How will they rule ??!

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We’ve been in afghanistan for 17 years now. why haven’t the poppy fields there, the source of most of the heroin in the world, been eradicated?

I’m a staunch trump supporter, but why hasn’t this subject been brought to the forefront?
I've thought about this myself...I assume it's the same as the iran-contra affair, which led to the crack epidemic. They are probably allowing the local allies to grow/sell to help strengthen their local militaries...they probably, just like the crack epidemic, never realized it would be a huge deal this time on a much larger scale of the general population.
I don't know why anyone cares about Turkey: they're 1.37% of the world's GDP. We can cover that after lunch one day if we could get rid of some more red tape.
Thats why it cracks me up that Erdogan is trying to fight with us right now. He would do himself a favor if he just released the Pastor. Our economy shits all over theirs. Hes clueless and delusional if he thinks he stands a snowballs chance in hell against Trump right now.
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“China dominates the global steel market, but Trump’s tariffs on imported steel are seen as a catalyst for domestic manufacturers such as U.S. Steel.”

Great news for domestic manufacturing! USA can be innovative and eventually produce at a price that’s competitive with the global community. Trump has worn out three sets of kneecaps from kicking so much ass.
There are some alloys that are not made in the US nor do domestic steel companies want to make them. Yet tariffs have been placed on those alloys resulting in higher costs for US consumers. The funny thing is foreign companies can ship in a finished product using those same alloys, pay no tariffs, and undercut American companies and American workers. Goes to show, you can't expect the government to use common sense
There are some alloys that are not made in the US nor do domestic steel companies want to make them. Yet tariffs have been placed on those alloys resulting in higher costs for US consumers. The funny thing is foreign companies can ship in a finished product using those same alloys, pay no tariffs, and undercut American companies and American workers. Goes to show, you can't expect the government to use common sense
Steve, which alloys are these? Thanks.
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That guy’s a total psycho. I happened on to one of his live speeches from chicago via my black box satellite tv system nearly 30 years ago and listened to his idiotic rambling for 45 minutes.
One of his beliefs that he was preaching as fact was that white people were created thousands of years ago by black scientists in a laboratory somewhere in the middle east. i wonder about the people who follow this blithering idiot.
Leftists attack using twisted psychological mind games. Example: They ask if you've ever used the holy, unspeakable N word in the same way someone would ask if you've ever raped your own daughter.

Of course, the natural reply is F**K YOU and a solid punch to their mouth. But that would be a win for them. They'd then say "Oh, so you're saying you DO SUPPORT the N WORD? RACIST!!!"

This is sick, twisted shit and one of the things I despise most about the left.
Mueller has absolutely nothing. He's charging people with totally unrelated crimes just so it looks like he's doing something.

Remember, Paopadopoulos is supposed to be the key player. They claim the entire investigation started because of him, and all Mueller can come up is lying to the FBI and 30 days in jail.

Mueller has absolutely nothing. He's charging people with totally unrelated crimes just so it looks like he's doing something.

Remember, Paopadopoulos is supposed to be the key player. They claim the entire investigation started because of him, and all Mueller can come up is lying to the FBI and 30 days in jail.

I might be willing to spend 30 Days in jail if it would end this idiotic investigation.
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That guy’s a total psycho. I happened on to one of his live speeches from chicago via my black box satellite tv system nearly 30 years ago and listened to his idiotic rambling for 45 minutes.
One of his beliefs that he was preaching as fact was that white people were created thousands of years ago by black scientists in a laboratory somewhere in the middle east. i wonder about the people who follow this blithering idiot.

Jeremiah Wright, who Obama listened to for over 20 years, claimed AIDS was created in a government lab in order to kill black people.
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This is where we are. The high priests of the leftist PC religion are now questioning the possibility of the mere utterance of a phucking word, ever, like it's a capital offense.

I’ll start being offended by the N word when I don’t hear it uttered by black people in every other sentence, in every rap song and when there is outrage over Latinos using the word, which we see all the time and saw on that Trump star fight which generated zero outrage.