many people on each plane are wearing Nike gear? Let's stick to important topics, Bill.
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Any of you been keeping track of the 2 planes from the Mideast where all passengers have been quarantined?
One in NYC and one in France, could be nothing but it seems a little odd. One for Flu and the other for cholera.

I've often wondered if the next big attack would be a plane originating from the ME with communicable diseases on board. This is probably nothing, but it wouldn't surprise me.