How will they rule ??!

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You should should pull the stats. Just how many slaves do you think cops killed? Tons.

How many slaves did cops kill?

Seems like there be some pretty pissed off plantation owners if cops were out riding around murdering their slaves.
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You can claim that his stats were sub par but they are immensely better than other failed QBs that have been signed since CK has been out. There are only 15-20 good QBs in the NFL...the rest are very mediocre. Just for comparisons...
Kaps career stats...
Thrown for 12,271 yds, 72 TDs 30 INTs, 59.8% completions, 28-30 W-L. The NFL will lose their collusion case.

Some of the players signed since he has been a free agent...
Kellen Clemens Los Angeles Chargers
Date Signed March 9
Yards 4,017
Touchdowns 16
Interceptions 20
Completion 54.6%
Wins/Loss 8–13

Josh McCown New York Jets
Date Signed March 20
Yards 14,242
Touchdowns 79
Interceptions 69
Completion 59.1%
Wins/Loss 18–42

EJ Manuel Oakland Raiders
Date Signed March 20
Yards 3,502
Touchdowns 19
Interceptions 15
Completion 58.3%
Wins/Loss 6–11

Aaron Murray Los Angeles Rams
Date Signed March 22
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Garrett Gilbert Carolina Panthers
Date Signed March 24
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Mark Sanchez Chicago Bears
Date Signed March 24
Yards 15,219
Touchdowns 86
Interceptions 86
Completion 56.7%
Wins/Loss 37–35

David Fales Miami Dolphins
Date Signed April 5
Yards 22
Touchdowns 0
Interceptions 0
Completion 40%
Wins/Loss N/A

Matt McGloin Philadelphia Eagles
Date Signed April 10
Yards 1,868
Touchdowns 11
Interceptions 11
Completion 58.1%
Wins/Loss 1–6

T.J. Yates Buffalo Bills
Date Signed April 10
Yards 1,534
Touchdowns 6
Interceptions 8
Completion 58.1%
Wins/Loss 4–3

Alek Torgersen* Atlanta Falcons
Date Signed May 1
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Sefo Liufau* Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Date Signed May 1
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Wes Lunt* Minnesota Vikings
Date Signed May 1
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Trevor Knight* Arizona Cardinals
Date Signed May 2
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Phillip Walker* Indianapolis Colts
Date Signed May 4
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Nick Mullins* San Francisco 49ers
Date Signed May 4
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Zach Terrell* Baltimore Ravens
Date Signed May 5
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Taysom Hill* Green Bay Packers
Date Signed May 5
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Tyler Ferguson* Tennessee Titans
Date Signed May 11
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Cooper Rush* Dallas Cowboys
Date Signed May 12
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Skyler Howard* Seattle Seahawks
Date Signed May 12
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Eli Jenkins* Los Angeles Chargers
Date Signed May 12
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Matt Simms Atlanta Falcons
Date Signed May 15
Yards 195
Touchdowns 1
Interceptions 1
Completion 48.7%
Wins/Loss N/A

Austin Davis Seattle Seahawks
Date Signed June 5
Yards 2,528
Touchdowns 13
Interceptions 12
Completion 62.4%
Wins/Loss 3–7

Zac Dysert Dallas Cowboys
Date Signed June 5
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Dane Evans Philadelphia Eagles
Date Signed July 23
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Luke McCown Dallas Cowboys
Date Signed July 28
Yards 2,370
Touchdowns 9
Interceptions 15
Completion 60.7%
Wins/Loss 2–8

David Olson Baltimore Ravens
Date Signed July 28
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Josh Woodrum Baltimore Ravens
Date Signed July 31
Yards N/A
Touchdowns N/A
Interceptions N/A
Completion N/A
Wins/Loss N/A

Ryan Nassib Jacksonville Jaguars
Date Signed September 18
Yards 128
Touchdowns 1
Interceptions 0
Completion 90%
Wins/Loss N/A

Brandon Weeden Tennessee Titans
Date Signed October 3
Yards 6,462
Touchdowns 31
Interceptions 30
Completion 57.9%
Wins/Loss 6–19

Brian Hoyer New England Patriots
Date Signed November 1
Yards 9,853
Touchdowns 48
Interceptions 30
Completion 59.3
Wins/Loss 16–21

Josh Johnson Houston Texans
Date Signed November 7
Yards 1,042
Touchdowns 5
Interceptions 10
Completion 54.2
Wins/Loss 0–5

Matt Barkley Arizona Cardinals
Date Signed November 13
Yards 1,911
Touchdowns 8
Interceptions 18
Completion 59.8
Wins/Loss 1–5

Really? You don’t think the medi circus that would follow Kaepernick would be a distraction? Cmon Albany, you know better than that, it just doesn’t fit the blacklisted narrative.
If the dude was good, he’d be worth it, think Terrell Owens in his prime. Once his talent faded he wasn’t worth the drama. Same with Kap.

