How will they rule ??!

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15% points is what most everyone would call a landslide. Trump has a mandate to appoint the SCOTUS justice(s) of his choosing.

Check out @TimRunsHisMouth’s Tweet:

If democrats don't read it, then it means there's no evidence


Good read. Explains it much better than a few tweets.

Also makes me think @Techno_Fog may be Margot Cleveland undercover, or at least close to the person who runs that twitter account.

How many people make excuses for not being great. What's the next excuse? Excuses are sickening. No time for them. Get on with excelling or, complaining about not excelling....that's about it. (Or making money off either, kind of like a bookie...)
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Of course, a one time drop isn't a big deal if it's isolated. But is it isolated? If Nike keeps this up, more will come. Or, if this is a one time stunt (and they back off because they realize the mistake they made), then it won't matter.

Not saying I agree with these folks, but quite a bit of people are already planning to not buy Nike. They are losing uspport, not gaining it. I bet you could name some people you know as well. And being in the Northeast, in the machine that is Albany, that's surprising. Imagine what it's like in the south.

The fact that an ad campaign can cause a stock to drop 3% in one day.. kinda speaks of how people feel, how MANY people feel, about this whole thing.

Yeah, you're right...I totally see Nike backing down ASAP. Good call.

Yeah, you're right...I totally see Nike backing down ASAP. Good call.


If Nike doesn't go much further than this (which I'd bet on), then yes, they did back down.

I'm not spelling Nike's demise. But they wanted to make some sort of statement, people got pissed, and they'll probably go dark for a while.
My guess is that Kap's new Nike line specifically will have sky rocketing sales. I'm talking off the charts. Ton of people on that side will relish the opportunity to make a point with their wallets just as the other side can/will be doing the same by boycotting other Nike products.

As a result of that last point...Nike's overall bottom line will take a substantial temporary hit. Stock already down 2+ points in just the first day of trading after the announcement of the Kap campaign. Anticipation of further losses in future overall sales will result in a further decline in the stock price. Nike's quarterly report on the 25th of this month, although it will only give a brief glimpse of the short term effects of the Kap campaign on this month's sales, will shed a little light on just how much of a dip can be expected in the longer term. And you can bank on the fact that the stock will drop a bit further based on those assumptions by Wall Street experts.

As someone suggested earlier...white males 35-60 aren't their target market (even though plenty of people in that group wear Nike shoes and gear)...but a big chunk of their actual target market has their shoes and gear paid for by the parents of their target market. Right, wrong or least half of those parents are not too fond of Kap's antics...and many will boycott Nike with their wallets.

Having said all that...I will be watching their stock closely. Gonna buy that mofo when I think it has bottomed out. Because one way or another...this too shall pass and Nike's stock will eventually rebound. But I wouldn't be surprised to see Addidas and/or Under Armour gain more overall market share in the process...and hang on to at least a portion of that gain in the long haul as a result of this ordeal.

Side note...Buffett owns a ton of Nike stock...valued at over $500 million. Soros owns about 4,900 shares as well. Watch both of those mofos buy the ish outta more Nike stock over the next few months while it drops or when they think it has bottomed out. Wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that one or both of those guys are the actual master minds behind the Kap/Nike campaign to manufacture a dip in the stock. Indirectly through intermediaries of course...but this kind of thing has been done before. Soros is notorious for just such antics in other sectors...stir up controversy through intermediaries to make stocks temporarily tank...swoop in and buy low...profit long term. He has made a fortune doing that over and over. And I guaran-damn-tee you that both Buffett and Soros will profit huge by the time this thing is all said and done.
@Kaizer Sosay The thing is, it never seems like the side affected positively by something like this, buys MORE of a product. However, the side that feels slighted is quick to say "no thanks" to their offering. And that's in part because it's much easier to refuse a single shoe company with so many other options. And it's also not easy to just start buying Nike products if it's not your style.

I don't see Nike selling any more product, UNLESS they offered some new CK line. But does that incite the other half to dig deeper?
If Nike doesn't go much further than this (which I'd bet on), then yes, they did back down.

I'm not spelling Nike's demise. But they wanted to make some sort of statement, people got pissed, and they'll probably go dark for a while.

You do know they signed him to a ten year deal and will be releasing a clothing line as well? Doesn't seem like they will be backing down at all.

Just buying the dips as usual. And no, neither Adidas nor UA will take away from marketshare Nike.
@Kaizer Sosay The thing is, it never seems like the side affected positively by something like this, buys MORE of a product. However, the side that feels slighted is quick to say "no thanks" to their offering. And that's in part because it's much easier to refuse a single shoe company with so many other options. And it's also not easy to just start buying Nike products if it's not your style.

I don't see Nike selling any more product, UNLESS they offered some new CK line. But does that incite the other half to dig deeper?

My understanding is just that...there is to be a Kap line of Nike gear. And I think it will sell very well. But Nike will lose overall market share in their other products because of the fallout.

You and I are saying the exact same thing. And I think they will lose some market share in the process...But its mostly going to be temporary. Nike stock will rebound.
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Since I don't buy Nike products (bunch of overpriced crap) am I supposed to buy it to burn or keep on not buying it? Neither really effects their bottom line negatively with my current lack of purchasing. This stuff is confusing.
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