How will they rule ??!

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So we all agree Bevin is a dipshit right?

So we all agree Trump is a dipshit, right?


Maybe he is, maybe Don is, too. Doesn't mean they are wrong.

Not one damn politician in KY was ever going to speak up and say "hey you stupid idiots ruined this pension and now I'm gonna do this because you don't know what's good for the state".

Just like not one damn politician was gonna stand up and say "hey you stupid idiots are ruining the USA and don't know dick about economics or what's good for this country".

Thankfully we elected Trump and Bevin who both gave the people a dose of reality that was desperately needed. If people can't handle that, then they can elect a liberal idiot who will abuse their power, waste their money, and tell everyone how wonderful everything will be.

Hell, the left ***loves*** railing against "career politicians". It's a popular talking point in KY right now. That's one large reason Trump and Bevin were elected. They aren't politicians. KY can go elect 2/3rd generation politicians (with questionable/criminal backgrounds) if they change their minds and want to go back to career politicians.
“If you don’t like it, move”

Recognize that?

So we all agree Trump is a dipshit, right?


Maybe he is, maybe Don is, too. Doesn't mean they are wrong.

Not one damn politician in KY was ever going to speak up and say "hey you stupid idiots ruined this pension and now I'm gonna do this because you don't know what's good for the state".

Just like not one damn politician was gonna stand up and say "hey you stupid idiots are ruining the USA and don't know dick about economics or what's good for this country".

Thankfully we elected Trump and Bevin who both gave the people a dose of reality that was desperately needed. If people can't handle that, then they can elect a liberal idiot who will abuse their power, waste their money, and tell everyone how wonderful everything will be.

Hell, the left ***loves*** railing against "career politicians". It's a popular talking point in KY right now. That's one large reason Trump and Bevin were elected. They aren't politicians. KY can go elect 2/3rd generation politicians (with questionable/criminal backgrounds) if they change their minds and want to go back to career politicians.
Great post. Bevin knew he’d take a beating for having the balls to make a necessary, but unpopular decision. He’s being crucified for the sins of past governors.
There was no extra money involved, at least from the military perspective. Every single soldier, piece of equipment, or hardware is already bought, or will be paid anyway. The military expense to the public didn't change a cent whether the parade took place or not, the VA isn't going to get more money by not having the parade, or less if they did have it, it's a separate entity altogether.

How in God's name can a military parade in our nations capital, on Veteran's day which also is the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI make lefties so mad?
It's like Trump anger blinds you to any thing else at all, the parade wasn't about Trump, it was about celebrating the nations military, and veterans.
You might want to tell Trump that. He thinks he gets to spend that now saved money on fighter jets.
And if you think it doesn't cost money to put on a parade i think your brain is running slow today. All those troops & equipment have to be moved to DC and housed in DC. massive infrastructure has to be built to support the parade. Insane amounts of security because it is DC. Then you gotta cleanup the giant mess, tear it all down, and ship it all back out.
A little bad press from vets and the military and Trump caved fast.
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Trump got his NDA shredded in court. Judge said it was so poorly written he had no choice but to ignore it.

Not reviewed the NDA or the opinion. But if it's anything like all the other rulings that went against the trump team, it'll be overturned later and is nothing more than judicial activism.

We will see.

Great post. Bevin knew he’d take a beating for having the balls to make a necessary, but unpopular decision. He’s being crucified for the sins of past governors.

The worst is the media keep showing Andy consoling all the poor teachers. Nary a word about his father being a large part of the reason they're in that mess.
You might want to tell Trump that. He thinks he gets to spend that now saved money on fighter jets.
And if you think it doesn't cost money to put on a parade i think your brain is running slow today. All those troops & equipment have to be moved to DC and housed in DC. massive infrastructure has to be built to support the parade. Insane amounts of security because it is DC. Then you gotta cleanup the giant mess, tear it all down, and ship it all back out.
A little bad press from vets and the military and Trump caved fast.

I wrote military cost, DC gave them a quote of 21 million dollars, the Govt expected 12 million for security. I’m sure there would be a cost, but it isn’t 90-100 million dollars! That’s an absurd number. What infrastructure would have to be built?
I still don’t understand why the left was so pissed about a military parade, celebrating veterans and the end of a war.

Who paid the cost for security DC provided for the countless protests the leftists have had in the last 18 months?
Seems a simple way to see if politics played a part in DC’s enormous price quote would be compare costs for security of women’s march, or the anti gun march.
You might want to tell Trump that. He thinks he gets to spend that now saved money on fighter jets.
And if you think it doesn't cost money to put on a parade i think your brain is running slow today. All those troops & equipment have to be moved to DC and housed in DC. massive infrastructure has to be built to support the parade. Insane amounts of security because it is DC. Then you gotta cleanup the giant mess, tear it all down, and ship it all back out.
A little bad press from vets and the military and Trump caved fast.
Actually doing what vets want instead is not caving. It is called respecting the views of the vets but, I would not expect an American hating leftie like yourself to understand that.
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Actually doing what vets want instead is not caving. It is called respecting the views of the vets but, I would not expect an American hating leftie like yourself to understand that.

Blaming it on democrats and the cost instead of just saying it was about the vets is typical Trump.