Same with Chad Johnson. Even the Bengals didn't want the distraction he brought.
If you believe this was a good business decision buy Nike stock right now, otherwise this is just a political discussion which we all know we will have to agree to disagree on.
Yeah cause most of those people aren't parents who buy clothes and shoes for their kids and grandkids who don't have money to pay $150 for shoes.
How often are dad/granddad going clothes shopping for the kids/grandkids? It's usually mom/grandma who 9 times out of 10 couldn't pick CK out of a 1 man lineup nor do they care about his politics. It isn't about you it's about what the kid wants. If the kid wants Nike then guess what mom/grandma is buying? You just get to write the check when the credit card bill comes due.
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Heh. Insert exploding heads GIF.

Best boss I ever had was a complete a$$ in general, but if you did your job and did it well he was your biggest supporter. There were times I hated his guts, but he made me become very good at what I do and when it was time to move up the ladder he was my biggest cheerleader. Would not be where I am today without him. Some people can grow a pair and do what it takes to get the job done and others hide in the corner when the going gets tough and a lot if expected of them. My guess is if you work hard and are loyal Trump will do what he can to help you, but be the opposite and he can be your worst enemy.
If you want a classic example of what a joke Politifact is, read this article from last year about the origins of the KKK, which Politifact claimed the KKK starting out as the 'military arm' of the Democratic Party as "false."

It's always some play on words.

Debunking the claim that "The KKK was founded as the military arm of the Democratic Party."

The Aug. 25, 2017 release went on to cite various historical instances where Democrats opposed civil rights initiatives, ending the list with this assertion: "The KKK was founded as the military arm of the Democratic Party."

When asked to back up the party’s claim, Grabins said the history of the Klan is well-known and cited the website’s entry on the KKK.

Let’s go to the history books.

Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders.

James Marten, an author and chairman of the history department at Marquette University, disputed the Dane County GOP claim the Klan was "founded" as the military arm of the Democratic party.

"It was at its simplest a secret fraternal organization, but it very quickly became an organization dedicated to preserving white supremacy and intimidating African Americans," he said. "They and other groups like them broke up schools, torched houses, and interfered with black social and church gatherings.

"And, along with those other groups as well as individuals and gangs, committed thousands of acts of terror, violence, and murder throughout the South. However, the early Klan — the founding generation of the Klan — really only lasted into the 1870s before it was driven underground, and it was not an overtly political organization."

Eric Foner, a Columbia University history professor, noted the Klan was a "military force."

"In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy," he said. "Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society."

But serving the interests of the party is not the same as being part of the party. Consider the political landscape today, where super PACs and other entities work outside the formal party structure.

In a June 10, 2013, PolitiFact Virginia article, Carole Emberton, associate professor of history at the University at Buffalo, noted that the "party lines of the 1860s/1870s are not the party lines of today."

"Although the names stayed the same, the platforms of the two parties reversed each other in the mid-20th century, due in large part to white ‘Dixiecrats’ flight out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964," she said. "By then, the Democratic Party had become the party of ‘reform,’ supporting a variety of ‘liberal’ causes, including civil rights, women’s rights, etc. whereas this had been the banner of the Republican Party in the nineteenth century."

^ Total BS. The "big switch" is a total lie and has been debunked several times but Democrats need to try and pin their sins on others.

But you see how they took the simple notion and truth that the KKK was started by Democrats and were for Democrats political causes, even getting rebooted after "Birth of a Nation" which Woodrow Wilson showed in the White House.

FDR, the Democrats favorite president ever (maybe other than Obama now) appointed Hugo Black to the SCOTUS, a former KKK member and to get the New Deal passed, had to promise to not pass anti lynching legislation. . And of course, you all know about Robert Byrd and company. D'Souza does a great job at showing how ridiculous the claim of the cops just decided to become the robbers and the robbers decided to be cops was.

