How will they rule ??!

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This is one of the most blatant misrepresentations of what someone else has posted. This is the very reason why it is useless to engage on this board.
You misrepresented when you said he went against all advice saying not to go and that is simply not true. Hypocrite.
You can't seem to grasp the subject matter and stay focused on but one topic. Yes it is true Europe is being overrun by people fleeing the perpetual war in the middle east George Bush started against all advice of those that predicted this very outcome. That's just the history of it, go back and read what Brent Scowcroft had to say if you doubt this. But arms manufacturers are doing great! That's the problem with right wing ideologies, you cannot grasp the repercussions of your mindless actions. That is the essential reason we now have perpetual war. That is the reason there are so many leaving where they were born, they are trying to escape the threat they face at home. Same problem we have on our southern border, people trying to escape the brutality we had a huge hand in erecting. I started to understand this in 1983 with what was happening in El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, and Nicaragua. I was a republican then.

You on the other hand seem to enjoy the comfort of mindless bliss---you're not alone.
When countries are unwilling to do what it takes to end the causes of migration, or just flat erect barriers to it, I don't feel sorry for them. Euros could have stepped up to stop the wars in Iraq & Syria & chose to accept the consequences instead.

Countries need to act in their best interests & tough border enforcement is in ours. & if you want to help the suffering of others in other countries, then don't oppose efforts to do so.

Saying the problems around the world are largely the USA's fault & thus we have to accept refugees because of it is folly.
Wow remember that ignorant bliss I was speaking of? Well this was like t-ball.
I can only imagine where you went to get this "analysis".

"While Republicans advocate repeal of President Obama’s sweeping health care reforms, Democrats are pulling out all the stops to build support for the legislation. And the president’s party has a not-so-secret weapon at its disposal: a network of well-funded academics and researchers working to discredit the existing health care system. The Commonwealth Fund, a liberal think tank headed by a former Democratic staffer, leads the effort.

Typical of the Commonwealth Fund ...s just the latest in a string of policy studies from organizations that want to see a European-style, government-run health care system brought to these shores. Democratic politicians and their allies then use those studies to bolster the case for dramatic reforms.

“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: How the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally” was widely reported. National Public Radio warned: “U.S. Spends the Most on Health Care, Yet Gets Least.” The Week asked if American health care was “Worst in the World?” The Los Angeles Times decided to entice readers with, “U.S. is No. 1 in a key area of healthcare. Guess which one.” Answer: spending.

In all this coverage, did anyone in the mainstream media raise serious questions about the study’s assumptions or methodology? Or delve into the organization behind it?

No, and no.
Of course, it’s not as if these groups actually hide their leanings. Karen Davis, who was an economics professor before becoming president of the Commonwealth Fund, served as deputy assistant secretary for health policy in the Department of Health and Human Services for all four years of the Carter administration. She advocates a Canadian-style single-payer health care system. And under her leadership, the Commonwealth Fund has published a steady stream of studies that tout the joys and efficiencies of government-run health care systems. .”

It goes on.
This is one of the most blatant misrepresentations of what someone else has posted. This is the very reason why it is useless to engage on this board.

"Yes it is true Europe is being overrun by people fleeing the perpetual war in the middle east George Bush started"

I mean, it's even more stupid the second time I read it.
i'm sorry who is the snowflake crying everyday on twitter? Yeah i thought so.

95% of republicans voted a man who abuses women for President.

Allegations from decades ago with no proof to back them up. This woman has a tape on Ellison and although she doesn't want to release it publicly she has more than likely showed it to someone in the media because that's why they all suddenly started to take her seriously over the past couple of days and report her story after months of ignoring her.

You also don't find it odd or questionable that every single one of Trump's accusers have faded away since the election has been over and none of them are no longer seeking justice for the so called abuse they've had to live through? They where hell bent on getting justice the month before the election. Why the sudden change of heart? The media completely ignores them and their story now too at a time when the media goes after Trump for everything. Why is that? Maybe because of lack of credibility and they know it was a Democrat hit to win an election?
If you go on CNN and tell the truth instead of repeating the preferred narrative the former CIA panel guest (Operation Mockingbird disinfo agent) on set tries to take over the show and throw you out.

Phil Mudd Explodes at Paris Dennard During Heated CNN Panel: ‘We’re Done! Get Out!’

A CNN segment on security clearances went off the rails on Friday when ex-deputy director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center and cable news commentator Phil Mudd tried to throw fellow panelist Paris Dennard off the show.

"A lot of people that have these security clearances, and this is the secret in swampy Washington, D.C.", Dennard said, "They have them and they keep them because it's profitable for them after they leave government. Because if you have a security clearance, especially a high-level security clearance, your contracts and consulting gigs pay you a lot more money because of the access you have." Dennard insisted.

“Zero. I get zero dollars from consulting companies that deal with the U.S. Government. Are we clear?” Mudd shouted.

“Well, I will be clear in saying that everybody in Washington, D.C. knows — if you don’t want to be honest about it, that’s on you, — but if you have a security clearance and you keep it, you get more money to have it,” Paris opined.

“We’re done, Jim. We’re done. Get out!” Mudd shouted.

“It’s not your show. I’m staying right here,” Dennard said, before suggesting Mudd should not be “so defensive about this.”
Good lord the left is psychotic. Ice cream and abortion.
I was reading a comment on Jezebel (I know, I know) where a woman said getting an abortion was the best day she had in a while because she got off work, got to watch Netflix with her boyfriend, and went out for tacos and margaritas that night with her friends. She said she got the abortion because she couldn't afford the kid. Now, aside from the sociopathic tendencies necessary to describe killing an infant as "a perfect day", I guess this moron didn't stop to realize how much all that shit she described cost.

In sum, the left are murderous pigs
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Alex Jones can spout his insane conspiracy theories all he wants. Unfortunately for him, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are not required to give him that platform.
John Brennan can spout his insane conspiracy theories all he wants. Unfortunately for him, the US government is not required to give him a security clearance.