How will they rule ??!

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I served in the US Army with a white guy from South Africa, and met his parents while stationed in Germany. They could not immigrate to the USA quickly enough during the late 60s. I can only imagine all the crap going on over there now. It's only going to worsen.

The white guys over there right now are going to have to pay the piper, because there's not a GD country in the world that's going to risk taking their side. Pretty easy to virtue signal when it's not your land getting taken away. That said, I totally see the perspective of the black people in SA as well. As always, people may not like tribalism, but it's basically a law of human nature.

That meme is total horsecrap like 99% of what you post. Are you really that clueless as to post that only one Dem has gone to jail for crimes while in office? Just off the top of my head I can think of a bunch of democrats who were convicted and served time. Dan Rostinkowski (D-IL) who was the head of the Ways and Means committee went to prison for the House post office scandal. William Jefferson (D-LA) was convicted of bribery and the FBI found $90,000 hidden in his refrigerator. He got 13 years in prison.
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That meme is total horsecrap like 99% of what you post. Are you really that clueless as to post that only one Dem has gone to jail for crimes while in office? Just off the top of my head I can think of a bunch of democrats who were convicted and served time. Dan Rostinkowski who was the head of the Way and Means committee went to prison for the House post office scandal. William Jefferson (D-LA) was convicted of bribery and the FBI found $90,000 hidden in his refrigerator. He got 13 years in prison.

How dare you! Ruin Mr. Booty's meme.
I've heard Alexandria Cortez call the 1990s the heyday of the upper middle class twice. I've finally pinpointed what's so stupid about her besides literally everything; she honestly can't grasp the concept of a world existing outside of her lifetime. Nothing before the 1980s even happened, and the most important things in her life are the most important things in world history.

It's uncanny how much of a millennial stereotype she is
Though its doubtful to happen, how hilarious would it be if Manafort walks? People in the MSM may stroke out. Its definitely not the slam dunk case we were all being told it was.

Best case scenario for the left is a hung jury. That gives them 12 people to dox/lives to ruin, continues the charade for a few more weeks at least and gives them 12 more potential lives to ruin. And my god if the jury is hung twice and it gives them 12 more...


Lot of lefties worried/tweeting about this headline.

If the Blue Wave doesn’t happen the collective freak-out will be hilarious.
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That meme is total horsecrap like 99% of what you post. Are you really that clueless as to post that only one Dem has gone to jail for crimes while in office? Just off the top of my head I can think of a bunch of democrats who were convicted and served time. Dan Rostinkowski (D-IL) who was the head of the Ways and Means committee went to prison for the House post office scandal. William Jefferson (D-LA) was convicted of bribery and the FBI found $90,000 hidden in his refrigerator. He got 13 years in prison.
chances he responds to this? near zero.

Also, that Larry Tribe bit - great day in the morning.
Just read about minneapolis rolling out a "muslim hate speech hotline". This is modeled after Europe and steps they've taken to combat hate against muslims. (hate against muslims...say that out loud to yourself. Like whitey is out there driving cargo vans in to seas of muslim people, or strapping bombs and killing himself because he hates muslims so much). Other large cities are doing the same.

We are not far from being arrested for expressing feelings about muslims like they do over there in europe.

Hate against, not even hate, "hate speech" . That's an Onion headline. Muslim hate speech is so great and out of control that cities and states are forced to enact tip lines and use resources to protect muslims!

And if a muslim kills a sea full of white people via vehicular murder....well, you ban vehicles! Obviously! Not muslims fault!
Have you ever noticed when a story comes out about a religious leader be it priest, preacher, minister, (it doesn't really matter which because there are many stories of each) has been exposed for molesting children, the lay people of each corresponding church come out defending their church and their faith. Maybe I'm wrong but it does seem to me that if people concerned themselves with protecting the children as much as they rush to defend their beliefs, their church, their pedophiles, their politics,----then their church, their faith wouldn't need so much defending.

I always get the overwhelming sense that people are trying to say very quietly, "Please shut up and go away, you are disturbing my faith-based comfort zone." Then even more children are molested, abused, stolen from their parents trying to protect them. It only follows that if you will not stand up and protect your own you won't care what happens the the children of other people's. I don't think that is in any way the message Jesus was supposedly teaching us. What good is any faith if you use it to hide from and deny evil?
I don't get that sense. I get the sense they are sad & disturbed about what they've put their faith in.
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Maybe it's just me, but I'm not quite sure this is going to land the type of negative blow that he's hoping for. This might even strengthen Trump's support, especially after how the recently caught terrorist in California actually snuck into country through the refugee program and details mentioned in the Reuters story that he linked.

From the story...

The FBI revealed that of a batch of 88 Iraqis it had recently completed SAOs for, it found suspicious information on 87 of them, said the two officials aware of the meeting.
mashburned: Just read about minneapolis rolling out a "muslim hate speech hotline". This is modeled after Europe and steps they've taken to combat hate against muslims. (hate against muslims...say that out loud to yourself. Like whitey is out there driving cargo vans in to seas of muslim people, or strapping bombs and killing himself because he hates muslims so much). Other large cities are doing the same.

Minneapolis muslim hate speech hotline : 612-673-3000, if anyone would like to phone in a cum ba ya.
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The white-owned farm seizure in SA is very interesting to me.

If I were a poor black South African I'd be all for it. You could say, "well, it's not fair, they settled that land fair and square (perhaps) generations ago, plus they have the know-how to run a farm". And I'd say, "I don't freaking care - I live in a slum. Besides, we were treated like trash for generations by those guys so eff them."

If I were white South African I'd say, "this is exactly why we had apartheid."

Bottom line: I don't see this working out well for anybody. I think you'll see a huge shift in property from whites to blacks - but not to the level of Zimbabwe, decreased farm output (again, not as bad as Zimbabwe), and continued turmoil until it comes to a balanced point of where white people hold around 25% of the land.

We should accept all these white farmers. They are soon to be the victims of ethnic cleansing.
mashburned: Just read about minneapolis rolling out a "muslim hate speech hotline". This is modeled after Europe and steps they've taken to combat hate against muslims. (hate against muslims...say that out loud to yourself. Like whitey is out there driving cargo vans in to seas of muslim people, or strapping bombs and killing himself because he hates muslims so much). Other large cities are doing the same.

Minneapolis muslim hate speech hotline : 612-673-3000, if anyone would like to phone in a cum ba ya.

Can't wait to call that number and let them know just how much I hate muslims.
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Currently California has 500,000 job openings and 800,000 able-bodied food stamps recipients, yet the state still renewed their waiver for able-bodied work requirements that was set to expire on August 31.

Edited to clarify that the 800K recipients referred to are able-bodied.
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