BTW, the black vote didn't start to transition to the Dem Party after the 60s It was already going that way after FDR's New Deal.
That will lead to larger & larger court every time a knew side takes over elected government.

Now what would be OK by me is Congress setting to expand the SC 3 years before an Prez election to occur after the election by the newly-elected Prez. I think 9 is too few SCJ's for a country this large, 15 or even 21 would be better imo.

Good god, 15-21 Supreme Court Justices would be a nightmare. And once you add justices or change the makeup of the court once...the other side will try to add more when it gets in power, it would start a process of continually trying to tinker with the court or pack the court for political purposes. Our system isn’t perfect but it is about as perfect as we can make it. The problem with making changes to some very fundamental institutions is...politicians of both parties will constantly be engaged in re-writing the rules.
Best boss I ever had was a complete a$$ in general, but if you did your job and did it well he was your biggest supporter. There were times I hated his guts, but he made me become very good at what I do and when it was time to move up the ladder he was my biggest cheerleader. Would not be where I am today without him. Some people can grow a pair and do what it takes to get the job done and others hide in the corner when the going gets tough and a lot if expected of them. My guess is if you work hard and are loyal Trump will do what he can to help you, but be the opposite and he can be your worst enemy.

You don't become a successful billionaire in the private sector (especially when you rely on your mind and business sense and not your hands-referring to a soon to be billionaire athlete) without busting balls. You can't try to be everyone's friend and let people run over you. You have to be a "killer."

I remember in an 80s interview I saw of Trump, he mentioned about how he gets along more with cab drivers, construction workers, blue collar types because he was in competition with the "elites." Over 30 years later and nothing has changed.
How often are dad/granddad going clothes shopping for the kids/grandkids? It's usually mom/grandma who 9 times out of 10 couldn't pick CK out of a 1 man lineup nor do they care about his politics. It isn't about you it's about what the kid wants. If the kid wants Nike then guess what mom/grandma is buying? You just get to write the check when the credit card bill comes due.

You think Dads are the only ones upset? You are either totally out of touch or sexist if you do. I saw a lot of adult females posting about this yesterday on social media and even some male and female teenagers.
Same with Chad Johnson. Even the Bengals didn't want the distraction he brought.

I don't understand why they think he is only out because of his stance when there are still players taking a knee, raising their fist or staying in the locker room during the anthem but still playing. It isn't about his stance it is that he just isn't as good as you guys want to think. If he could help a team he would be playing. NFL owners would play ISIS soldiers if they could get them to a Super Bowl.
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How often are dad/granddad going clothes shopping for the kids/grandkids? It's usually mom/grandma who 9 times out of 10 couldn't pick CK out of a 1 man lineup nor do they care about his politics. It isn't about you it's about what the kid wants. If the kid wants Nike then guess what mom/grandma is buying? You just get to write the check when the credit card bill comes due.

Do kids also want/care about a so-so QB who isn't currently playing? Are they going to buy the CK shirts and shoes that we aren't even sure their favorite athletes will wear?

You can't market around a player that isn't good.. no matter if he stands for something greater. That doesn't sell.

Aside from publicity, don't see how Nike can turn CK into some profit. A profit that also offsets any lost earnings due to backlash.
If you believe this was a good business decision buy Nike stock right now, otherwise this is just a political discussion which we all know we will have to agree to disagree on.
Dude, NKE on 8/31/18 hit their all time high @ 83.58 and they fell back to 79.60 yesterday. They are up over $80 today in an overall down market day. Back at the end of June it rose 10% in one day...I don't recall anyone writing Nike's obituary on that day.
I own some NKE and I'm not selling...I'm not buying either because I think it's over-valued after climbing nearly 60% in the last 12 months...150% in the last 5 years...375% in the last 10 years. If you're a day trader then you might be concerned...otherwise it has well outperformed the market for a long, long time.
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Do kids also want/care about a so-so QB who isn't currently playing? Are they going to buy the CK shirts and shoes that we aren't even sure their favorite athletes will wear?

You can't market around a player that isn't good.. no matter if he stands for something greater. That doesn't sell.

