How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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That was a response to that guy suggesting it proves his innocence.

You're making things up. l'll quote my post below. What I said is that he's cooperating with the investigation at an unprecedented level and his actions are the opposite of obstructing. And your response was "That doesn't prove his innocence."

I keep trying to explain this to you.This is like the third time I've had to point it out. Let it sink in this time. You have it backwards. Trump doesn't have to prove his innocence. He is automatically presumed innocent. The accusers have to prove his guilt. Burden of proof is on them.

You're missing the point. He's saying the obstruction accusation is insane especially given the fact that Trump waived attorney client privilege and allowed WH counsel to fully cooperate. That's the complete opposite of obstructing.
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30% are independents. You failed to mentions "politicians".

Just give it up. Srop doubling down when Youre clearly wrong ... a little nit of reading comprehension skills next time. it was quite obvious he was talking about politicians. Get off the high horse.
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The great news is that the media knows we hate them as much as they hate us.

They have destroyed themselves.

There are definitely sone corners that have turned in our system / and 'culture'

Some are the types of decisions. / changes that I believe create a type of critical mass or historical inertia .... so broader and more profound. changes are set into play by other changes.....largely driven by the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic (two "opposing forces" that come into conflict and then resolve to create some new condition............thesis + anti-thesis = SYNTHESIS)

The masks are slipping

Marx taught that the successful application of his theories WOULD eventually lead to serious social conflict that's brought about by design ...... and, among other things, will usher in the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

(that's the part of the sick Marxist fable where the workers lose their chains and forcefully confiscate / outright steal / suppress opposition / and isolate and-or kill anyone who happens to be on the other end of the Progress they're smearing all over the place.....

The most critical element in all this MAY be when/if traditional leftists (non Marxist / non communist / non radical revolutionary) - separate themselves from this sickening regurgitation of outdated, demonstrably brutal and unaccountable systems of "organization and governing" that has ever existed

Speak Up and DO IT as Democrats

We can debate social issues and all types of govt policy again soon enough

But RIGHT NOW - the radical / revolutionary / overthrow the President / 'socialism is good' antagonists around your party ..... need to be publicly and vocally opposed by saner and clearer thinking people
We massacred the indians 300 years ago. apartheid was 10 years ago. It takes a lot longer than 1 decade for a population to forgive past sins of genocide and land theft. Most of the people in power now were persecuted under apartheid. If the indians had taken power 10 years after their genocide there probably wouldn't be any whiteys left in North America. You can try to paint it as past sins that should be forgiven but humans don't work like that. They hold grudges for generations and they get revenge.

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I'll give him this - at least he's more upfront and honest about what they're doing and why. Facebook is the opposite. It's all wrong though.

Democrats shooting democrats, not a bad thing really. Couldn't someone get them some larger caliber guns. Like some 44 magnums. That would result in less thieves & democrat votes.

You think dead people result in less Democrat votes?
Why won't you answer my question? What,in your mind, has Trump done criminally? Be specific!

The same reason StankyBooty doesnt reply when he chastises the board for putting words in his mouth and is confronted with the truth. Theyre liberals.

Democrats shooting democrats, not a bad thing really. Couldn't someone get them some larger caliber guns. Like some 44 magnums. That would result in less thieves & democrat votes.

Meh, the dead are 100% guaranteex to vote democrat.. at least when theyre alive, they probably wont even vote.
I'll give him this - at least he's more upfront and honest about what they're doing and why. Facebook is the opposite. It's all wrong though.

You think dead people result in less Democrat votes?
The same reason StankyBooty doesnt reply when he chastises the board for putting words in his mouth and is confronted with the truth. Theyre liberals.

Meh, the dead are 100% guaranteex to vote democrat.. at least when theyre alive, they probably wont even vote.
You're right, the dead does vote 100% for democrats, along with felons, illegal immigrants & every weirdo you can think of. That's their base.
Have you ever noticed when a story comes out about a religious leader be it priest, preacher, minister, (it doesn't really matter which because there are many stories of each) has been exposed for molesting children, the lay people of each corresponding church come out defending their church and their faith. Maybe I'm wrong but it does seem to me that if people concerned themselves with protecting the children as much as they rush to defend their beliefs, their church, their pedophiles, their politics,----then their church, their faith wouldn't need so much defending.

I always get the overwhelming sense that people are trying to say very quietly, "Please shut up and go away, you are disturbing my faith-based comfort zone." Then even more children are molested, abused, stolen from their parents trying to protect them. It only follows that if you will not stand up and protect your own you won't care what happens the the children of other people's. I don't think that is in any way the message Jesus was supposedly teaching us. What good is any faith if you use it to hide from and deny evil?
Have you ever noticed when a story comes out about a religious leader be it priest, preacher, minister, (it doesn't really matter which because there are many stories of each) has been exposed for molesting children, the lay people of each corresponding church come out defending their church and their faith. Maybe I'm wrong but it does seem to me that if people concerned themselves with protecting the children as much as they rush to defend their beliefs, their church, their pedophiles, their politics,----then their church, their faith wouldn't need so much defending.

I always get the overwhelming sense that people are trying to say very quietly, "Please shut up and go away, you are disturbing my faith-based comfort zone." Then even more children are molested, abused, stolen from their parents trying to protect them. It only follows that if you will not stand up and protect your own you won't care what happens the the children of other people's. I don't think that is in any way the message Jesus was supposedly teaching us. What good is any faith if you use it to hide from and deny evil?

You mean Catholics who systematically rape thousands upon thousands of children?

I agree. That Lexington priest (or whoever) had the nerve to come out and defend himself and, all the local outlets let him do that. It was fn pathetic. Let s a southern baptist honky not report child rape and see how nice local media is to him. Guarantee their would be a march. We must protect our children from those Baptist rapists!
Have you ever noticed when a story comes out about a religious leader be it priest, preacher, minister, (it doesn't really matter which because there are many stories of each) has been exposed for molesting children, the lay people of each corresponding church come out defending their church and their faith. Maybe I'm wrong but it does seem to me that if people concerned themselves with protecting the children as much as they rush to defend their beliefs, their church, their pedophiles, their politics,----then their church, their faith wouldn't need so much defending.

I always get the overwhelming sense that people are trying to say very quietly, "Please shut up and go away, you are disturbing my faith-based comfort zone." Then even more children are molested, abused, stolen from their parents trying to protect them. It only follows that if you will not stand up and protect your own you won't care what happens the the children of other people's. I don't think that is in any way the message Jesus was supposedly teaching us. What good is any faith if you use it to hide from and deny evil?
You could do a very quick google search and see libraries worth of material from lay Catholics demanding that priests and bishops (even the Pope) be held accountable for this in both ecclesiastical and criminal courts. This is just another example of you having zero knowledge on a topic, but speaking on it nonetheless. Please don't be so stupid going forward
You could do a very quick google search and see libraries worth of material from lay Catholics demanding that priests and bishops (even the Pope) be held accountable for this in both ecclesiastical and criminal courts. This is just another example of you having zero knowledge on a topic, but speaking on it nonetheless. Please don't be so stupid going forward
You are completely ignorant of me and my experience. You sir are the one here talking out of their ass. I have a lifetime of dealing with this subject fool. BTW that means I have experience since before google existed. FYI
You are completely ignorant of me and my experience. You sir are the one here talking out of their ass. I have a lifetime of dealing with this subject fool. BTW that means I have experience since before google existed. FYI
So now your personal anecdotes with individual members of certain religions trumps empirical, observable data?

Oh, I forgot, you have a lifetime of dealing with people...defending their faith...? I don't know, your assertion is so stupid it's hard to follow what you're actually claiming
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