Aside from publicity, don't see how Nike can turn CK into some profit. A profit that also offsets any lost earnings due to backlash.
I'll just refer you to my last post. The folks at Nike have a pretty good track record when it comes to marketing. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.
I don't understand why they think he is only out because of his stance when there are still players taking a knee, raising their fist or staying in the locker room during the anthem but still playing. It isn't about his stance it is that he just isn't as good as you guys want to think. If he could help a team he would be playing. NFL owners would play ISIS soldiers if they could get them to a Super Bowl.
The point is that NFL teams have scraped the bottom of the barrel looking for QBs signing some guys with not half the talent of CK. There is an obvious collusion among owners not to sign him and that will soon be proven in court. You can say "he isn't good" but he is indisputably better than more than half of the 50 QBs that have been signed since he was a free agent.
The point is that NFL teams have scraped the bottom of the barrel looking for QBs signing some guys with not half the talent of CK. There is an obvious collusion among owners not to sign him and that will soon be proven in court. You can say "he isn't good" but he is indisputably better than more than half of the 50 QBs that have been signed since he was a free agent.

They don’t have to hire anyone Fuzz. There is no right to be an NFL QB, and if they thought he’d help their team he’d be on a team.
The benefit he may or may not have is outweighed by his cons.
Dude, NKE on 8/31/18 hit their all time high @ 83.58 and they fell back to 79.60 yesterday. They are up over $80 today in an overall down market day. Back at the end of June it rose 10% in one day...I don't recall anyone writing Nike's obituary on that day.
I own some NKE and I'm not selling...I'm not buying either because I think it's over-valued after climbing nearly 60% in the last 12 months...150% in the last 5 years...375% in the last 10 years. If you're a day trader then you might be concerned...otherwise it has well outperformed the market for a long, long time.

How much do you pay Malaysian 7 year olds?
Kapernick is a dumbass...a very brilliant dumbass. A mediocre washed up qb that would have been forgotten in a few years has now made his name in sports history forever. Smart.
I'll just refer you to my last post. The folks at Nike have a pretty good track record when it comes to marketing. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.

Nike hitting their all time high doesn't mean much when most companies are hitting their all time high. I don't think a one-off ad campaign with CK is going to do them in but they tried something new, took a political stance and they were met with backlash.

If tshirts and shoes of a failed athlete don't sell (as I'm predicting), Nike won't wait long to scrap this idea. A 3% dip SIMPLY for putting CK on an ad campaign should alarm any company that's willing to take a political stance PROVIDED(*) they continue down that road.

*Yes, I get other companies made one-off political moves, this is a bit different.
The point is that NFL teams have scraped the bottom of the barrel looking for QBs signing some guys with not half the talent of CK. There is an obvious collusion among owners not to sign him and that will soon be proven in court. You can say "he isn't good" but he is indisputably better than more than half of the 50 QBs that have been signed since he was a free agent.

According to who? Not NFL owners but I guess a guy on a UK message board knows more than they do. Why aren't those other guys out of the NFL then? CK was never as good as he or some of his fans thought he was. He had a couple of good seasons thanks to the people around him.
The point is that NFL teams have scraped the bottom of the barrel looking for QBs signing some guys with not half the talent of CK. There is an obvious collusion among owners not to sign him and that will soon be proven in court. You can say "he isn't good" but he is indisputably better than more than half of the 50 QBs that have been signed since he was a free agent.

I don't think it's collusion. I'm not sure why 30 owners would ban together to keep this guy out of the league when plenty of others are taking up his fight, to varying degrees.

I do think they each, individually, want no part in CK as he has become the face of a lot of this. He's talent, or lack there of, doesn't out-weigh the headache. Had he been better, a top15 guy.. i believe he'd be playing now.
Go look at Tim Couch's stats compared to Kaepernick's stats. They are very similar with the exception that Couch had more interceptions. Most consider Couch to be one of the biggest bust in the NFL despite the fact he played on a newly formed team that was horrible but claim Kaepernick, who played on a Super Bowl team for part of his time, should be an NFL starter even though they have similar stats. Just FYI Couch only made it 5 years in the league and CK made it 6 so maybe he just wasn't as good as some thought.
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Yeah...Nike running shoes are dog ish for actually running in. Any semi-serious runner will tell you that. But they sell a lot of running shoes to non-runners just for casual wear.


Here is an example of what I was talking about yesterday regarding temporary stock decline and loss of market share...

I was talking to a neighbor of mine this morning (lives about a mile down the road and needed to borrow my chain saw). He is an Airforce Vet (and his dad is a Vietnam Vet) and he is currently a UPS pilot and is also anti-Kap (so is his dad). He has a wife, 3 sons (including an adopted son from Somalia), and a daughter. Cool guy who is always willing to help out a neighbor and our daughters are friends.

After discussing the inevitable demise of this year's Cats football team and the inevitable certainty of hanging #9 in Rupp this season...(already knowing his anti-Kap position) I turned the conversation to the Kap Nike campaign. This is what he said...

They haven't bought their new school shoes yet this year and all 4 kids play multiple sports. They have almost exclusively bought Nike shoes in the past...except to run in...because they too know that Nike running shoes are dog ish to run in. is what Nike is about to lose in sales this year from just his household due to the new Kap campaign...


4 - pairs of school shoes (at least...sometimes one or more of the kids will outgrow their shoes during the school year)

3 - pairs of basketball shoes

1 - pair of cheerleading shoes

3 - pairs of baseball cleats

1 - pair of tennis shoes (to actually play tennis)

??? - gear


2 - pairs of running shoes (just for casual wear)

2 - pairs of tennis shoes (to actually play tennis)

??? - gear

He's not an idiot so they aren't burning shoes and clothes. But...

For those keeping score at home...that's 16 pairs of shoes...from one household...lost to the competition. Add on whatever sports gear they may purchase (now from a competitor) and that's a pretty big hit from just one household alone.

Drop in the bucket for a corporate giant like Nike? Yes. But add in a few hundred thousand other similar households and it starts to add up.


Dude, NKE on 8/31/18 hit their all time high @ 83.58 and they fell back to 79.60 yesterday. They are up over $80 today in an overall down market day. Back at the end of June it rose 10% in one day...I don't recall anyone writing Nike's obituary on that day.
I own some NKE and I'm not selling...I'm not buying either because I think it's over-valued after climbing nearly 60% in the last 12 months...150% in the last 5 years...375% in the last 10 years. If you're a day trader then you might be concerned...otherwise it has well outperformed the market for a long, long time.

^^^^^ This is actually a good post. (Dog shines on a dogs azz every now and again and whatnot. Hahahaha) And you have the right position on the stock long term.

But the next big temporary dip (and there will be a few) in the stock will be after the report on the 25th...mostly due to people like my neighbor described above and a decline in expected future sales thereafter. The next big dip after that will be after or slightly before their January report if that sales pattern continues through the holidays...which I expect it to do so on some level. Historically Nike has huge gear sales at Christmas. Will be interesting to see how far that drops off this year. Nike hasn't made any official announcements yet but the smart bet is that they will have at least part of the Kap gear line in place by then to counterbalance. If not...they should.

But like I said yesterday, this too shall pass and Nike as a corporate giant with their huge market share will march on. But they may lose a little overall share of the marketplace...especially in gear...which is an area they have already been loosing some ground in to UA anyway. Probably part of the reason they decided to move forward on the Kap campaign in the first place.
I don't understand why they think he is only out because of his stance when there are still players taking a knee, raising their fist or staying in the locker room during the anthem but still playing. It isn't about his stance it is that he just isn't as good as you guys want to think. If he could help a team he would be playing. NFL owners would play ISIS soldiers if they could get them to a Super Bowl.


CK's QBR went from 7th in 2013 to 16th (2014) to 29th (2015) to 23rd (2016). If he had kept up his 2013 performance, probably even 2014, he'd still be playing, but when you drop into the lower 3rd of the league and then add the distractions from the protest into the equation and then you want to be paid like a starter and won't entertain offers to be a backup, you get what you get.
Go look at Tim Couch's stats compared to Kaepernick's stats. They are very similar with the exception that Couch had more interceptions. Most consider Couch to be one of the biggest bust in the NFL despite the fact he played on a newly formed team that was horrible but claim Kaepernick, who played on a Super Bowl team for part of his time, should be an NFL starter even though they have similar stats. Just FYI Couch only made it 5 years in the league and CK made it 6 so maybe he just wasn't as good as some thought.

Couch was brought into a horrible situation(1st year of rebooted Browns) while Kap was traded to a team with 8 straight non winning seasons and a new head coach.. Kap had the luxury of sitting a year while Couch was thrown into an inferno. Fair or not, Couch is considered a bust due to being drafted #1...Kap 36th. A few more interceptions? Couch threw 67 int in 62(59st) games...Kap threw 30 int in 69(58st) games. Couch tossed 64 td to Kap 72td. Couch rushed for 556 yds and 2 TD...Kap 2300 yds and 13 TD.One was a pocket QB..the other dual-threat. they are not similar.